Monday 10 April 2017



Oftentimes we wonder about how to preach the gospel in both a familiar and unfamiliar turf. The truth is; the Lord creates opportunities for us to do this from time to time. Many a times, the opportunity may come in form of meeting financial need, or through an hospital patient asking for prayers, or through sudden emergency on an aircraft or through a seeker who intends to know more about the Christian faith by asking probing questions. Whichever way, the certainty is the Lord Jesus usually creates opportunities of ministry for a willing heart. What matters is for Christians to maximize opportunities that present themselves for the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.This write up looks at the opportunity that Philip had to preach the gospel to the Ethiopian Eunuch as found in Acts 8:26-40.

The Eunuch was reading a portion of Isaiah on the surface. Philip heard him read it and simply asked him a question: Do you understand what you are reading? And he said, "How can I unless someone guides me" and he asked Philip to come and sit with him". 

That opportunity afforded Philip the privilege of preaching the gospel to a highly placed government official from Africa that he may not have been privileged to reach ordinarily.  The Bible did not tell us what happens after the disappearance of Philip before this Eunuch, but the scripture was emphatic about the fact that this eunuch "went on his way rejoicing". It can be assumed that the eunuch must have contributed in no small measure to the spread of the gospel in Africa. 

As noted by Craig Keener in IVP Bible Background Commentary, "Christianity especially began to expand in Abyssinia through lay witness in the third century, and that empire was declared "Christian" about the same time as the Roman Empire was". 

Philip maximised the opportunity he had to evangelise the eunuch. When opportunity knocks at your door to declare the good news that a sinner can be delivered by the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus, how do you handle it?  We must note that the greatest miracle is for a sinner to turn to the Lord Jesus. We must continually seek out and maximize every opportunity that comes our way to win a soul for Jesus. We must "make the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil". Ephesisans 5:16.

Oluwabukunmi Popoola is the Minister, Missions and Church Development, Lagos Central Baptist Conference. He holds a Higher National Diploma in Accountancy; Master of Divinity in Theology  and is about completing a research-based Master of Theology degree in Missiology from the same seminary. A mission-minded pastor, he has participated in local and international mission outreaches. He was a member of the Executive Committee, Lagos State Baptist Conference, and Christian Education Advisory Board, Nigerian Baptist Convention. He is a member of the Executive Council of Lagos Central Baptist Conference and her subcommittees on Missions. He is married to Beatrice Abosede nee Abiola. The marriage is blessed with Precious, Promise and Praise.


Friday 10 March 2017


19 ways to fix your wife - when she is falling apart!

Your wife can be dying in silence why still performing her wifely duties, you will need to know her to know when she needs to be fixed.

When a woman is always moody, cries a lot, yell on Children, can easily sleep or sleep a lot, she may be with battling something you are not careful enough to see.

A real man will not allow his wife to fall apart without fixing her and make her better and happy.
If you discover your wife is falling apart, it is often due the following:

You might be her problem, but out of her respect and love for you, she may not tell you. Ask, let her talk sincerely

Get to know how her work load is killing her. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes to work, do you know what she does all day? If you don't, ask her. Her to-do list is probably overflowing with tasks that far outweighs her time and energy.

Be mindful of her needs and appreciative of her sacrifices. The work a woman does at home can be too common that nobody will appreciate her for them, this can be killing her. Appreciate your wife

Don't just be appreciative, but get involved. The best time to begin helping your wife is now. Don't wait until she breaks down to offer a helping hand.

Get all the machine needed for her work at home. Dish washer, gas cooker, refrigerator, oven, laundering Machine etc

Be totally involved at home, stop delegating parenting and family life. Don't be a "visiting Professor", be an active partner in this business of your life. It takes two to parent. It takes two to make a marriage work. It takes two to run a household. Be fully involved in every aspect of your family life.

Hold her like a lover and a friend. Place your hands on her shoulder, her laps, hold her hands, just hold her and let her feel you.

