Friday 31 January 2014


Friday, January 31

They profess that they know God but in works deny Him…. Titus 1:16, NRSV

A pastor boarded a commercial vehicle and the conductor deliberately by-passed him while collecting fare from passengers. When the pastor reached his destination, he brought out his fare and gave it to the conductor. He did not know that the conductor was a member of his church.

The following Sunday, the conductor came to the church and shared the testimony with the congregation that the pastor is a man of integrity, who does not only preach the Word of God, but also lives it.

Our actions speak louder than our voice. A little demonstration of Christian character is much more effective than several days of preaching and teaching. I know of a woman, from a Muslim background, who got converted just because someone demonstrated Christian virtue to her.

As believers, God expects more than mere profession of faith from us; He wants to see us live like Christ, practically witnessing the Gospel daily. The world also wants to perceive the aroma of Christ in our lives.

We are hypocrites when we profess to be Christians and fail to live it out. By this, we disappoint God and fail humanity. You either draw people to Christ or push them away by your actions. You will surely be rewarded for either.

As you go out let others see Jesus through your demonstration of patience, faithfulness, love, tolerance, gentleness, purity, generosity and other Christian virtues.

• Birthday Blessing: You will arise and show compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her… Psalm 102:13

Read Bible Through Passage:  Exodus 22, 23; Matthew 22:1-22

The authenticity of your Christianity will be proved by your lifestyle. – Unknown

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