Friday 13 November 2015



Alternative is seeming the opposite of indispensable. While the fomer is about a noun " offering or expressing a choice," indispensable connotes that which is "not subject to being set aside or neglected. It is a thing or a person that is regarded as absolutely necessary and essential."  Even to a medicine that can cure an ailment, the alternative to its non availability is death. God forbid!

God made man to realize his limitations. No man can add a cubic to his lifespan. God can raise stones to serve his purpose in the land of the living. Donkey had spoken to human being before. Fish was used to bring forth money.  Fish had carried a man ashore from ragging waters. Water had been made a rammed  ground for people to walk upon. A bird was assigned to and brought food for God's servant during drought. There's always an alternative to anything, any place and any individual.

We must see life as filled with alternatives.  Leaders must see their lives as transient. Couples must enjoy themselves fully.  It should be noted that whatever you refuse to give or accept from your spouse may be gotten from an alternative. Ungodly as it sounds, sooths or serves, it is not the original nor be regarded as the best,  but an alternative.

Alternative can not always offer  originality in continuity of service. Hence, we must insist on the best and not the alternative. Your being indispensable should advise you to do your best and make needed sacrifices to keep any relationship you enter into to work. In marriage , finance, romantic sex dynamics, communication and related matters must be shared intimately.

Alternatives are outside,  no one is indispensable. That is the foundation of discretions and discrete lives. Let us learn from the indispensable God and be so close to each other and see the alternatives as inferior to the original. Sustain every relationship with sacrifice . You must realise that alternative is appealing to an individual who is not fulfilled. Be fulfilled in one another. Avoid alternatives.

Relationship Advisor for Maximum Output
Nov 11, 2015

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