Friday 7 March 2014



Friday, March 7

Matthew 22:41-46


What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he...? Matthew 22:42, NIV

When Jesus had a dialogue with the offensive Pharisees who were mistaken about His personality, He asked them a question: “whose son is the messiah?” But they were completely confounded by this as they answered that He was the “Son of David.” The point is: Jesus knew His purpose on earth. So, He was never confused.

Have you discovered your purpose for living? This is one way you cannot be confused in life. Besides, if you must shut out the enemies of your progress, you need wisdom based on the Word of God to answer them.

Discovering your purpose will help you overcome all your challenges in life, career and ministry.

Do not allow any human being to confuse you. For Jesus, “no one dared question him anymore” (v. 46). Why? By wisdom, He silenced all His accusers. The wisdom of God, His anointing, and the knowledge of the Scriptures will help you silence your enemies too.    
• Birthday Blessing: “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace [be] unto you: as [my] Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” John 20:21

Read Bible Through Passage: Numbers 26, 27; Mark 10:23-52

I would sooner bring one sinner to Jesus Christ than unpick all the mysteries of the divine Word. – C.H. Spurgeon

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