Saturday 28 December 2013



Saturday, December 28
Isaiah 42:1-7


"… I will keep you and I will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles." Isaiah 42:6, NIV

Light occur about 438 times in the Bible with various concepts. From Genesis 1:3 through Revelation 22:5, it portrays arrays of contrasts. It dispels darkness, symbolises righteousness, gives illumination, stands personified; first, Israel as a nation was called to be light to the Gentiles, then in Jesus as an ultimate Light of the world (John 1:4-5, 8-9; 8:12) and now, the church also, as the light of the world (Matthew 5:14; 1 John 1:9).

Today's passage points to Jesus, the servant of the Lord, author of the New Covenant as an embodiment of light to all nations (v. 6).
Christ as the Light has a divine mandate to:
(a) open blind eyes (physical and spiritual);
(b) deliver the captives;
(c) release the oppressed
(d) shine/beam the light of the Gospel to those in darkness (v. 7).

By extension, every redeemed child of God carries the light of God. You therefore have the mandate to shine in this dark world of sin starting from your little corner.

Prayer Point: Pray that you will indeed be a light to the darkness of this world.




To many people, January is always a long month. To them, days in January is 62 not 31, it is always the most difficult month of the year for many. This is because January involves financial difficulties which are not experienced in any other month of the year. 

Note that you need not suffer in January; you can live in surplus throughout the year, January inclusive. The truth is, you can live in January as in any other month; you can live without being broke, if you understand what it takes to "tie down" your money. I will show you some of them here:

1. Plan your life. What do you really want for yourself, what do you really want in the New Year? Plan now, much money without planning will make you spend endlessly and run into debt. Plan your life and live better. 

2. Have a budget. Know the income available, know what you want to buy, categorized them into NEED and WANT or LUXURY, SHOW-OFF, NECESSITY. Go for only necessity, save money you would have spent on luxury and show-off. 

3. Spend Less. By all means, spend lesser than you would have spent. 

4. No show-off. Are you buying that clothes to show your 'enemy' in the village that you have arrived? Are you buying that car, wristwatch, television, handset, etc just to show people the level of your wealth? Anything you buy just to impress or hurt others is not for you, it is a show-off. 

5. Pre-festival Purchases. Buy everything you need far away from festival from time. My wife used to buy our children "Christmas clothes" in September, rice, beans and other ingredients in October and November, gifts that we want to give out to our loved ones also in November. With this, we are able to avoid high prices of "rush-time" purchases. 

6. Buy Later. There are things you can decide to buy later, avoid buying things during "rush hours". 

7. Remember January. As you are writing that cheque, paying that bill, withdrawing from that ATM, always remember J-A-N-U-A-R-Y

8. No Unnecessary Traveling. Must you travel at Christmas period? Why not before that period or after? You know transportation is always costly during the festival and will always involve unnecessary spending. 

9. Plan for school fees. Plan for the payment of children's school fees, some wise parent pay before the end of December as soon as they collect their December salary. With this, they won't spend the money during Christmas. 

10. Use bank. Don't bring all your money home, keep it in the bank. Avoid the temptation of withdrawing everything; it is like spending your blood if you do. 

11. Control ATM. Who is in charge? You or your ATM? Some people enjoy the card and love the machine; I can't remember using my ATM Card this year, I don't allow it to control me; no, I am in charge; it is just a card. Base your spending on your pocket, don't rely on ATM, if you can't control it, give it to a trusted friend or mentor during this period. 

12. By all means, spend below your means. Never spend above your means, not even within your means. Spend below your means. Yes, spend lesser than you can afford, that is wisdom, that is the foundation of surplus and mother of wealth. Be wise!I wish you happy New Year in advance and Prosperous 2014 

Thursday 26 December 2013


Friday, December 27

Isaiah 49:8-13


"…Burst into song oh mountain! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones." Isaiah 49:13, NIV
      God again reveals His compassionate character to His people, who, as a Father, having chastised his son, will again draw him to Himself in love. God demonstrated to Israel that though He is into a perpetual covenant of love with them, yet He will not overlook their errors. At the same time, He demonstrated to them that He would not be angry with them forever. By God's judgement, no sinner will go unpunished but no repentant sinner shall continue to serve punishment.
      Beloved, you must know that every experience you go through in life is for a reason. In fact all God is doing for you now is an act of shepherding to cleanse and purify you from sin so as to enable you attain that glorious paradise where nothing shall be lacking. You must therefore, see your present state as a necessary path He wants you to take especially, if at one time or the other, you have been disobedient. Are you going through troubles and trails? Be comforted that it is because He loves you.

