Wednesday 8 January 2014

BELIEVER'S FAMILY: Facing God's Testing by Dr Aigbaduma

       At the popular Alaba International market in the Lagos suburb, there is a section reputable for trading in used imported merchandise popularly called in our local parlance "Tokunbo". In this section you can get almost get anything that you want ranging from household utensils to basic electronic equipments and computers.
         Traders in these scrap items will tell you that they are categorized into 'tested' and 'untested'.  They can vouch for the 'tested' items and guarantee their performance, at least for the immediate time, because they have been worked upon and necessary repairs have been done. Right there they can plug it into the mains, and make you see that it works.
   This cannot be said however of the 'untested', which are barely offloaded from the container and have not been worked upon. Consequently, anyone who care to purchase the untested does so at his or her risk as performance cannot be guaranteed.
        This same principle applies in God's kingdom. There are those who have been tested by God over the years and are guaranteed to perform or deliver.
■They have developed strong and reliable character through their testing and walk with God.
■They are humble and do not arrogate to themselves the power of their successes or achievements.
■They are quick to let everyone know that 'not I but God.'
     One evidence of testing is faithfulness in service to God.There are those who though are high sounding and are about everywhere, are 'untested' and will fail God when it matters most.
       They are described by Apostle Paul as novice (1 Timothy 3:5) or neophyte because they have not gone through the testing that qualifies a man or woman of God.
     All had theirs through the wilderness experience and they triumphed later years in leadership. It is true and has been established over  the ages that God never uses a man or woman that has not been tested or worked upon.
         The purpose of testing is like the fire furnace that removes the dross from the gold and makes it shine forth as genuine. Our testing removes the dross of self, ego or pride, world, materialism etc., that prevents the glory of God shining forth through our lives.
       ''The trial  of your faith being much precious than of gold that perisheth, though tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ.'. (1 Peter 1:7).

Are you tested and pliable or untested and obstinate in God's hand?

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