Monday 26 May 2014


Monday, May 26
Luke 19:45-48

And He went into the temple, and begins to cast out them that sold therein and them that bought. Luke 19:45, KJV

The church is a place to be revered whenever we gather to worship. The sanctity and reverence for corporate places of worship should be maintained and observed by all believers in Christ Jesus.

It is sad that today, the temple of God in several places is being misused. Some have turned them to entertainment halls, party zones and beer parlours. Some even commit sexual sins within the house of God. What an abomination!

In what ways do you misuse the church building where you are supposed to worship God? Are you one of those who watch pornography on cell phones while in the church? Do you take pleasure in looking seductively at sisters in church during service? Do you steal the church money? Stop this, before God disgraces you before people.

God is jealous over His house, as demonstrated by Jesus, so He would do everything to cleanse it of terrible people. You are therefore enjoined to desist from those heinous acts and live your life to please God.

• Birthday Blessing: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" - Hebrews 13:5

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Kings 20, 21; John 7:1-13

God is not grading how well we express ourselves at the place of prayer, but how faithful are we to His command. – Unknown

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