Friday 20 December 2013

LUKE 2:10-11, 4:17-19, 1 COR 15; 19, 57

The word "Kingdom" laterally means "A country ruled over by a king or queen. Therefore, kingdom people are citizens of a country ruled over by Jesus Christ as their king. Kingdom people become members of Christ kingdom by accepting and confessing him (Christ) as their personal Lord and Saviour. They agreed and determined to live their lives according to his pattern and doctrines. (John 1:12; 3:16; Acts 16:31, 1 Pet. 2:9)
         According to the complete Christian Dictionary, the word joy is defined as "A feeling of delight happiness, gladness, a source of pleasure." In other word, a person or a thing that causes us to feel, very happy is a source of our joy. A child can cause his parents to feel happy, marriage can cause a couple to feel happy and promotion to a higher position can cause an individual to feel happy. Winning in a competition can bring happiness into our lives. Likewise Jesus Christ is the cause and reason for kingdom people happiness and gladness that ultimately culminate in  joy at this season and other seasons of the year. This is experienced through the following:

1. The announcement of his birth was a good news (Luke 2:10-11)

2. His mission and ministry were about gospel, healing, deliverance and liberty to the people of the kingdom. Luke 4:17-19, Isaiah 60:1-2, John 3:24)

3. He was anointed by the Holy Spirit to do good to kingdom people- Act 4:38

4. His death and resurrection are the foundations of our hope and victory over death. We consequently become people of his kingdom (2 Cor. 15:19, 57)

Jesus Christ is the joy of kingdom people by his coming to this world through the announcement of his birth, his life and ministries, his death and resurrection; all are the reasons why kingdom people musr be joyful and glad at this season and other seasons of the year. Merry Christmas.

Rev. Gbemileke A. Olonade
Pastor of First Baptist Church,Kuje Amuwo

Thursday 19 December 2013


Thursday, December 19
Micah 5:1-5

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,… out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel ...." Micah 5:2, NIV

At the time Israel was going through a rough period due to the siege laid against her by the enemies they thought their deliverance would come from one of the powerful tribes in Israel. God in His wisdom however decided to choose an insignificant city - the  smallest of them all to bring about their deliverance. Even the means by which God decided to save the world, (confession of Jesus Christ, the son of an ordinary carpenter) does it not look foolish to the wise?

The message for you is that though you may be insignificant and unimportant today in the estimation of your family members and friends, tomorrow shall be different. This is because you are the only person in your family who will bring the long awaited glorious change. You are one person before God who can never have a perfect replacement. You are also a fulfilment of prophecy. There are no coincidences in our lives for all things are ordered by God according to His plan and purpose, just walk in obedience to His Word.

Prayer Point: Lord, let my uniqueness be manifested in its due time as you designed it.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Jesus Christ: The Joy of the Kingdom People

      Christmas is here again! It is time to remember He who died that we may live. He left His glory to identify with our weaknesses. He would have come in Kingly glory, but He chose the manger. Indeed he chose the poor Joseph and Mary aschannels of appearance. Luke 2:6-7 affirmed that "Mary brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid himin a manger; because there was no room in the inn". What an irony for him to become poor so that through his poverty, we may experience prosperity.
   This Jesus Christ, indisputably born of the Virgin Mary, the fulfilment of human redemption, is the joy of the kingdom People. We are Kingdom people.

    Our Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. We servean eternal King who cannot be conquered. "...of his Kingdom, there shall be no end". The King of our Kingdom fears no foe for throughJ esus Christ, man's redemption from the chief foe was accomplished.Jesus Christ is our joy because he lived a blameless life. The Prince of this world could not fault him.
       Jesus Christ is our joy becausethrough him we obtain peace. The King of our kingdom is called thePrince of Peace. He is our joy because he is coming back again.
Friends, Jesus Christ can be your joy too if you embrace him today

Rev.Timothy 'Bukunmi Popoola,
Minister of Missions & Church Development
Lagos Central Baptist Conference


The Family Life Division
Christian Education Department
Lagos Central Baptist Conference



9am@Ijreo Baptist Church, Lagos.
Information/ Enquiries:
Rev Mrs Adegboyega- 08158891692
Rev Ikey Onyegbu  08159991309




