Tuesday 22 July 2014



Tuesday, July 22

James 4: 11-17


Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin James 4:17, NIV

Life always presents to us the options of good and evil. We have the opportunity to either speak evil or good of our colleagues.

If we decide to speak evil of anyone, by implication, we pronounce judgments on such individual (v. 11). God has not called us to pronounce judgment on others. He never made us judges. He is the Judge and Lawgiver (v. 12).

Today's text affirms that the good you know how to do but you decided not to do will be counted against. Look around. What are those things that God has been calling your attention to but you have ignored His promptings?

Those little acts of kindness that you have refused to do can pit you against God. We are also admonished to be careful of boasting about the future as if it is already ours. Jesus owns our tomorrow. We must ascribe all the glory to Him by acknowledging that He is supreme over our being.

It is a privilege to be alive and we must not take that for granted. All honour and adoration must be unto God.

Today, be conscious of the fact that God owns your life and future. Give Him the credit. This is the route to doing good as against evil.

• Birthday Blessing: "In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as chief among mountains…and people will stream to it-" Micah 4:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Esther 6, 7, 8; Acts 19:23-41

Your boat cannot take you to where the fishes are but the Master can. - Anonymous

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