Wednesday 8 January 2014



Wednesday, January 8

Romans 6:16-23


Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are…? Romans 6:16, KJV

   Practically, no one is autonomous. We are all subjects to either God or the devil. The one you obey is the one to whom you pay allegiance.

     Apostle Paul tells us today what obedience to either God or the devil means. He also gives a counsel that should not be ignored by any right thinking person. The truth is, you may not know who you are enslaved to until you take a critical and inward look into your life.
If you indulge in sin with impunity, then you are enslaved to the devil. You must pray to get out of that state. Admit your faults, confess them and run to the Lord.

    A life enslaved to God is a life bound to doing things as God wills. It is a life sold out to righteous living; doing what is pleasing to God, beneficial to humanity and makes you (the doer) happy and fulfilled.

Remember, whoever you are enslaved to determines your lot both now and in the future. He even determines your place in eternity. The devil's appeal may seem sweet now but it is ever poisonous; do not be enticed. God's appeal may be unappealing at present, but it leaves you with no regret either now or later.

• Birthday Blessing: The Lord will keep you from all harm…both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7-8.

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 20, 21, 22; Matthew 7

Tuesday 7 January 2014


       Covenant is a contract or agreement between two parties. In the Old Testament the Hebrew word berith is always thus translated. Berith is derived from a root which means "to cut," and hence a covenant is a "cutting," with reference to the cutting or dividing of animals into two parts, and the contracting parties passing between them, in making a covenant. God also made covenant with some people (Gen. 15; Jer. 34:18, 19).
    The Lord made a covenant with Abram and changed name Abraham (Genesis 12:4,5; Genesis 17:1-5). The Lord proposed to make of him a great nation and to perpetuate the covenant through his offspring (Genesis 17:6,7).

     This year, the Lagos Central Baptist Conference is concerned about homes as the bedrock of a local Church. As Kingdom people this is  our year of glorious visitation of God to every BELIEVER'S FAMILY. Each home will enjoy DOUBLE PERFECTION through various open doors. Indeed, better days are ahead
       The above encompasses the Abraham's covenant blessings given by God when he said " And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Gen.12:2-3)

Abraham blessings are mine/2x
I am blessed in the morning, afternoon and evening, 
Abraham blessings are mine

Indeed, better days are ahead



Tuesday, January 7

Proverbs 11:3-11


The integrity of the upright shall guide them... Proverbs 11:3, KJV

Integrity is defined as "moral soundness, probity; otherwise known as honesty, wholeness, and completeness; the quality or state of being unimpaired." All these words describe a person who is committed to being above reproach all the time.
    Attaining this level is possible by the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. A man of integrity cannot fall into wilful error because he subjects all his decisions to spiritual scrutiny before taking them.
   John Maxwell says "integrity is not a given factor in anyone's life; it is a result of self-discipline, inner trust and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations." Integrity is very similar to uprightness and it gives the picture of the heart.
    If your heart is whole, your attitude, action, feelings and all will be perfect all the time. A righteous man stands to enjoy great benefits such as; (a) guidance (b) deliverance (c) direction from the Lord.

A faith-filled life is a potent field for integrity. Until you have faith in God, you will struggle like mere men. Give room for the Lord to work out His best in you and make you whole and blameless in all your ways.

• Birthday Blessing: The root of the righteous shall not be moved. Proverbs 12:3

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 18, 19; Matthew 6

Measure your growth in grace by your sensitiveness to sin. - Oswald Chambers

Monday 6 January 2014



Monday, January 6

Psalm 7:7-17


…Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness…. Psalm 7:8b, KJV

If our conscience condemns us not, we shall have a glorious rest. David, having examined his heart, discovered no hidden sin. So, with confidence he asked God to judge him. Not everybody can be confident enough to say this. Before humans, anybody can pretend to be a saint and swear even in falsehood, but with God before whom nothing is hidden, no judgment can be perverted.

With God judgment is according to performance and He cannot be bought over. Place yourself on God's performance scale today and note your level. Can you confidently plead "not guilty" to the devil's charges against you? Be informed that God as the righteous Judge will not judge you unjustly; He is not partial.

      As humans, attaining righteousness could be difficult but the death of Jesus Christ has made it easy for us. Jesus has become our righteousness and through the Holy Spirit, helps us to live rightly. So you can boldly ask your Father (God) to judge you according to Jesus' righteousness in you. And if He discharges and acquits you, no one can convict you.

Birthday Blessing: He will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee; fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 15, 16, 17; Matthew 5:31-48

Once the will of God to me was a sigh; now it is a song. -Frances Ridley Havergal

Sunday 5 January 2014



Sunday, January 5

Luke 6:1-11


And he said unto them, that the son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. Luke 6:5, KJV

From the Pharisees' point of view, Jesus committed two offences on two different Sabbaths. On one of the said Sabbaths, Christ's disciples plucked the ears of corn to eat because they were hungry. On the other Sabbath, He healed a man whose right hand was withered. Christ responded to the Pharisees' complaints by revealing the truth of His Lordship as well as His authority over the Sabbath as a member of the God-head.

Christ as the Son of God is Himself God and the One to whom the Sabbath is dedicated. He is a member of the trinity that created the Sabbath. And so His decision to use the Sabbath, especially in doing good, sets precedence on how to spend the Sabbath.

Brethren, while we are not supposed to labour on the Sabbath, we are not expected to ignore people who need our help, any day. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and we are His children; whatever good work we do on His behalf only gladdens His heart and as such makes the day holy. Do not restrain from doing good any day rather let every day be an opportunity to touch lives in positive ways.

Birthday Blessing: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…and watch over you." Psalm 32:8
Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 12, 13, 14; Matthew 5:1-30

If I were fruitless, it mattered not who commended me; but if I were fruitful, I cared not who did condemn.–John Bunyan


LASG rejects Hijab in public schools

Lagos State Government says pupils in its public schools are only allowed to wear conventional uniforms to the school.

It added that usage of other appendages, including Hijab, a head scarf for Muslim women, would not be allowed.

The Commissioner for Education Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye, said this on Tuesday at a press briefing in Ikeja, adding that usage of Hijab and other religious materials in public schools was against government's policy.

She said, "I summoned a stakeholder's meeting that was chaired by the Commissioner for Home Affairs and Culture, Alhaji Oyinlomo Danmole. The Muslim students were represented at the meeting, Lawyers were represented. We discussed the issue at length and we reached certain agreement.

"We agreed that students could only use their Hijab when they want to go for prayers, when they want to read Qur'an, and when they are going for Jumat prayer on Fridays.

"It was agreed that no student should wear Hijab on her uniform. Doing so will cause confusion and break down of the law.

"Whoever wish that his daughter should be wearing Hijab while going to school and within the school should send such child to a private Muslim school,"

The commissioner, who said the government was committed to overhauling the education sector, added that the administration had spent over N7bn in upgrading the Lagos State University.

Oladunjoye added that the government would continue to provide qualitative education "by all means".

She said various educational development programmes like Eko Project, Support Our Schools Initiative, and specialised development programmes for teachers and administrators in 20 specialised areas, were parts of government programmed to boost education.

She said, "For theteachers and administrators, we are boosting their capacities in areas such as subject mastery, leadership, classroom management, assessment and evaluation, ICT, Basic Accounting and many others."

Source: Punch

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