Wednesday 30 April 2014



Wednesday, April 30

Galatians 6: 1-5


... And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself Galatians 6:1, NLT

Temptation is inevitable in every man's life and it will continue as we journey in life. Being tempted itself is not a sin but yielding to temptations is sin.

The admonition of Paul in today's text is that it is possible for our fellow Christians to fall into temptation. When this happens, we should help them. However, we must be careful so that we too do not become victims of temptation.

Anyone who thinks he/she is too strong to fall or too big to help fallen ones is engrossed in self-deception (1 Corinthians 10: 12). Perfection in Christian experience is a continuous journey; and it is a journey you cannot make alone. Have you noticed the ants? When one is wounded, others rally round to pick it up. Thus, in our journey of faith, we are called to help each other. Our responsibility is to help the less mature in faith.

May the Lord provide shoulders to lean on when brethren are weak and hands to pick them up when they need lifting! This is the beauty of our faith.

• Birthday Blessing: "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you" - Isaiah 54: 17

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Samuel 20, 21, 22; Luke 20:27-47

Those that would avoid sin must not parley with temptation. – Unknown

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