Thursday 16 January 2014



Thursday, January 16

Psalm 147:1-11


The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. Psalm 147:2, NKJV

The first 'outcasts' were Adam and Eve who traded their inheritance for a fruit. Consequently, they and their children became fugitives.

However, it pleased God, in His great mercy and love, to gather them again, after they have acknowledged their wrongs and repented. Truly, no good father will make his child suffer hunger for whatever offence.

Similarly, God has been gracious unto us. He hopes that someday, we would realise our wrongs and come back to Him. That is why, even while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. No true child of God feels good after sinning because he knows that sin impairs his relationship with God. Sin has torment and makes a Christian unproductive.

If you cannot connect to the throne of grace, you cannot obtain mercy and find help in time of need. You must find your way back to God and He will turn your captivity and have compassion on you (Deuteronomy 30:1-3); He will therefore restore you. How you need that now!

Please, don't remain an outcast. Go back to your Father; He is waiting to have you back. Confess your sins and beg for pardon right now.

• Birthday Blessing: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 38, 39, 40; Matthew 12:22-50

God is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved - Anonymous

Tuesday 14 January 2014



January 14

James 4:7-12


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.  James 4:10, KJV

The Tehran royal palace has the most beautiful entrance of all palaces in the world today. The ceilings, sidewalls and columns of the palace were covered with diamond. In the course of planning the building, the architect sent an order to Paris for mirrors to cover the entrance wall.

However, while transporting the mirrors, they fell out and smashed. The men were about to throw them all away when one of them suggested that they should see what the broken pieces would look like when fitted together.

The result is an enormous distortion in reflection that sparkles as diamond and dazzles like rainbow colours. This is an example of being broken to be more beautiful. God can do even greater wonders with our lives when we are broken before Him.

Today, James is urging us to humble ourselves before God. In His Kingdom, the only prerequisite to lifting is humility. Brokenness is a virtue in humility. Some Christians are in afflictions because they are only converted but not broken.

Finding it difficult to say 'I'm sorry' has destroyed so many lives. Your ability to apologise is not a sign of weakness but a virtue of maturity.

•Birthday Blessing:I will give you a full life span. Exodus 23:26

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 33, 34, 35; Matthew 11

Repentance begins in the humiliation of the heart, and ends in the reformation of the life - John Mason

Monday 13 January 2014



Monday, January 13

Isaiah 14:12-20


For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven.… Isaiah 14:13, KJV

      In every man is a 'king' that wants to rule and be in charge always. But the knowledge of the Gospel makes a better and lasting 'king' out of those who submit to Christ's leadership. That is why the Psalmist says true exaltation comes only from God (Psalm 75:6-7).
  One of the greatest sins against grace is self-exaltation. Lucifer was one of the most valuable angels of God who ranked above other cherubs in heaven. His demotion began the day he thought of raising his throne above that of God (Isaiah 14:12-20). Though rain comes from the top, yet it ends on the earth. Thus self-exaltation brings disgrace.
      When Nebuchadnezzar failed to recognise the grace that brought him to authority, he was demoted. Practically, he became an animal, eating grass for seven years until he acknowledged that the Most High rules in the affairs of men; and submitted to His Lordship (Daniel 4:30-37).
    God's grace for increase and exaltation is only for the meek and self-exaltation leads to eternal damnation. Are you proud or self-conceited? Examine yourself and change your heart lest you are humbled!

•Birthday Blessing: You will arise and have compassion on Zion. Psalm 102:13  

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 31, 32; Matthew 10:24-25

God will not go with that man who marches in his own strength. -Anonymous


      With indescribable heavy heart,  I heard the announcement of the sudden home call of Prince 'Wole Gbadegesin whom I have personal relationship with for over 22years.
    I recall with joy that you gave me a brand New Racer Daewoo Car to use for my wedding for two weeks that a new wife must enjoy something new. Your wisdom is unique,  liberal and social. Many people will miss you.

Prince Gbadegesin was the MD/CEO Perpetual Finace Ltd till his death. He was a Zonal Controller with NIDB at a time, Board Member,  Trans International Bank and Chairman,  Great Nigerian Insurance to mention a few.

He is survived by children and his wife  Moni Esther Gbadegesin. Mrs Gbadegesin an Educationist  is representing Lagos Central Baptist Conference in Education Management Board of the 3nos Mission Schools.

The remains will be buried at OTU in Oyo state today.

May God stand by Sister Moni and renew her faith in Jesus Christ with that of the Children.

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde
Conference President

Saturday 11 January 2014


Sunday, January 12

Luke 6:37-42


Do not judge, and you will not be judged…Luke 6:37, NIV

Humans are often quick to pass judgment. In fact, sometimes, they do not bother to find out facts about allegations before pronouncing the alleged guilty. Courts of law are not left out of this. Many have been wrongly condemned by people who are guilty of similar offences themselves because their own secrets have not been revealed yet. A former speaker of the House of Representatives in this country was alleged of embezzling and squandering public money. Few years later, the ring leader of the group that championed her impeachment was alleged and found guilty of similar crime. He, however, remains a member of the house perhaps because he has strong political backings. What an irony!
       Today, the Lord is telling us to keep a rein on our mouth when somebody is being condemned. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt; even when found guilty, we should restore rather than condemn people.
     When we need to rebuke people for wrongdoing, let us do it to correct rather than condemn them. Remember you are a sinner saved by grace and until you cross to the other side of this earthly divide, you never can tell.       

• Birthday Blessing:The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you... Deuteronomy 31:8.

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 29, 30; Matthew 10:1-23

It is very hard to behold our own gifts without pride, and the gifts of others without envy.  -Vavasor Powell


Can you imaging waking up in the morning lying on your bed, asking yourself; "what are some of the secrets to success in life?" I discovered that ordinary things can communicate extraordinary insights.  The answer is right there in your very room.

The fan said,"be cool",

The roof said, "aim high", YOUR HELP COMES FROM THE LORD

The window said, "see the world." GOD IS AWESOME

The clock said, "every minute is precious." MAXIMIZE every OPPORTUNITY

The mirror said, "reflect before you act". See Yourself as WONDERFULLY & FEARFULLY made

The calender said, "be up to date". REDEEM THE TIME

The floor said "kneel down and pray". GOD  ANSWERS PRAYERS

The toilet said "flush the waste" GET RID OF ANGER

The Bible  on the room table laughed and said, "read me for direction". I am your LAMP and LIGHT

The door said "you can open me and close me." GOD WILL KEEP YOUR GOING OUT AND YOUR COMING IN

Do your best to see God using everything to communicate with you. Take nothing for granted. Ps.139:1-16

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde
Conference President
"Be at peace with all men"
Twitter- @okbabarinde
FB- Kehinde Babarinde
blog  -

Friday 10 January 2014


We condole with Rev. Dr. & Mrs Emmanuel Awotunde. Please,  pray and plan to attend.