Thursday 9 January 2014


Thursday, January 9

1 Peter 2:11-17


Live such good lives among the pagans…1 Peter 2:12, NIV

Living as God's servant in a world highly populated by unbelievers, partial 'believers' and people of diverse faiths is a huge task. It requires living a blameless and open life to both friends and foes. God's servants should be models to various categories of people:

(a) Pagans; though they are always accusing believers, may be proven wrong by your actions and as such glorify God.
(b) Instituted authorities, meant to punish wrongs, should find you blameless and as such commend you.
(c) Foolish men who talk ignorantly should be silenced by your good deeds.
(d) Believers (fellow servants of God) should be encouraged by your life.

The world is in dire need of people who will set standards of moral values today. We believers are in a better position to meet this need because of our faith in Christ whose Spirit indwells us. We should help the world retrace its steps back to God by our exemplary living.
     We can do this by our sobriety, humility, patience, truthfulness and love. Anything outside of these is unacceptable to God and cannot endear sinners to Him.

Examine yourself; are you a servant of God or the devil's right-hand man? 2014 is a year to decide for Christ.

• Birthday Blessing:None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign LORD.  Ezekiel 12:28

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 23, 24; Matthew 8

The business of our lives is not to please ourselves but to please God. - Matthew Henry

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