Men are known to be good talker but very bad listeners. At times what your wife need is for you to just listen. Do not interrupt, let her unburden, let her talk. Sometimes the best way for a woman to reset is by getting all of her thoughts out. Let your wife talk through her feelings and problems. Show empathy. Listen carefully. Ask questions. Be fully engaged in the conversation.

Most men do fall into the "Teaching trap" when they are supposed to be a partner, showing love and consideration. Do not blame, just be there for her. Just listen. That's all you need to do. And if she wants you to offer solutions, she'll ask for them

No matter what happen don't ever raise up your hands in surrender. Giving up, crying or weeping will hurt your wife more. Encourage her. Let her know what you love about her. Help her see the good in any situation. Avoid being critical or negative. When she's hit rock bottom, be the man who lifts her up, and brings light and hope back into her life.

Get to know her mood, get to know her needs, get to know what is needed to be done at home and do them without prompting
Learn the art of looking around the house and finding things that need to get done. Are there dishes in the sink? What is broken that needs to be fixed? Don't wait to be asked. Just do it!

Take your time off to pray for her, hand her over to her maker who knows the deepest need of her heart . Let God fix her, you can't do it
Let God know what you appreciate about her. Ask for his help. Ask him to tell you how you can be a better spouse to her. Ask him to comfort her and help her see herself as He see her.

Don't just pray for your wife, find time to pray with her, hug her as you pray together, hold her hands, just talk to your maker together.

Your wife knows what you can do to help her reset, so just ask her. She will open up to you, it may not be what you think, so don't speculate, ask, She'll appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Give a helping hand around the house. Give her kitchen holiday for some days, do all the cooking or hire somebody to do it for you. Let her just sit, eat and rest, this may be all she needs,

Take her out, eat out, go to the cinema, go to wherever she will love to go, not where you want, just follow her.

"Stop crying are you a baby, will you be crying about this little thing?"
This is what most nude earning husband will do when their wives cry, what an insensitive word. If she feel like crying, hold her to yourself and let her do the crying while you pat her on the back. It's a great way to fix the problem.

Allow her to go on holiday all alone to herself, this can fix the problem as she returns with greater energy.

Let your wife be celebrated. Celebrate her in secret and in public. Talk about her beauty, motherhood, wifehood, support, thoughtfulness. This will make her day.

Dr19 ways to fix your wife - when she is falling apart!

Your wife can be dying in silence why still performing her wifely duties, you will need to know her to know when she needs to be fixed.

When a woman is always moody, cries a lot, yell on Children, can easily sleep or sleep a lot, she may be with battling something you are not careful enough to see.

A real man will not allow his wife to fall apart without fixing her and make her better and happy.
If you discover your wife is falling apart, it is often due the following:

You might be her problem, but out of her respect and love for you, she may not tell you. Ask, let her talk sincerely

Get to know how her work load is killing her. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes to work, do you know what she does all day? If you don't, ask her. Her to-do list is probably overflowing with tasks that far outweighs her time and energy.

Be mindful of her needs and appreciative of her sacrifices. The work a woman does at home can be too common that nobody will appreciate her for them, this can be killing her. Appreciate your wife

Don't just be appreciative, but get involved. The best time to begin helping your wife is now. Don't wait until she breaks down to offer a helping hand.

Get all the machine needed for her work at home. Dish washer, gas cooker, refrigerator, oven, laundering Machine etc

Be totally involved at home, stop delegating parenting and family life. Don't be a "visiting Professor", be an active partner in this business of your life. It takes two to parent. It takes two to make a marriage work. It takes two to run a household. Be fully involved in every aspect of your family life.

Hold her like a lover and a friend. Place your hands on her shoulder, her laps, hold her hands, just hold her and let her feel you.

Men are known to be good talker but very bad listeners. At times what your wife need is for you to just listen. Do not interrupt, let her unburden, let her talk. Sometimes the best way for a woman to reset is by getting all of her thoughts out. Let your wife talk through her feelings and problems. Show empathy. Listen carefully. Ask questions. Be fully engaged in the conversation.

