Monday 6 January 2014



Monday, January 6

Psalm 7:7-17


…Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness…. Psalm 7:8b, KJV

If our conscience condemns us not, we shall have a glorious rest. David, having examined his heart, discovered no hidden sin. So, with confidence he asked God to judge him. Not everybody can be confident enough to say this. Before humans, anybody can pretend to be a saint and swear even in falsehood, but with God before whom nothing is hidden, no judgment can be perverted.

With God judgment is according to performance and He cannot be bought over. Place yourself on God's performance scale today and note your level. Can you confidently plead "not guilty" to the devil's charges against you? Be informed that God as the righteous Judge will not judge you unjustly; He is not partial.

      As humans, attaining righteousness could be difficult but the death of Jesus Christ has made it easy for us. Jesus has become our righteousness and through the Holy Spirit, helps us to live rightly. So you can boldly ask your Father (God) to judge you according to Jesus' righteousness in you. And if He discharges and acquits you, no one can convict you.

Birthday Blessing: He will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee; fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 15, 16, 17; Matthew 5:31-48

Once the will of God to me was a sigh; now it is a song. -Frances Ridley Havergal

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