Wednesday 16 July 2014


Wednesday, July 16
Acts 5:1-11

And great fear came upon all the church and upon as many as heard these things. Acts 5:11, KJV

Sapphira conspired with Ananias her husband to lie to the Holy Spirit. They sold a possession but instead of releasing the whole sum of money as they promised and proclaimed, they released part of it for the work of the Lord. They thought nobody would find out about the lie. They forgot that God, the Head of the Church is all-seeing and all-knowing.

We need to learn not to collaborate to do evil and also, that truth must be told exactly the way it is. We must also note that God sees and He judges. There are always blessings attached to obedience as there is also punishment for disobedience.

The couple (Ananias and Sapphira) became examples for us in our days. When people learn from us, it is better that they learn positive things so that we can become good reference point. Sapphira and her husband were not. As a result of their sin, fear fell upon the congregation.

Be determined to co-operate with God in truth, holiness and soberness of mind. This is the way to joy, prosperity and life. Death is far away from anyone who tells the truth. Be determined to tell the truth today and always.
Be an example of good works so that you will not put God to test.

• Birthday Blessing: "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance… -" Psalm 2:8, NIV

Read Bible Through Passage: Nehemiah 4, 5, 6; Acts 15:1-18

All that is not eternal is eternally useless. - C.S. Lewis

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