Tuesday 14 January 2014



January 14

James 4:7-12


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.  James 4:10, KJV

The Tehran royal palace has the most beautiful entrance of all palaces in the world today. The ceilings, sidewalls and columns of the palace were covered with diamond. In the course of planning the building, the architect sent an order to Paris for mirrors to cover the entrance wall.

However, while transporting the mirrors, they fell out and smashed. The men were about to throw them all away when one of them suggested that they should see what the broken pieces would look like when fitted together.

The result is an enormous distortion in reflection that sparkles as diamond and dazzles like rainbow colours. This is an example of being broken to be more beautiful. God can do even greater wonders with our lives when we are broken before Him.

Today, James is urging us to humble ourselves before God. In His Kingdom, the only prerequisite to lifting is humility. Brokenness is a virtue in humility. Some Christians are in afflictions because they are only converted but not broken.

Finding it difficult to say 'I'm sorry' has destroyed so many lives. Your ability to apologise is not a sign of weakness but a virtue of maturity.

•Birthday Blessing:I will give you a full life span. Exodus 23:26

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 33, 34, 35; Matthew 11

Repentance begins in the humiliation of the heart, and ends in the reformation of the life - John Mason

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