Wednesday 8 January 2014



Wednesday, January 8

Romans 6:16-23


Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are…? Romans 6:16, KJV

   Practically, no one is autonomous. We are all subjects to either God or the devil. The one you obey is the one to whom you pay allegiance.

     Apostle Paul tells us today what obedience to either God or the devil means. He also gives a counsel that should not be ignored by any right thinking person. The truth is, you may not know who you are enslaved to until you take a critical and inward look into your life.
If you indulge in sin with impunity, then you are enslaved to the devil. You must pray to get out of that state. Admit your faults, confess them and run to the Lord.

    A life enslaved to God is a life bound to doing things as God wills. It is a life sold out to righteous living; doing what is pleasing to God, beneficial to humanity and makes you (the doer) happy and fulfilled.

Remember, whoever you are enslaved to determines your lot both now and in the future. He even determines your place in eternity. The devil's appeal may seem sweet now but it is ever poisonous; do not be enticed. God's appeal may be unappealing at present, but it leaves you with no regret either now or later.

• Birthday Blessing: The Lord will keep you from all harm…both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7-8.

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 20, 21, 22; Matthew 7

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