Tuesday, December 17

Numbers 6:22-27


"So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them." Numbers 6:27, NIV

     God wanted to inscribe His name on the Israelites and bless them, but He would not do it directly by Himself. God called on His servant, intermediary and representative: Moses, who would in turn give the message to Aaron and his sons.
    God did not say, "I will put my name on the Israelites" instead He said, "They (Aaron and his sons) will put my name on the Israelites, and I [God] will bless them" (v. 27). The implication of this is that God is in constant partnership with His called-out servants to bless humanity.
    So when next the pastor of your church or a proven man of God pronounces blessings upon you in the name of the Lord, you better say a loud amen. This is because when the name of the LORD is pronounced to bless anyone, that person is blessed and no one can curse him/her.
      You may not feel thrilled or shaken when the name of the Almighty is pronounced on you but rejoice because you are indeed blessed.
     Thus today: May the LORD bless you and take care of you; May the LORD be kind and gracious to you; May the LORD look on you with favour and give you peace. Amen.

Monday 16 December 2013


(JOHN 3:16)
Love of God to mankind is demonstrated through the giving of His one and the only son, Jesus Christ. The text shows to us:

1. The Extent of God's Love:
"For God so love..." God's love for you can't be quantified. It is great love.

2. The Universality of God's Love:
"..Love the world." God's love transcends racism, ethnicity, class, and sex (male or female). God loves you for who you are. He wants you to come to Him the way you are.

3. The Object of God's Love:
"..That he gave is one and only Son." Jesus is the climax of all the gifts of God. No gift can be compared to Him. Accept Him into your life and you will enjoy abundant life (Jn. 10:10).

4. The Subject of God's Love.
"..That whoever believes in him." You are important in God's heart. You are the subject of His love. He gave Jesus because of you.

5. The Effect of God's Love: "..Should not perish but have eternal life." A life with Jesus is a peaceful life even in the midst of storms of life. Use this period of CHRISTMAS to accept, appreciate and appropriate God's love into your life.

Revd. Dr. Victor Bamidele Akerele
Snr. Pastor,
First Baptist Church, Festac Town,
Lagos, Nigeria
Chairman, LCBC Pastors' Fellowship

Saturday 14 December 2013



"Joy to the World the Lord is Come"

The word "joy" has been defined as "feelings of great happiness or pleasure, especially of an elevated or spiritual kind." One of the obvious things from this definition is that the feeling or experience of joy goes beyond natural or ordinary phenomenon. This is what differentiates joy from happiness. In actual fact, joy is the highest form of happiness. While the latter is often occasioned by mundane things, the latter requires more than that, especially for it to be sustained.

It is gratifying to note that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is not only interested in blessing us with happiness, but He is much interested in filling our hearts with joy – the highest form of happiness. In fact, His birth ushered in good news of great joy (see Luke 2:10). The joy that our Lord gives to the Kingdom People is unique. This is clearly evident from the accounts of His birth as recorded in the Gospels. Let us briefly consider five features of the joy that our Lord gives us – the Kingdom People – most especially, as we look forward to celebrating His birth this month.

*Overwhelming Joy. The joy that Jesus Christ gives to us is capable of overwhelming every form of impossibility in our lives and families. This was made known to the Virgin Mary. After Mary had asked how it could be possible for her to conceive without meeting a man, Angel Gabriel told her that the overshadowing power of the Holy Spirit will come upon her and turn impossibility to possibility (see Luke 1:35). When we are visited by the power of God, we receive the joy that overwhelms every negative and contradicting issue in our lives and families.

*Restoring Joy. It is likely that Zechariah and Elizabeth had given up the hope of having their own biological children. However, when they were visited by the good news of great joy, their hope of becoming parents were rekindled (see Luke 1:57-66). As we experience this joy afresh this season, all lost hopes will be restored in Jesus' name.

*Locating Joy. The shepherds were located out in the fields with the good news of great joy (see Luke 2:8ff). The joy that the Lord gives locates the Kingdom People. Relax; your joy is on the way.

*Fulfilling Joy. Simeon and Anna had their share of joy as they encountered Jesus Christ in the Temple the day He was first presented. Their dreams of seeing the Messiah were fulfilled (see Luke 2:25ff, 36ff).

*Lasting Joy. From the song of Mary in Luke 1:46-55, we are made to understand that the joy that the Lord gives is a lasting one – it extends from generation to generation. The joy from the Lord cannot be short-lived.

CONCLUSION: - Kingdom People! Brace up and position yourselves to receive the joy of the Lord. It is the joy that is overwhelming, restoring, locating, fulfilling, and lasting. Shalom.

Rev. Sola Idowu. PhD
1st Vice Chairman,  Lagos Central Baptist Conference
Living is Christ
Phil. 1:21.