Tuesday 28 February 2017


 Let us speak on the subject "nothing good comes easy". Every good thing has a price. I will illustrate this with a story I heard. 

One day, some guys saw a beautiful tea cup and everyone commented that the tea cup was very beautiful. Suddenly the tea cup spoke. " I have not always been this beautiful. One day, the potter took me and started pushing me, pounding me, pressing me. I screamed and screamed that it was painful. I told him to let me go and be free, for I did not enjoy what he was doing. He shook his head and with a smile said, not yet. Suddenly, he put me on a wheel and started spinning me around. I was dazed and feeling dizzy. I told him to stop and that I was feeling nauseated.  I told him I wanted to throw up and he should stop. He smiled again, shook his head and said, not yet. I thought that was all. He again put me in an oven to heat up.  I felt like I was going to die. I had never seen or felt this kind of heat ever in my life. I was sure I will not make it. Just before giving up, the door opened and I was left to cool. I enjoyed this moment. I wished I would be left alone here but suddenly he took me and stared brushing me with a terrible paint that was choking me. The brush was painful and the paint smelt really bad. I wanted to throw up and I screamed to be left alone. At the top of my voice I was  screaming to be left alone. The potter again smiled and gently said, not yet. I thought this whole exercise was over; again, he tossed me into another oven to get heated up. The pains of the brush, the smell of the paint and again this heat all got to me. I was sure I was going to die. How can I come out of this alive. I was shouting and crying that I should be left alone. The potter smiled once more and with a gentle voice said, not yet"

"Just as I was to give up, the doors opened and the potter gently brought me out and put me on a stand to cool down. I enjoyed this, after passing through all that pounding, heating, brushing and painting, heating again, wow, I enjoyed this. The potter now brought a mirror and told me to look. I saw a very beautiful chinaware that was so lovely. I screamed,  this cannot be me. It is very beautiful."

"The potter smiled reassuringly and said, if I had left you at every stage of your screams and shouts,  you would have been one ugly clay and if I did not heat you up nicely, you would not have been this beautiful and would have cracked apart. Also, if I did not apply the brush and the paint nicely,  you would not last and would fall apart with every little pressure. Your patience to go through it all has brought out the beauty in you"

The story above summarizes my submission this week. Nothing good comes easy and that there is a price to pay for every growth and advancement. 

Have a great week.
Kingsley Odoh is a worship leader,  musician and entrepreneur. He is a member of New Dawn Baptist Church, Victoria Island, Lagos. Nigeria 

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