Most men do fall into the "Teaching trap" when they are supposed to be a partner, showing love and consideration. Do not blame, just be there for her. Just listen. That's all you need to do. And if she wants you to offer solutions, she'll ask for them

No matter what happen don't ever raise up your hands in surrender. Giving up, crying or weeping will hurt your wife more. Encourage her. Let her know what you love about her. Help her see the good in any situation. Avoid being critical or negative. When she's hit rock bottom, be the man who lifts her up, and brings light and hope back into her life.

Get to know her mood, get to know her needs, get to know what is needed to be done at home and do them without prompting
Learn the art of looking around the house and finding things that need to get done. Are there dishes in the sink? What is broken that needs to be fixed? Don't wait to be asked. Just do it!

Take your time off to pray for her, hand her over to her maker who knows the deepest need of her heart . Let God fix her, you can't do it
Let God know what you appreciate about her. Ask for his help. Ask him to tell you how you can be a better spouse to her. Ask him to comfort her and help her see herself as He see her.

Don't just pray for your wife, find time to pray with her, hug her as you pray together, hold her hands, just talk to your maker together.

Your wife knows what you can do to help her reset, so just ask her. She will open up to you, it may not be what you think, so don't speculate, ask, She'll appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Give a helping hand around the house. Give her kitchen holiday for some days, do all the cooking or hire somebody to do it for you. Let her just sit, eat and rest, this may be all she needs,

Take her out, eat out, go to the cinema, go to wherever she will love to go, not where you want, just follow her.

"Stop crying are you a baby, will you be crying about this little thing?"
This is what most nude earning husband will do when their wives cry, what an insensitive word. If she feel like crying, hold her to yourself and let her do the crying while you pat her on the back. It's a great way to fix the problem.

Allow her to go on holiday all alone to herself, this can fix the problem as she returns with greater energy.

Let your wife be celebrated. Celebrate her in secret and in public. Talk about her beauty, motherhood, wifehood, support, thoughtfulness. This will make her day. 

This article is dedicated to celebrate them 

Dr & Lady Evan Olaleye are visioners of HEALING FOR ALL NATIONS

Thursday 9 March 2017

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett And Oprah All Use The 5-Hour Rule

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett And Oprah All Use The 5-Hour Rule

Top business leaders often spend five hours per week doing deliberate learning.

In the article "Malcolm Gladwell got us wrong", the researchers behind the 10,000-hour rule set the record straight: different fields require different amounts of deliberate practice in order to become world class.

If 10,000 hours isn't an absolute rule that applies across fields, what does it really take to become world class in the world of work?

Over the last year, I've explored the personal history of many widely-admired business leaders like Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg in order to understand how they apply the principles of deliberate practice.

What I've done does not qualify as an academic study, but it does reveal a surprising pattern.

Many of these leaders, despite being extremely busy, set aside at least an hour a day (or five hours a week) over their entire career for activities that could be classified as deliberate practice or learning.

I call this phenomenon the 5-hour rule.

How the best leaders follow the 5-hour rule

For the leaders I tracked, the 5-hour rule often fell into three buckets: reading, reflection, and experimentation.

1. Read

According to an HBR article, "Nike founder Phil Knight so reveres his library that in it you have to take off your shoes and bow."

Oprah Winfrey credits books with much of her success: "Books were my pass to personal freedom." She has shared her reading habit with the world via her book club.

These two are not alone. Consider the extreme reading habits of other billionaire entrepreneurs:

Want to find the time to read? Sign up for the free webinar here.

2. Reflect

Other times, the 5-hour rule takes the form of reflection and thinking time.

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong makes his senior team spend four hours per week just thinking. Jack Dorsey is a serial wanderer. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner schedules two hours of thinking time per day. Brian Scudamore, the founder of the 250 million-dollar company, O2E Brands, spends 10 hours a week just thinking.

