Saturday 11 January 2014


Sunday, January 12

Luke 6:37-42


Do not judge, and you will not be judged…Luke 6:37, NIV

Humans are often quick to pass judgment. In fact, sometimes, they do not bother to find out facts about allegations before pronouncing the alleged guilty. Courts of law are not left out of this. Many have been wrongly condemned by people who are guilty of similar offences themselves because their own secrets have not been revealed yet. A former speaker of the House of Representatives in this country was alleged of embezzling and squandering public money. Few years later, the ring leader of the group that championed her impeachment was alleged and found guilty of similar crime. He, however, remains a member of the house perhaps because he has strong political backings. What an irony!
       Today, the Lord is telling us to keep a rein on our mouth when somebody is being condemned. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt; even when found guilty, we should restore rather than condemn people.
     When we need to rebuke people for wrongdoing, let us do it to correct rather than condemn them. Remember you are a sinner saved by grace and until you cross to the other side of this earthly divide, you never can tell.       

• Birthday Blessing:The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you... Deuteronomy 31:8.

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 29, 30; Matthew 10:1-23

It is very hard to behold our own gifts without pride, and the gifts of others without envy.  -Vavasor Powell

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