Tuesday 2 September 2014


Today history is made and glory is being given to God. We of Lagos Central Baptist Conference rejoice with REV. DR. MOSES BABATUNDE ADEBAYO on this occasion of his golden jubilee
Dr. Adebayo is the current and the first Vice President (Finance and Investment) of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. A Chartered Accountant and a graduate of Baptist College of Theology Lagos,  Dr Adebayo bagged his his Doctoral degree in Ministry from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomoso. He is happily married to Olanike.

Dr Adebayo is one of the Lagos Baptist Conferences' contribution to the Nigerian Baptist Convention where he served as carrier Conference Treasurer before his current position.

    He is a professional, a passionate pastor and a very diplomatic  leader with commitment to kingdom projects.
    I represent the Chairman, Rev Sunday A. Fagbemi,  all the cooperating Churches of the Lagos Central Baptist Conference to wish you God - given wisdom for the years ahead.
Happy birthday

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