Saturday 11 January 2014


Can you imaging waking up in the morning lying on your bed, asking yourself; "what are some of the secrets to success in life?" I discovered that ordinary things can communicate extraordinary insights.  The answer is right there in your very room.

The fan said,"be cool",

The roof said, "aim high", YOUR HELP COMES FROM THE LORD

The window said, "see the world." GOD IS AWESOME

The clock said, "every minute is precious." MAXIMIZE every OPPORTUNITY

The mirror said, "reflect before you act". See Yourself as WONDERFULLY & FEARFULLY made

The calender said, "be up to date". REDEEM THE TIME

The floor said "kneel down and pray". GOD  ANSWERS PRAYERS

The toilet said "flush the waste" GET RID OF ANGER

The Bible  on the room table laughed and said, "read me for direction". I am your LAMP and LIGHT

The door said "you can open me and close me." GOD WILL KEEP YOUR GOING OUT AND YOUR COMING IN

Do your best to see God using everything to communicate with you. Take nothing for granted. Ps.139:1-16

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde
Conference President
"Be at peace with all men"
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