Monday 30 December 2013


Monday, December 30

John 5:2-17


Jesus said to them, "My father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working." John 5:17, NIV

      Our God is a relentless worker. By words and deeds, His unbreakable track record of activities pre-dates creation (Genesis 1:3; Hebrews 1:3). The flurry of activities in our world is an evidence of God's continual business. Take for instance the barrage of requests that are being sent to God every moment and to which He is graciously dispatching answers to. All through Christ's ministry on earth, He was busy preaching, teaching, healing, visiting homes, towns and villages. He left indelible marks wherever He went. No humankind, force or time could debar Him.

      The man who had been incapacitated by the pool of Bethsaida for thirty-eight years was one of the beneficiaries of Christ's work on earth. God is still looking for people on whom He would work. The duration of your suffering notwithstanding, when He speaks, you shall experience a change for His glory. Again, because Christ is at work you cannot afford to be lazy. So get busy for the Master.

Read Bible Through Passage: Micah 14; Rev. 21:15-27 

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