When Reid Hoffman needs help thinking through an idea, he calls one of his pals: Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, or Elon Musk. When billionaire Ray Dalio makes a mistake, he logs it into a system that is public to all employees at his company. Then, he schedules time with his team to find the root cause. Billionaire entrepreneur Sara Blakely is a long-time journaler. In one interview, she shared that she has over 20 notebooks where she logged the terrible things that happened to her and the gifts that have unfolded as a result.

If you want to be in to company of others who reflect on what they're learning with each other, join this Facebook group.

3. Experiment

Finally, the 5-hour rule takes the form of rapid experimentation.

Throughout his life, Ben Franklin set aside time for experimentation, masterminding with like-minded individuals, and tracking his virtues. Google famously allowed employees to experiment with new projects with 20% of their work time. Facebook encourages experimentation through Hack-A-Months.

The largest example of experimentation might be Thomas Edison. Even though he was a genius, Edison approached new inventions with humility. He would identify every possible solution and then systematically test each one of them. According to one of his biographers, "Although he understood the theories of his day, he found them useless in solving unknown problems."

He took the approach to such an extreme that his competitor, Nikola Tesla, had this to say about the trial-and-error approach: "If [Edison] had a needle to find in a haystack, he would not stop to reason where it was most likely to be, he would proceed at once with the feverish diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search."

The power of the 5-hour rule: improvement rate

People who apply the 5-hour rule in the world of work have an advantage. The idea of deliberate practice versus just working hard is often confused. Also, most professionals focus on productivity and efficiency, not improvement rate. As a result, just five hours of deliberate learning a week can set you apart.

Billionaire entrepreneur Marc Andreessen poignantly talked about improvement rate in a recent interview. "I think the archetype/myth of the 22-year-old founder has been blown completely out of proportion… I think skill acquisition, literally the acquisition of skills and how to do things, is just dramatically underrated. People are overvaluing the value of just jumping into the deep-end of the pool, because like the reality is that people who jump into the deep end of the pool drown. Like, there's a reason why there are so many stories about Mark Zuckerberg. There aren't that many Mark Zuckerbergs. Most of them are still floating face down in the pool. And so, for most of us, it's a good idea to get skills."

Later in the interview he adds, "The really great CEOs, if you spend time with them, you would find this to be true of Mark [Zuckerberg] today or of any of the great CEOs of today or the past, they are really encyclopedic of their knowledge of how to run a company, and it's very hard to just intuit all of that in your early 20s. The path that makes much more sense for most people is to spend 5–10 years getting skills."

We should look at learning like we look at exercise.

We need to move beyond the cliche, "Life-long learning is good," and think more deeply about what the minimum amount of learning the average person should do per day in order to have a sustainable and successful career.

Just as we have minimum recommended dosages of vitamins, steps per day, and aerobic exercise for leading a healthy life physically, we should be more rigorous about how we as an information society think about the minimum doses of deliberate learning for leading a healthy life economically.

The long-term effects of NOT learning are just as insidious as the long-term effects of not having a healthy lifestyle. The CEO of AT&T makes this point loud and clear in an interview with the New York Times; he says that those who don't spend at least 5 to 10 hours a week learning online "will obsolete themselves with technology."

Interested in applying the 5-hour rule to your life?

There was too much information to fit in one article, so I spent dozens of hours and created a free, live masterclass to help you master your learning ritual too! In it, you will discover:

  • How to find the time for reading and learning even if you are really busy and overwhelmed.
  • How to stay consistent on using that 'found' time without procrastinating or falling prey to distraction.
  • How to 10x the results you receive from each hour of learning.

Sign up for the free Learning How To Learn webinar here >>

Go to the profile of Michael Simmons

Michael Simmons

Award-Winning Entrepreneur / Bestselling Author / Forbes Columnist / Co-Founder of @iEmpact / Blogger at

Sunday 5 March 2017


The world is changing and it's time to be your own boss.

Automation and outsourcing are evaporating the traditional 9-5. Job security, ever-increasing pay and benefits have gone out the window.

But being your own boss gives you incredible freedom. The day I told my old boss I wasn't coming back to the office prison ever again was the best day of my career.

And I'm more successful (mid 7-figure income and growing) than I ever was working a 9-5.

