Thursday 6 February 2014



Thursday, February 6
Proverbs 28:18-22


To show partiality is not good - yet a man will do wrong for a price of bread. Proverbs 28:21, NIV

Partiality simply means unfair or biased support of one person or thing against another for benefit. For personal interest and gain, people usually deny others their rightful entitlements, thereby making themselves richer, while others become poorer.

Can you imagine an establishment where the principal officers collect huge portions of Christmas bonus, and still cut from the little that belong to the junior staff and add it to theirs?

Some people deny the most qualified people admission or appointment and give it to those who are not qualified because of money or personal interest. In fact, partiality has destroyed our nation’s main sectors: economy, education, judiciary, political, etc.

Today, God is speaking to you that partiality is bad, no matter who does it and for whatever reason. It is wrong and you must desist from it. We must avoid its attendant consequences which are:

(1) One who is partial will fall (Proverbs 28:18). That is, he will never shine because he is down (Isaiah 60:1).

(2) The man who is partial will suffer abject poverty (vs. 19-22). He may suddenly amass wealth for himself, but it will not last.

(3) He will be punished by God (v. 20).

• Birthday Blessing: The Lord will give strength unto His people…bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 35, 36; Matthew 24:32-51

Forgive me, Lord for prejudice - remove its subtle tie; oh Lord, fill my heart with your great love that sent your Son to die. - D. De Haan
Endeavour to rebroadcast this devotional message to others on your contact list. Have a happy night rest.

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