Sunday 19 January 2014



Sunday, January 19

Luke 14:7-18; 22-24


…so that when your host comes… you will be honoured in the presence of all your fellow guests. Luke 14:10, NIV

Honour and disgrace are in complete contrasts.  Everyone desires to be honoured but no one likes disgrace. But, honour is earned.

Imagine being invited to a dinner with your state governor or your country president. What a great honour indeed! But what if God, Creator of all great men, leaders and the whole earth invites you to dinner! God desires to dine with you, but only on one condition - you must be His child. He loves and cares for His own. Are you one? If you are not, make this day honourable; yield to His invitation and give your life to Jesus.

Those who honoured the invitation received honour, while those who excused and turned down the invitation were disgraced. As cogent as their excuses seem, the convener considered them untenable. God does not honour anyone who turns down His invitation to salvation.

Friend, how many times have you turned God down for studies, jobs, relationships, challenges, and what-have-you? You had better honour Him now before it is too late. Jesus invites you because "…still there is room" (Luke 14:22) to be saved and honoured.

If you miss this opportunity, you may be eternally disgraced.

• Birthday Blessing: …you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. Psalm 3:3
Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 45, 46; Matthew 13:44-58

Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can. – D.L. Moody

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