But let's back up.

As recent as 2012, I was freaking broke.

The empty wallet wasn't what sucked, it was the pain of feeling useless, insignificant, and unable to enjoy life.

When I made the choice to start an internet business, my income exploded, and I can now say I am an internet millionaire.

It's not difficult, and I'm going to tell you the most important keys to my success in a second.

There's a key distinction to be made here.

I had thought working a corporate job was the path to success, but I felt more like I was trapped in a comfortable prison.

The worst part of working a white-collar, 9-5 job is that it can feel comfortable.

For most 23-year-olds these days, I had the good life.

My job seemed okay, my apartment was decent, my car was alright, and it felt like if I just stuck with it, I might even get a promotion in a year or two and be able to save money (that long forgotten tradition).

...but I was burying my true feelings. I completely hated my life. I hated my job, I hated my boss, and I hated the fact that I was letting life happen TO me, as opposed to creating my own destiny.

I see many older people who lived that "comfortable" life - had a job for 40+ years, retire relatively broke (the way most people retire these days), and carry with them a million regrets of the things they should have done. I didn't want to end up that way.

Maybe you feel the same way?


I read a book called 'The 4 Hour Workweek' and decided to make a change in my life

I quickly realized that the only path that gave the FREEDOM and FINANCES that I wanted was having an internet-based business.

I was completely directionless about where to start though.

They say investing in yourself is the best investment you can make, but I can say that the hardest decision I can remember is when I decided to invest in my own education.

So I paid for a training course from my first mentor in 2012, and I had never come across such *real* information and discussions about doing business online ever before, and I could see the strategies were working for people.

**w€rkin' It**

I started stringing together wins, to the point where I could afford to attend some of the awesome events my mentor put together in places like Whistler, London, and Bangkok. Many people from those events ended up becoming friends.

What happened next was surreal.

2013: 473k. (whaaaa...? Yep, happened that quickly)

2014: Millionaire.

2015: 7-figure annual.

2016: On track for 5 million, and Forbes wrote an article about me

2017: Had my first child, and on track for 8-figures.

You used to need a complete miracle to go from broke to a millionaire in a few years. Turns out that miracle was the internet, and now anyone is capable of this.

So? What's the point of telling you all this?

First, I'll lay some huge keys to my early success,

1. Read/learn voraciously

Knowledge and SKILLS are your most important assets in every situation.

Income opportunities come and go, but your brain stays with you forever.

If you spend your time chasing silver bullets, you can end up spinning your wheels for years without ever making any real progress.

However, if you spend your time learning valuable information, and building skills along the way, every day you will become that much stronger.

2. Find a mentor

The real turning point in my professional life was when I found someone who had successfully broke the corporate chains.

Knowing that this was possible for someone else fueled my competitive desire to be successful myself.

That competitive urge is powerful… LISTEN TO IT!

Tim Ferriss made me believe.

And my 'online business guru' Lorenzo showed me how to do it.

This brings me to my next point

3. Do EVERYTHING your mentor asks you to do

This is what I did with Tim Ferriss (internet business... automation... etc).

And this is how I learned to create an online business, from Lorenzo.

The rest is history as they say.

So what's the next step for you?

Register for my free webinar where I'll show you they key strategies behind what I do and how you can get started right away:

Making the shift from being a corporate drone into an entrepreneur isn't an easy task.

And I remember just how scary it was when I made the leap.

Even buying that $47 training course by my mentor Lorenzo was an incredibly hard decision for me!

That's why I offer my webinar for free, so that you can see what's possible TODAY, without having to spend anything.

Register here:

Take care,


P.S. - If you are interested in more information about working with my system and training under me as a student, send me a message.

P.P.S. Please share this post to motivate others! I want 2017 to be a turning point year for as many people as possible.

Tuesday 28 February 2017


 Let us speak on the subject "nothing good comes easy". Every good thing has a price. I will illustrate this with a story I heard. 

