Thursday 3 April 2014


Thursday, April 3
Jonah 2:1-9

When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee…Jonah 2:7, KJV

Jonah was (and is still) a good evidence of God’s generosity to deliver from troubles.

In today’s text, Jonah gave the testimony of God’s deliverance. Narrating his ordeals, Jonah described his level of distress as being in the heart of sea and grave of death. This means seaweed, waves, breakers, deep water and threat of death engulfed him. It was a state of total hopelessness. No physical hand could reach him where he was. No man would even dare it.

Somehow, Jonah managed to offer prayer to God. He noted that his “prayer came to God.” Note the word ‘came’ as if prayer was a person. The truth is, prayer has ‘wings’ and it can fly to meet God for your needs to be met.

Every time you are faced with difficulties, always remember God. God’s line is never too busy to get your prayer through to Him; neither will it ever be out of reach, for there is no network failure with Him. Always bear this in mind: there is no hopeless situation with God. Therefore, if you dare to pray, your situation will change for good.

• Birthday Blessing: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved-  Romans 12:13

Read Bible Through Passage: Joshua 15, 16; Luke 7:24-35

All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on God being with them. – J. Hudson Taylor

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Tuesday, April 1
Psalm 27:1-5

…that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life…. Psalm 27:4, NIV

A believer who has experienced the reality of the presence of the Lord would always desire to remain there. Wherever God resides is His presence and His house. It may be in our lives, homes, or churches.

Today’s text reveals some of the benefits that those who dwell in the house of the Lord enjoy, namely - salvation, safety, preservation, provision, victory over enemies, direction, lifting, promotion, lasting joy, peace, and all the beauties of God. The truth is, you cannot be a consistent dweller of God’s house and your life will not be better for it.

Beloved, it is a beautiful thing to dwell in the house of the Lord. Are you a student, worker, business person or preacher? Then you have to carry His presence to succeed. Those who do not carry His presence either fail or are courting failure. What is your desire? What are you seeking after? Success, clothes, fame, money, cars and what have you? All these cannot satisfy your soul.

Be wise! You only need one thing in life and that is His presence. You are enjoined today to shun everything that could shut you out of His presence.

• Birthday Blessing: The ransomed of the LORD will return… with…gladness and joy… Isaiah 51:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Joshua 12; Luke 7:1-8

Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. – Matthew Henry

Saturday 29 March 2014


Saturday, March 29
Psalm 118:21-29

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of the LORD we bless you.”  Psalm 118: 26, NIV

Today’s world is filled with many who claim to come in the name of the Lord. They deceive people in the name of Jesus Christ. There are teeming multitudes wearing the badge of Christianity, yet living contrary to the life of Christ. It is so bad that people now find it difficult to trust the true believers. But, in the midst of all these, there are still genuine believers, those who truly bear the name of the Lord. Anywhere they go in God’s name, blessings abound. Whoever touches them touches His blessing!

Are you a believer? Do you bear God’s name? What is your testimony? What can people who have had contact with you say about your life? True believers are always blessings to their generations. Anywhere they are, God’s blessings will flow there. Like Jesus, everywhere believers go, they should exhibit goodness.

Therefore, be a living testimony of God’s goodness and grace because you bear Him. Be a channel of His blessings in your school, office, church, neighbourhood and society.

• Birthday Blessing: “For you will have covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.” Job 5:23

Read Bible Through Passage: Joshua 6, 7; Luke 5:17-39

When Christ calls me home, I shall go with the gladness of a boy bounding away from school. – Adoniram Judson

Friday 28 March 2014

Essentials of Godly Success: Commitment

Commitment is having a unswerving devotion to a cause, person or relationship. It is the act of holding on or staying put regardless of the payback or reward.

Commitment involves knowledge and understanding. We must take time to identify and continuously seek to know and understand who and what we are committed to.

