Monday 9 June 2014


Monday, June 9
Isaiah 35

And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. Isaiah 35:8, NIV

Have you ever lost things that were very precious to you? How did you feel? Did you ever think that such things were irreplaceable? How did you cope without those things?

Many times, when we lose precious items, we often wonder how we would cope, but God has a way of comforting us or restoring to us what we have lost.

We are called to encourage one another not to lose hope (vv. 3-4) because our God is coming to help and save us. Even when it seems that all is lost, we will experience the glory of God (v. 2). Love, joy, hope, possession, and so on that have been taken away will be restored by the Lord.

This promise of restoration, however, is for the people of the Lord; those who have surrendered their totality unto Him and have decided to walk with Him in Holiness. Unfortunately, only a few take time to listen to messages on holiness nowadays.

But if you must enjoy God's full measure of blessings, you must be among the people on the highway of holiness. Are you in the number?

• Birthday Blessing: "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom." - Luke 12:32

Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Kings 24, 25; John 12:23-50

The world would have been a paradise if only you have the same excitement, energy, and dedication for your God as you have for your work. – Anonymous

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