Friday 13 December 2013



         I had the privilege to partake in this year's HOLY PILGRIMAGE TO ISRAEL  and my experience among the pilgrims to the holy land exhibited the typical attitude of many Nigerian Christians in respect to prayers. We consider Christianity as utilitarian, something that can get us whatever we want or desire.

     It has been observed that our prayers are more directed at getting something from God rather than an avenue to commune with God, hear Him speak to us about His plans and programs, and enjoy His fellowship among other things.

      Whenever some Nigerian Christian has the opportunity to pray, he feels that God is under obligation to hear him speak first and only, rather than God speak to Him. We thunder at God , pray all manners of prayers and even dare to give Him time limits under which He must perform. But one thing we fail to do is to listen to God speak to us. We fail to realize that prayer is essentially communication, a dialogue between two individuals who talk to one another. Prayer for many of us has become a one way communication, wand we are the only one talking.
        I had the opportunity to share in a morning devotion with the pilgrims in my group after I observed the way and manner in which they threw themselves on the floor at every holy site during the pilgrimage. No doubt, we had all come to the holy land with our different expectations and grayer needs. There are those in dire need of one miracle or the other. Others are in need of major breakthroughs or turn around in their lives. Yet others I spoke to came for healing for themselves or loved ones.  
          Many brought photographs of loved ones who had particular ailments or needs and they believed the pilgrimage will work instant miracles once they touch these hallowed grounds. I made them to realize that more than they getting their prayer answered, God may have deliberately included them on the pilgrimage list in order to get their attention.
       Back at home, we are so preoccupied with daily grinds that we find it difficult to hear God speak to us.

         Our churches and clergymen make matters worse by filling every day of the week with church programs and activities that there is hardly anytime for personal interaction and fellowship with God.
      The art of quiet devotion and mediation seems to be missing in our Christian walk.  As a result, we become so dependent on what the man of God says rather than cultivating fellowship with God and hear Him speak to us directly as a Father to His child. God desires to speak and it is important that we listen to God, because a word dropped into our spirit by God may make all the difference and be the solution to all of our needs.
         Citing the book of Habakuk 2:1-3, the prophet in desiring that God speak to him and His particular situation said, ' I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.' Habakuk had complained to God about  the injustice, corruption and wickedness in His country.
        God responded that He will send the Babylonians to chastise the Israelites. Habakuk in response, could not understand why God would send a more terrible nation to punish Israel. He continued in His dialogue with God and resolved to hear God speak again to him concerning his concerns And God did.
      It is desirable that we pray, but it is imperative that we hear God speak to us in our prayers. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says..

Rev. Christopher Aigbadumah, Phd.
Moderator,  New Height Baptist Association; and
Snr Pastor,  Living Souls Baptist Church,  Agabara.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Kehinde Babarinde is still waiting for you to join Twitter...

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Kehinde Babarinde is still waiting for you to join Twitter...

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     12  -   12   -2013
Thursday, December 12/2013

Luke 3:15-20


So John said to all of them, I baptize you with water, but someone is coming who is much greater than I am… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16, GNB

        Don Moen sang a song in his album, 'I Believe There Is More', which actually is the album title track. Also in his album 'Mercy Seat', he sang in the track 'I Just Want To Know You More' saying, "And yet I know there is more; I hear You calling me to place where I've never been before; where Your love is flowing deeper than the sea …." Psalms 42, 61, 63 and 84 are also examples of a desire to hold on to all that God has in store.

      John the Baptist, knowing men were about to put a crown on him had to turn their hearts to long for more than he could offer. He showed a different attitude compared to the priests and Pharisees. The people were hungry for the Messiah and just an inkling of John's anointing made them think he was the Christ. John, in clear terms, made them realise that the best he could offer was the baptism of water; and, the Christ would come with something far greater than they had seen–the Holy Spirit and fire.

       There is more to your Christian life that the promise of the Holy Spirit will achieve in your life. Ask the Father right away (read Luke 11:9-13).

Prayer Point: Lord, reveal unto me more of You in my Christian life.


Saturday 7 December 2013

Kehinde Babarinde sent you an invitation

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Kehinde Babarinde has invited you to join Twitter!