When we stop interacting with the person, issue or object we are committed to we run the risk of becoming uncommitted.The kind of commitment that leads to godly success, healthy relationships, territorial expansion and life changing discoveries is  the one that refuses to succumb to intimidation and persecution.

To say “I will be committed if …” actually means that I am only making a deal and not a commitment. If we are ready to abandon a cause or relationship because of certain threats or rewards then we are not committed.If you will succeed maritally and in your chosen vocation you must be committed.

Commitment is one of the major factor that distinguish those who finish from those who fizzle away. If you will get to the promise land you must resist the urge to quit the race while marching through the wilderness. Watch out for distractions. Distractions are the untiring foes of the committed.

Saturday 22 March 2014


Seek Daily NBC
Saturday, March 22
Revelation 7:13-17


For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters. Revelation 7:17, NIV The passage read today is futuristic; it speaks of what would be the experiences of the triumphant church. It presents the picture of the redeemed at the close of age. However, it is also applicable to us today. The Bible says the lamb shall feed them! This was what David meant when he said: “The Lord is my Shepherd…” (Psalm 23:1). Indeed, the Lord is the Shepherd of His people. He is the provider and the sustainer of all believers, no matter the odds of this life.

Beloved, are you His sheep? If God must be your Shepherd, you also must be ready to be His sheep. If you allow Him to shepherd you, He will feed you, water you, and wipe all your tears away. In other words, you shall not lack anything good in life and all appearances of sorrow, trouble, grief and depression shall be far from you. Give Him a chance and all these shall be your experiences in this life and the life to come.

• Birthday Blessing: “… He will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place.” Job 8:6

Read Bible Through Passage: Deuteronomy. 24, 25, 26; Luke 2:1-35

Such as will not have Christ to be their King to rule over them shall never have His blood to save them. – Thomas Watson

Saturday 8 March 2014



Saturday, March 8
Mark 10:46-52


…Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. Mark 10:52, NIV

Jesus was heading for Jerusalem where he would be crucified and had to pass through Jericho, where He encountered Bartimaeus, a blind man.

Bartimaeus was a hopeless beggar until he met the Messiah. He was wise to cry for mercy, against all odds, that he may receive his sight and he got the miracle. Having received his sight, “he… followed Jesus along the road” (v. 52).

It is also the desire of God that we would continue to follow Jesus after receiving answers to our prayers.
Here are some lessons from today’s text:

1. Accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, and believe that His ability will bring your long-expected miracles.

2. Do not allow the crowd or circumstance around you to bar you from reaching Jesus. 3. Jesus will not ignore anyone who calls on Him. 4. Be specific about your requests – physical, spiritual, financial, and so on. Jesus will meet them all. 5. Continue in Him, even as Bartimaeus did.

• Birthday Blessing: “Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” Psalm 1:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Numbers 28, 29; Mark 11

God is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved. – J. C. Ryle

Friday 7 March 2014



Friday, March 7

Matthew 22:41-46


What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he...? Matthew 22:42, NIV

When Jesus had a dialogue with the offensive Pharisees who were mistaken about His personality, He asked them a question: “whose son is the messiah?” But they were completely confounded by this as they answered that He was the “Son of David.” The point is: Jesus knew His purpose on earth. So, He was never confused.

Have you discovered your purpose for living? This is one way you cannot be confused in life. Besides, if you must shut out the enemies of your progress, you need wisdom based on the Word of God to answer them.

Discovering your purpose will help you overcome all your challenges in life, career and ministry.

Do not allow any human being to confuse you. For Jesus, “no one dared question him anymore” (v. 46). Why? By wisdom, He silenced all His accusers. The wisdom of God, His anointing, and the knowledge of the Scriptures will help you silence your enemies too.    
• Birthday Blessing: “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace [be] unto you: as [my] Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” John 20:21

Read Bible Through Passage: Numbers 26, 27; Mark 10:23-52

I would sooner bring one sinner to Jesus Christ than unpick all the mysteries of the divine Word. – C.H. Spurgeon