One day, some guys saw a beautiful tea cup and everyone commented that the tea cup was very beautiful. Suddenly the tea cup spoke. " I have not always been this beautiful. One day, the potter took me and started pushing me, pounding me, pressing me. I screamed and screamed that it was painful. I told him to let me go and be free, for I did not enjoy what he was doing. He shook his head and with a smile said, not yet. Suddenly, he put me on a wheel and started spinning me around. I was dazed and feeling dizzy. I told him to stop and that I was feeling nauseated.  I told him I wanted to throw up and he should stop. He smiled again, shook his head and said, not yet. I thought that was all. He again put me in an oven to heat up.  I felt like I was going to die. I had never seen or felt this kind of heat ever in my life. I was sure I will not make it. Just before giving up, the door opened and I was left to cool. I enjoyed this moment. I wished I would be left alone here but suddenly he took me and stared brushing me with a terrible paint that was choking me. The brush was painful and the paint smelt really bad. I wanted to throw up and I screamed to be left alone. At the top of my voice I was  screaming to be left alone. The potter again smiled and gently said, not yet. I thought this whole exercise was over; again, he tossed me into another oven to get heated up. The pains of the brush, the smell of the paint and again this heat all got to me. I was sure I was going to die. How can I come out of this alive. I was shouting and crying that I should be left alone. The potter smiled once more and with a gentle voice said, not yet"

"Just as I was to give up, the doors opened and the potter gently brought me out and put me on a stand to cool down. I enjoyed this, after passing through all that pounding, heating, brushing and painting, heating again, wow, I enjoyed this. The potter now brought a mirror and told me to look. I saw a very beautiful chinaware that was so lovely. I screamed,  this cannot be me. It is very beautiful."

"The potter smiled reassuringly and said, if I had left you at every stage of your screams and shouts,  you would have been one ugly clay and if I did not heat you up nicely, you would not have been this beautiful and would have cracked apart. Also, if I did not apply the brush and the paint nicely,  you would not last and would fall apart with every little pressure. Your patience to go through it all has brought out the beauty in you"

The story above summarizes my submission this week. Nothing good comes easy and that there is a price to pay for every growth and advancement. 

Have a great week.
Kingsley Odoh is a worship leader,  musician and entrepreneur. He is a member of New Dawn Baptist Church, Victoria Island, Lagos. Nigeria 

Sunday 26 February 2017


Small Can Become Great

A man can rise  from the lowest ebb to the highest and the zenith of his dream. One can move from the status of having  nothing to possessing abundance.This may seem to many like magical realism; However,  it is  the outcome of the grace of God through Jesus Christ. He (GOD) bestows grace upon his own. 

This is the true work of God and not sure realism. Every season of opportunity  is an example of the greatness of him that uses the foolish things of this world to showcase his glory in the life of true believer in Christ Jesus
Considering the saviour -Jesus Christ, he was born in a lowly manger. God shielded him from danger. He stayed in manger  because there was no room in the inn.  This didn't stop his greatness or cause his glory to go down. 

The process of transformation may be irksome and rough. We must stay strong and tough. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.And subsequently giant strides on the road map to greatness. Each person has the potential to excel.   

Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. A vivid expression of this saying is that of the mustard seed which grows to become a large tree. If we let the Master work in us, through us and walk with us; then, we will experience the fullness of the exponential effect of his blessings. 

Natural laws and agricultural expectation is that in every seed of a fruit, there is tendency of a mighty tree. God can do exceedingly more abundantly than we can think or imagine. 

There is greatness in everyone.

Samuel Babarinde : Regenerate believer and a passionate Christian in the things of the Kingdom. He is driven by corporate and professional excellence.

Saturday 25 February 2017


The challenge to all Nigerians is to choose leaders  who must they themselves must  be educated and be willing to promote  quality education. 

When leaders who are elected by crook or hook are themselves not well educated, the future of the country is better imagined than anticipated.  Education is a panacea for any group of people who will elect the right kind of people who will run a government for the good of the people. A person suffering from knowledge deficiency and deficit in skills  is  not fit for political leadership. Education is the solution