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Twitter helps you stay connected with what's happening right now and with the people and organizations you care about.


Saturday 30 November 2013


P-R-E-A-C-H:Avoid Conflict, Enhance IntimacyThis article is dedicated to Rev Mrs 'Kemi Babarinde, an intimate partner of 21yrs

Be positive about your personality and your life. Know your personality type, your limitations and build on your strength. Accept yourself, the place where you are and the people around you. 

Never discuss with your spouse without justifiable reasons that are not sentimental. Majority of Nigerian husbands are with their brains soaked with pride and a measure of strong-head. With your reasons and facts be reasonable.

Anger is a response that reacts to reality- people or issues. What you say, how it is said, on what occasion, in whose presence, intonation, enunciation and choice of word will always reflect our emotional stability. This is the starting point of crisis. Manage our emotions when you are hurt, injured, humiliated, abandoned, rejected, unprotected and insulted. 

There is no place of avoidance of people in marriage like that of an office environment, Be available to manage issues but avoid crisis and discussions and actions that can promote crises.  

Be at peace inwardly and be integrity based, match word with actions. When you are consistent, you will win your family with God-given wisdom. Virtues of honesty, love, forbearance and other fruit of the Spirit will help in managing crises. 

-          This is an extract of a section of presentation made at Shepherdhill Baptist Church on "Conflict Management in Marriage" and "Enhancing Intimacy in Marriage" to Pastors' Wives of Unity Baptist Association respectively

Thursday 28 November 2013


It's been 21years since we were at the altar of St James Cathedral Ibadan.  It's been  God's Faithfulness and our Fruitfulness in the midst of our human weaknesses. Help me celebrate the engine of the Ship which I accepted to be the captain. See her behind me as Spiritual anchor for Strength.
'Kemi, to you, I am ever  grateful.

To all who have blessed us. Satellite Town Baptist Church and our parents; David & Comfort Bababrinde and Samuel & Rachel Malomo

Thursday 21 November 2013


Greatness does not begin in a day. Every human being have potentials.  Every believer in Christ have spiritual endowment.  Every minister whose calling is sure in Christ Jesus has the seed of greatness inherent in him. This passes through metamorphosis of sanctification.  Dr Nihinlola fit into such ministerial identity. He had gone through many areas of Baptist life- RA, Youth, BSF, Baptist Building,  Church Pastorate, Administration,  Lecturing , College of Theology and finally,  now in the Seminary.
     Historically, my Uncle Mr J. Bolaji Oladipo married his Anty Mary Oladipo. I recall Dr Nihinlola came with Dns McQueen to Inaugurate BSF at FBC ,Oko via Ogbomoso in 1986 where I was a BSF leader. Ministerial wise,  I met him in 1987 in his last year in the seminary as President,BSF Leaders Forum. I served with him in Ad Committee that organized Western Zone Conference at Ede in April 1988. We both came for M.Th in 1994-1996 and studied under Professor Yusuf Ameh Obaje. Coming to Lagos,  I served in the Board with him briefly and remain a Signatory to BCT Lagos Bank Accounts for his last three years. All these would have influenced my thought about him.

1. Conference Services
It is on record that you work harmoniously with Dr Oke and his successors. You head the team that studied multiplication.  It came to past. You head the Historical Committee and History of Lagos Baptist was published.  There is no Conference's Annual Workers Seminar that you have not been privilege to present a paper. There's no Annual session that you have not presented report.  You did your best.

2. Commitment to Sound Theological Education
The blueprint you wrote for Baptist College of Theology Lagos is there to confirm your convictions. The Annual Practical Theology Seminar has boosted the image of the College locally and internationally. You can look back or look at the shelf and thank God for the editions of Practical Theology that have been published.

3. Confonting Challenges of life with faith
Your faith has sustained you through trials. In offering yourself for service at various times where you were taken and where you were not; none is not devoid of spiritual and verbal attacks provoking you into trauma.You have always come out strong. Such faith has been evident as lesson for all. It is an immenient and eschatological. Such faith was demonstrated when you preached the burial sermon of Goke Adeleke and Tayo Orodiji. You have always preached faith.

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde