Wednesday 16 April 2014

Baptist Daily Devotional

Seek Daily NBC
Wednesday, April 16
Psalm 73:16-28


You guide me with Your counsel, and afterwards You will take me into glory. Psalm 73:24, NIV

Two strong themes are presented in today's text.
(1) The wicked prosper,leaving faithful people wondering why they bother to be good and
(2) The faithful appear to have been unfortunate because they choose to live faithfully.

Apparently, in our daily experiences, we are always bothered by these issues. But, the Psalmist presents us with a yardstick to measure these conflicting issues. The yardstick is the end. The end will justify the means! The 'final destiny' of the wicked is destruction but for the faithful, God is their 'final destiny'.

The lesson today is that you should never be carried away by the seeming 'prosperity' of the wicked. Rather, let your heart be at peace that you are doing the will of God. Let God guide you in all you do. He knows the right way to a glorious destiny. Do not be deceived to put your hope in momentary material things. Every time you are getting carried away by the progress of the wicked, run into God's presence as the Psalmist did. The glory of God will be your latter end.

• Birthday Blessing: "No more will the wicked invade you; they will be
completely destroyed" - Nahum 1: 15

Read Bible Through Passage: Judges 17, 18; Luke 12:1-15

If the work be done in Christ's name, the honour is due to His name. – Matthew Henry

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