Sunday 5 March 2017


The world is changing and it's time to be your own boss.

Automation and outsourcing are evaporating the traditional 9-5. Job security, ever-increasing pay and benefits have gone out the window.

But being your own boss gives you incredible freedom. The day I told my old boss I wasn't coming back to the office prison ever again was the best day of my career.

And I'm more successful (mid 7-figure income and growing) than I ever was working a 9-5.

But let's back up.

As recent as 2012, I was freaking broke.

The empty wallet wasn't what sucked, it was the pain of feeling useless, insignificant, and unable to enjoy life.

When I made the choice to start an internet business, my income exploded, and I can now say I am an internet millionaire.

It's not difficult, and I'm going to tell you the most important keys to my success in a second.

There's a key distinction to be made here.

I had thought working a corporate job was the path to success, but I felt more like I was trapped in a comfortable prison.

The worst part of working a white-collar, 9-5 job is that it can feel comfortable.

For most 23-year-olds these days, I had the good life.

My job seemed okay, my apartment was decent, my car was alright, and it felt like if I just stuck with it, I might even get a promotion in a year or two and be able to save money (that long forgotten tradition).

...but I was burying my true feelings. I completely hated my life. I hated my job, I hated my boss, and I hated the fact that I was letting life happen TO me, as opposed to creating my own destiny.

I see many older people who lived that "comfortable" life - had a job for 40+ years, retire relatively broke (the way most people retire these days), and carry with them a million regrets of the things they should have done. I didn't want to end up that way.

Maybe you feel the same way?


I read a book called 'The 4 Hour Workweek' and decided to make a change in my life

I quickly realized that the only path that gave the FREEDOM and FINANCES that I wanted was having an internet-based business.

I was completely directionless about where to start though.

They say investing in yourself is the best investment you can make, but I can say that the hardest decision I can remember is when I decided to invest in my own education.

So I paid for a training course from my first mentor in 2012, and I had never come across such *real* information and discussions about doing business online ever before, and I could see the strategies were working for people.

**w€rkin' It**

I started stringing together wins, to the point where I could afford to attend some of the awesome events my mentor put together in places like Whistler, London, and Bangkok. Many people from those events ended up becoming friends.

What happened next was surreal.

2013: 473k. (whaaaa...? Yep, happened that quickly)

2014: Millionaire.

2015: 7-figure annual.

2016: On track for 5 million, and Forbes wrote an article about me

2017: Had my first child, and on track for 8-figures.

You used to need a complete miracle to go from broke to a millionaire in a few years. Turns out that miracle was the internet, and now anyone is capable of this.

So? What's the point of telling you all this?

First, I'll lay some huge keys to my early success,

1. Read/learn voraciously

Knowledge and SKILLS are your most important assets in every situation.

Income opportunities come and go, but your brain stays with you forever.

If you spend your time chasing silver bullets, you can end up spinning your wheels for years without ever making any real progress.

However, if you spend your time learning valuable information, and building skills along the way, every day you will become that much stronger.

2. Find a mentor

The real turning point in my professional life was when I found someone who had successfully broke the corporate chains.

Knowing that this was possible for someone else fueled my competitive desire to be successful myself.

That competitive urge is powerful… LISTEN TO IT!

Tim Ferriss made me believe.

And my 'online business guru' Lorenzo showed me how to do it.

This brings me to my next point

3. Do EVERYTHING your mentor asks you to do

This is what I did with Tim Ferriss (internet business... automation... etc).

And this is how I learned to create an online business, from Lorenzo.

The rest is history as they say.

So what's the next step for you?

Register for my free webinar where I'll show you they key strategies behind what I do and how you can get started right away:

Making the shift from being a corporate drone into an entrepreneur isn't an easy task.

And I remember just how scary it was when I made the leap.

Even buying that $47 training course by my mentor Lorenzo was an incredibly hard decision for me!

That's why I offer my webinar for free, so that you can see what's possible TODAY, without having to spend anything.

Register here:

Take care,


P.S. - If you are interested in more information about working with my system and training under me as a student, send me a message.

P.P.S. Please share this post to motivate others! I want 2017 to be a turning point year for as many people as possible.

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