Tuesday 17 December 2013

Jesus Christ: The Joy of the Kingdom People

      Christmas is here again! It is time to remember He who died that we may live. He left His glory to identify with our weaknesses. He would have come in Kingly glory, but He chose the manger. Indeed he chose the poor Joseph and Mary aschannels of appearance. Luke 2:6-7 affirmed that "Mary brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid himin a manger; because there was no room in the inn". What an irony for him to become poor so that through his poverty, we may experience prosperity.
   This Jesus Christ, indisputably born of the Virgin Mary, the fulfilment of human redemption, is the joy of the kingdom People. We are Kingdom people.

    Our Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. We servean eternal King who cannot be conquered. "...of his Kingdom, there shall be no end". The King of our Kingdom fears no foe for throughJ esus Christ, man's redemption from the chief foe was accomplished.Jesus Christ is our joy because he lived a blameless life. The Prince of this world could not fault him.
       Jesus Christ is our joy becausethrough him we obtain peace. The King of our kingdom is called thePrince of Peace. He is our joy because he is coming back again.
Friends, Jesus Christ can be your joy too if you embrace him today

Rev.Timothy 'Bukunmi Popoola,
Minister of Missions & Church Development
Lagos Central Baptist Conference

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