Tuesday 11 April 2017



"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" (Psalm‬ 42:1-2‬ NIV‬‬)

Psalm 42 is the plea of a believer in the midst of unbelievers.
The psalmist seems to be in exile among those who have no faith in the only living and true God. While in exile, the psalmist recalls the times when he was able to go unto the house of God with all those who worshipped. He likened his passion for God as that of the deer for the water brooks.

The deer is noted for craving after the water brooks because of certain reasons which cannot be compromised, as long as the deer is still alive. Three of the reasons are highlighted here below.
1. That is where the deer draws his strength from
2. The deer cannot survive without water
3. The amount of water a deer takes determines how far it can travel.

Similarly, a Christian who wants to travel far in life, maximize his/her potential and live to the full capacity of Gods purpose, is expected to seek after and stay close to Jesus Christ the Living Water, through regular study of Gods word and prayer. The craving for personal communion with God is what defines our spiritual and physical character as Christians. The quality of our character grows in proportion to the time we spend in Gods presence and in His Word. It is a known fact that we cannot spend quality time with God and not be changed.

Jesus exemplified this for us; He was a man of prayer who continually spent hours alone with God.  Accordingly, if we desire to live the life Christ has for us then we must do the same. As we continue to spend time in His Word, we cultivate the very character of Christ. Jesus said it like this, If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you...you shall bear much fruit. (John 15:5 NIV) His presence and His Word are the only two ingredients that can cause us to live as He did. We should allow His presence and His Word to be our greatest priority in our lives today.

Sadly, we are daily confronted with things that are capable of alienating us from God. Our daily struggle with/for position, power, popularity, peer pressure and the likes are part of the things that we are being offered as benefits with the underlying aim of stealing our time and communion with God. An average individual gets carried away with these offers most of the time, and ends up as a captive to them.

In the process, where the balance is not properly stricken, the following become the outcome.
We get sapped of our spiritual strength.
We lose focus of our primary calling to be Christians
We neglect the major and focus on the minor.
We lose divine direction 
We become busy (either for God or for ourselves) but remain guilty.

However, if we can redirect our passion and learn to seek for God  if we can long for Him more than anything else, appearing before Him will not be a challenge in spite of the perversions that we are daily surrounded with. Then we can be able to 
Behold His face
Enjoy His favour
Receive divine direction 
Enjoy restoration to divine agenda 
Enjoy absolute peace while we work with Him and for Him.

Rev Kunle Ayo-Akinjole holds a degree in Theology and a Master in Christian Religious Studies. He is the current Pastor of First Baptist Church Era Odan, Ojo. Lagos State. He was the Anchorman for New Life Baptist Association at its inception and currently serves as Assistant Secretary of the Lagos Central Baptist Conference. PASTOR'S FELLOWSHIP. Akinjole is Youth Friendly and has trainings in Management


  1. Ayo Opeyemi Sparks8:52 pm, April 11, 2017

    Thank you for this Sir... More Grace in Jesus name

  2. More anointing in Jesus name
