Monday 20 January 2014


Seek Daily NBC

Tuesday, January 21

Job 34: 17-30


They caused the cry of the poor to come before him, so that he heard the cry of the needy. Job 34: 28, NIV

God has never ignored the cry of the poor and the afflicted. Each time they cry unto Him, He hears and comes to their aid. He executes judgment on the high and mighty whenever they take undue advantage of  the poor. Note that even before the poor and the afflicted cry unto Him for judgment, God has already seen it (v. 21-23).

The implication of this is that whoever cheats the poor and afflicts people in any way will not go scot-free. Thus, those who occupy exalted positions should tread cautiously; for God can, through any means, remove wicked people from power and
then replace them.

The main issue today is that God loathes oppression. The rich who oppress the less privileged in the society are offending God. No matter how long it takes, God shall execute judgment on  them. This is to underscore the fact that all men are equal before Him.

Are you poor and being afflicted?  Cry no more. Your tears are 'liquid prayers' and Your Maker has heard them all. He will soon come to help you. Are you afflicting people? Stop it now; else you will court the anger of God. Always remember that God is the Defender of the less privileged.

• Birthday Blessing: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 49, 50; Matthew

Times of affliction are usually gaining times for God's  people. -Joseph Alleine

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