Thursday 23 January 2014



Thursday, January 23

Luke 19:1-10


"But Zacchaeus…said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor…"Luke 19:8, NIV

Zacchaeus' story always fascinates me.
It illustrates some salient points: he had a strong desire to see Jesus at all costs and he made all efforts towards achieving this. Barring all limitations, he sought after the Lord and fulfilled his desire (Jeremiah 29:13). In the process, he did the unusual to draw the attention of Jesus (Luke 19:5); he climbed a tree.
His encounter with Jesus was a turning point in his life such that he could no longer harbour sin.

Christ's unreserved acceptance of him humbled and spurred in him a life of compassion towards the poor and those he had cheated. Thus, He proved his new life by restitution (v. 8).

While it is good to give to the poor, it is best to do so in response to the Lord, and His will. Every motive of our service to God will be x-rayed before a reward will be awarded. It is good to root all our good deeds in the will of God.

One of the changes our new life in Christ should bring is a compassionate attitude towards the poor. Instead of cheating them, we make efforts to better their lives, making life worth living for them.

So, you are enjoined to give to that poor neighbour of yours, today.

• Birthday Blessing: The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. Exodus 14:13
Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 4, 5; Matthew 15:29-39

Live near to God, and all things will appear little to you in comparison with eternal realities. – Robert Murray M'Cheyne

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