Thursday 26 December 2013


Friday, December 27

Isaiah 49:8-13


"…Burst into song oh mountain! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones." Isaiah 49:13, NIV
      God again reveals His compassionate character to His people, who, as a Father, having chastised his son, will again draw him to Himself in love. God demonstrated to Israel that though He is into a perpetual covenant of love with them, yet He will not overlook their errors. At the same time, He demonstrated to them that He would not be angry with them forever. By God's judgement, no sinner will go unpunished but no repentant sinner shall continue to serve punishment.
      Beloved, you must know that every experience you go through in life is for a reason. In fact all God is doing for you now is an act of shepherding to cleanse and purify you from sin so as to enable you attain that glorious paradise where nothing shall be lacking. You must therefore, see your present state as a necessary path He wants you to take especially, if at one time or the other, you have been disobedient. Are you going through troubles and trails? Be comforted that it is because He loves you.

Read Bible Through Passage: Zech. 4, 5, 6, 7; Rev. 19

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