Tuesday 24 December 2013


Tuesday, December 24

Leviticus 12:1-5


On the Eight day, the boy is to be circumcised.Leviticus 12:3, NIV

      Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the male genital, a custom that began with Abraham as a sign of the covenant between God and him. By rule, every male child must be circumcised on the eight day (v. 3). The spiritual significance is found in Deuteronomy 10:16, where the "foreskin of the heart" is to be circumcised. This is a pointer to a hardened heart as against that of commitment and obedience to the Lord.

      Although the physical strictness cannot be downplayed, the spiritual interpretation is very vital. The Jews placed value on circumcision as the basis for salvation but Paul debunked it, emphasising rather on grace and faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8). Today, so many people pride themselves in the external activities they do in the name of the Lord. Re-examine yourself today. Are the things you do born out of love for God or a desire to make a name? Is it service prone or relationship driven? Friend, what matters most is a genuine relationship with Christ, only then can the life of Christ ooze out of our lives daily. 

Read Bible Through Passage: Zephaniah 1, 2, 3; Rev. 16 

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