Thursday 24 July 2014



Thursday, July 24

Titus 3:8-14


This is a faithful saying… that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. Titus 3:8, KJV

When we are devoted to good works in Christ Jesus, it has multiple effects and dividends. It is beneficiary to the doer of the good works. It is also a blessing to the recipient of the good works.

God also commends us. Devotion to good work is profitable but before one can make profit in a business enterprise, the state and the disposition of the entrepreneur to his/her business counts.
Apostle Paul reminds us of this significance of good works if we avoid:
(i) foolish questions
(ii) foolish genealogies
(iii) contentions
(iv) striving about the law (v. 9)
(v) rejection of a heretic after the first and second admonition. There is a saying that "evil communication corrupts good manners."

My father once told me that if you are helping a person that is sinking in a deep sea and he/she appears to be pulling you to the depth of the water, the best option is to let go of him/her so that you do not perish along with him/her.

God demands your devotion and commitment to good works. Watch out for warning signs that can contaminate or hinder you from such and it shall be well with your soul.

• Birthday Blessing: "I will surely gather all of you…I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel…the place will throng with people-" Micah 2:12

Read Bible Through Passage: Job 1, 2, 3; Acts 20:17-38

The power of determination is the bedrock of destiny. - Anonymous

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