Thursday 3 July 2014


Thursday, July 3
1 Corinthians 5:9-13

But now I have written unto you not to keep company with anyone...not even to eat with such a person.  1 Corinthians 5:11, KJV

Apostle Paul gave a godly counsel about immorality that wanted to destroy the testimony of the church at Corinth. He was conscious of the need for the church to promote the standard of holiness because of where it was situated.

Initially from chapter 5, he spoke specifically about the incestuous brother in the church but in verse 9, Paul spoke generally and encouraged the righteous in the church to show hatred for sin in a more practical way.

The only way was for them to dissociate from a professing Christian who continues with immoral acts; and has a scandalous character. This is to show to the world that the church does not tolerate sin.

He further warned them to desist from eating sacred meals that could promote their association with the world. These instructions are relevant to us today. When you associate with someone with a scandalous character, you portray that you are both of the same nature.

The time has come for you to check your life and that of those you associate with. Prayerfully decide today to have a change of attitude and identify with godly people in order to witness to others.

• Birthday Blessing: "May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion." – Psalm 20:2

Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chronicles 21, 22, 23; Acts 7:41-60

We must first be made good before we can do good; we must first be made just before our works can please God. – Hugh Latimer

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