Read Bible Through Passage: Zech. 4, 5, 6, 7; Rev. 19



Thursday, December 26

Isaiah 40:1-5


"Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her, that her hard service has been completed…." Isaiah 40:2, NIV

     Isaiah spoke as the mouthpiece of God to allay the sorrow of Israel as she faced double captivity and times of affliction (v. 2).
      Israel had suffered greatly from neighbouring nations that God permitted to capture and enslave them. However, when they have completed the service for their sins the LORD remembered them and promised them a time of respite. They were to receive double grace for their affliction; this is indeed a great consolation for a hopeless people!
     As the church awaits the second coming of Christ, we are encumbered with so many trials, challenges, persecutions, outright show of wickedness, even deaths. But in it all Jesus is saying, "Cheer up, I have overcome the world."
        Perhaps you have suffered greatly for a sin you have committed in the past, be not dismayed because the LORD who permitted the afflictions is saying to you, "Comfort, comfort."
     The LORD shall clear your path from every thorn and thistle and your misery shall be over with 2013.

Read Bible Through Passage: Zechariah 1, 2, 3; Rev. 18

Wednesday 25 December 2013


GOD CONTINUES TO GIVE (Luke 2:15-17, 20)

    When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
   The angels that announced the first Christmas rejoiced and praised God to the hearing of the shepherds.
       The shepherds were like the Berean Christians who will always check their scriptures to be sure what they heard was true. The shepherds verified the news that was given to them  about Christmas. It was only when they were sure that they spread the news. You cannot tell people with confidence what you are not sure of, except you are a pathological liar.
        After ascertaining the truth of the news, they did not go about drinking, or eating, the most important thing to them was to give the same good news to others and to thank and praise God for His show of love of giving unto man such great gift of a Saviour.
       It is indeed a season of giving, for God gave His only Son to man, What will you give this season?
■ The owner of the inn created a space for Jesus, What will you give this season?
■ The angels gave the news to the shepherd,  What will you give this season?
■The shepherds gave the news to others and gave God glory and praise. What will you give this season?
■The wise men gave three gift items. What will you give this season?
You need to give your life and time to your God and his Church

Merry Christmas
God bless you.

Kingdom Project Partner

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde


Joy to the world! The Lord is come: 
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room, 
And heaven and nature sing.

Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns:let men their songs employ,
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains 
Repeat the sounding joy.

He rules the earth with truth and grace, 
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousnes
And wonders of His love.

On behalf of Lagos Central Baptist Conference and my family,  I wish everyone Merry Christmas.

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde
"Be at peace with all men"
08159991300; 08033559709
Twitter- @okbabarinde
FB- Kehinde Babarinde
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Tuesday 24 December 2013


Tuesday, December 24

Leviticus 12:1-5


On the Eight day, the boy is to be circumcised.Leviticus 12:3, NIV

      Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the male genital, a custom that began with Abraham as a sign of the covenant between God and him. By rule, every male child must be circumcised on the eight day (v. 3). The spiritual significance is found in Deuteronomy 10:16, where the "foreskin of the heart" is to be circumcised. This is a pointer to a hardened heart as against that of commitment and obedience to the Lord.

      Although the physical strictness cannot be downplayed, the spiritual interpretation is very vital. The Jews placed value on circumcision as the basis for salvation but Paul debunked it, emphasising rather on grace and faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8). Today, so many people pride themselves in the external activities they do in the name of the Lord. Re-examine yourself today. Are the things you do born out of love for God or a desire to make a name? Is it service prone or relationship driven? Friend, what matters most is a genuine relationship with Christ, only then can the life of Christ ooze out of our lives daily. 

Read Bible Through Passage: Zephaniah 1, 2, 3; Rev. 16