Friday 3 January 2014



Friday, January 3

Leviticus 23:1-8


…On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall do no work on that day. Leviticus 23:8, AMP

Apart from being a day of rest and remembrance, the Sabbath is also a holy convocation. Among the Hebrews, the expression "holy convocation" means "appointed time."
       The Sabbath was a symbol of the covenant that existed between Israel and God. As a sign of the divine agreement, therefore, the people were to do no work. One of the three celebrated feasts that were rounded off on a Sabbath was the Passover; a day to celebrate Israel's freedom from the oppression of Egypt.

     It is the most important of the celebrations in Israel till date. Convocation suggests graduation from school into a life of freedom and fulfilment. By implication, God is saying that in 2014, He will set you free from all bondage.
      Are you in the final year of high school  or tertiary institution? Then, get ready to enter into a time of unlimited freedom. However, in your Sabbath (time of rest, joy and celebration) remember God. Let your rest be meaningful and God glorifying. Remember, you would not have been here if God had not been with you.

• Birthday Blessing:For I know the plans I have for you…to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah29:11 

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 6, 7, 8; Matthew 3

God requires satisfaction because He is holy, but He makes satisfaction because He is love. – Augustus H. Strong

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