Friday 28 March 2014

Essentials of Godly Success: Commitment

Commitment is having a unswerving devotion to a cause, person or relationship. It is the act of holding on or staying put regardless of the payback or reward.

Commitment involves knowledge and understanding. We must take time to identify and continuously seek to know and understand who and what we are committed to.

When we stop interacting with the person, issue or object we are committed to we run the risk of becoming uncommitted.The kind of commitment that leads to godly success, healthy relationships, territorial expansion and life changing discoveries is  the one that refuses to succumb to intimidation and persecution.

To say “I will be committed if …” actually means that I am only making a deal and not a commitment. If we are ready to abandon a cause or relationship because of certain threats or rewards then we are not committed.If you will succeed maritally and in your chosen vocation you must be committed.

Commitment is one of the major factor that distinguish those who finish from those who fizzle away. If you will get to the promise land you must resist the urge to quit the race while marching through the wilderness. Watch out for distractions. Distractions are the untiring foes of the committed.

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