Tuesday 10 November 2015



Disabilities  and limitations are human. To be weak is temporary. To manifest weakness requires intentional effort so that such is overcomed.

Grace has been a divine solution to man's weaknesses. Knowledge is a remedy to weak points or areas. We all need the sufficiency of the  unhindered grace of God  that is powered by the Lord's fortitude given unto us to move forward.

Wether it is your weak points or your weaknesses, God can make you strong. Believe and confess that  " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

We are all destined for success. Good success is a product of keeping to the word of God. Human factors,  administrative procedures and we ourselves can be instrumental to an experience of failure.  Success is equally not achieved based on energy or human capacity to make things work.  It is not he that planted,  not the specialist in irrigation that waters but ultimately, it is God who alone blesses and brings increase.

Success is possible. The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to achieve it. The limiting thoughts are not good. Slothfulness will not help the matter.  Only the visionary and those that refuse to quit when failure is experienced in an experiment will end up with invention.

Mentors are pathfinders.  Guardians are good.  Leaders must be followed. Ideas of Spiritual Directors must not be jettisoned. Success is easily achieved when you follow the principles and the path of those who have succeeded before . Choose to follow those who are following the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Hold on to the WORD of God and his promises.  I see you succeeding in the name of Jesus Christ

You are a carrier of grace for success. You are destined for maximum output.

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde
Relationship Advisor for Maximum Output

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