Sunday 19 January 2014


      Judging by the current affairs in the world at large, with particular reference to the socio-economic and religious situations, one can safely asserts that many families have either gone through or are currently going through an experience of illusion. Illusion may be simply defined as an idea or conception or belief that is both false and deceptive.

Again, illusion has to do with something that is false in appearance. We may also use the following words and expressions like "delusion", "deception", "fantasy", "daydream", and "figment of one's imagination" to drive home the meaning of this word. It should be noted that the experience of illusion may either be self-inflicted or brought upon a person or a family by virtue of association or affiliation, either social or religious.
The effects of illusion on an individual or a family include but not limited to the following: anxiety, false expectation, unrealistic goal setting, false self esteem, and so on and so forth. What is of interest to us in this short discourse is how to deal with illusion especially in the context of a Christian home. Below are five major steps to take in dealing with family illusions.

1. Be Sensitive.
The idea of sensitivity in this context connotes the idea of awareness. It is quite unfortunate to note that many people today do not really know themselves. As a result, they are easily deluded. A good biblical example is Apostle Peter who vowed to go to any length with Jesus Christ, but ran away in the face of persecution (see Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75).

2. Be Sincere.
Another virtue needed to deal with illusion is sincerity. People/families often live deceptively these days because they are not sincere and so are not able to confront their situations. One of the sons of the prophet (Elisha) was sincere about his situation; he decided not to be deceptive with himself and others. He confessed that the ax-head that fell into the river was borrowed (see 2 Kings 6:1-7).

3. Be Specific.
One major reason why many daydream these days is simply because of lack of precision. To avoid daydreaming, we must be specific with regards to what we actually want in life. Apostle Paul was specific. He said "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Being specific means being focused.

4. Be Satisfied.
The idea of satisfaction here means contentment. Only those who are satisfied with Jesus Christ are not tossed here and there by the figments of their imaginations. Apostle Paul said, "I have leant the secret of being content in any and every situation" (Philippians 4:12).

5. Be Spiritual.
Often times we are carried away by our self-created fantasies as a result of our carnal and unbridled ambitions (see James 1:13-15). To overcome this, we must be spiritual. To be spiritual simply means to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:16). 


Rev. 'Sola Idowu Ph.D
Living is Christ
Philippians 1:21
Pastor, New Life Baptist Church, Owode, Ajah
Moderator, Shalom Baptist Association.
1st Vice Chairman, Lagos Central Baptist Conference.

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