Thursday 6 February 2014



Thursday, February 6
Proverbs 28:18-22


To show partiality is not good - yet a man will do wrong for a price of bread. Proverbs 28:21, NIV

Partiality simply means unfair or biased support of one person or thing against another for benefit. For personal interest and gain, people usually deny others their rightful entitlements, thereby making themselves richer, while others become poorer.

Can you imagine an establishment where the principal officers collect huge portions of Christmas bonus, and still cut from the little that belong to the junior staff and add it to theirs?

Some people deny the most qualified people admission or appointment and give it to those who are not qualified because of money or personal interest. In fact, partiality has destroyed our nation’s main sectors: economy, education, judiciary, political, etc.

Today, God is speaking to you that partiality is bad, no matter who does it and for whatever reason. It is wrong and you must desist from it. We must avoid its attendant consequences which are:

(1) One who is partial will fall (Proverbs 28:18). That is, he will never shine because he is down (Isaiah 60:1).

(2) The man who is partial will suffer abject poverty (vs. 19-22). He may suddenly amass wealth for himself, but it will not last.

(3) He will be punished by God (v. 20).

• Birthday Blessing: The Lord will give strength unto His people…bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 35, 36; Matthew 24:32-51

Forgive me, Lord for prejudice - remove its subtle tie; oh Lord, fill my heart with your great love that sent your Son to die. - D. De Haan
Endeavour to rebroadcast this devotional message to others on your contact list. Have a happy night rest.



Thursday, February 6
Proverbs 28:18-22


To show partiality is not good - yet a man will do wrong for a price of bread. Proverbs 28:21, NIV

Partiality simply means unfair or biased support of one person or thing against another for benefit. For personal interest and gain, people usually deny others their rightful entitlements, thereby making themselves richer, while others become poorer.

Can you imagine an establishment where the principal officers collect huge portions of Christmas bonus, and still cut from the little that belong to the junior staff and add it to theirs?

Some people deny the most qualified people admission or appointment and give it to those who are not qualified because of money or personal interest. In fact, partiality has destroyed our nation’s main sectors: economy, education, judiciary, political, etc.

Today, God is speaking to you that partiality is bad, no matter who does it and for whatever reason. It is wrong and you must desist from it. We must avoid its attendant consequences which are:

(1) One who is partial will fall (Proverbs 28:18). That is, he will never shine because he is down (Isaiah 60:1).

(2) The man who is partial will suffer abject poverty (vs. 19-22). He may suddenly amass wealth for himself, but it will not last.

(3) He will be punished by God (v. 20).

• Birthday Blessing: The Lord will give strength unto His people…bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 35, 36; Matthew 24:32-51

Forgive me, Lord for prejudice - remove its subtle tie; oh Lord, fill my heart with your great love that sent your Son to die. - D. De Haan
Endeavour to rebroadcast this devotional message to others on your contact list. Have a happy night rest.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Wednesday, February 5
Psalm 82

“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless….”  Psalm 82:3, NIV

Today’s devotion is a continuation of what God started ministering to us yesterday. The message is a consolation for the oppressed, the weak and the helpless. It is quite amazing that God pays serious attention to these categories of people.

Are you currently being oppressed by someone you cannot possibly handle by yourself? Be encouraged by God’s Word today. He will intervene in your situation. Maybe the oppressor is even someone close: your spouse, children, parents, bosses, pastors, leaders, or even the government. Whoever it is is surely currying God’s wrath. So, relax; God is already fighting for you.

On the other hand, you need to examine yourself. Hope you are not also an oppressor to some seemingly helpless people. Hope you are not usurping authority? If you are guilty of any of these, you will need to repent today lest God rises against you as He did to Pharaoh. Some people treat their mates, spouses, children or wards as slaves or even animals. Heed God’s warning now and repent before it is too late!

Defend the cause of the weak and helpless. Strengthen them. Then, you too can be sure of God’s help.

• Birthday Blessing: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. Isaiah 44:2

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 33, 34; Matthew 24:15-31

True Christian love helps those who can’t return the favour. - Anonymous

Friday 31 January 2014


Friday, January 31

They profess that they know God but in works deny Him…. Titus 1:16, NRSV

A pastor boarded a commercial vehicle and the conductor deliberately by-passed him while collecting fare from passengers. When the pastor reached his destination, he brought out his fare and gave it to the conductor. He did not know that the conductor was a member of his church.

The following Sunday, the conductor came to the church and shared the testimony with the congregation that the pastor is a man of integrity, who does not only preach the Word of God, but also lives it.

Our actions speak louder than our voice. A little demonstration of Christian character is much more effective than several days of preaching and teaching. I know of a woman, from a Muslim background, who got converted just because someone demonstrated Christian virtue to her.

As believers, God expects more than mere profession of faith from us; He wants to see us live like Christ, practically witnessing the Gospel daily. The world also wants to perceive the aroma of Christ in our lives.

We are hypocrites when we profess to be Christians and fail to live it out. By this, we disappoint God and fail humanity. You either draw people to Christ or push them away by your actions. You will surely be rewarded for either.

As you go out let others see Jesus through your demonstration of patience, faithfulness, love, tolerance, gentleness, purity, generosity and other Christian virtues.

• Birthday Blessing: You will arise and show compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her… Psalm 102:13

Read Bible Through Passage:  Exodus 22, 23; Matthew 22:1-22

The authenticity of your Christianity will be proved by your lifestyle. – Unknown

Thursday 30 January 2014


Thursday, January 30
Deuteronomy 4:1-10

You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it… Deuteronomy 4:2, NRSV

The experiences and situations of life often cause people to either add or take away from God’s Word.
Most times, when they do that, it is to have a basis for their actions or inactions. But the truth is that the Word of God is complete and can never be compromised for anyone’s experience.

Someone said, “You can use philosophy or psychology to illustrate the Word of God, but the Word of God is neither philosophy nor psychology.” In fact, the Word of God is far greater than any discipline or field of study.

The severe consequence of either adding to the Word of God or removing from it is clearly stated in Revelation 22:18-19.

Therefore, each believer is mandated to comply with God’s Word. The good thing about this is that God is not a taskmaster. His instructions are a function of His divine and sincere love for us. They are given for our good.

So, there is no justification for manipulating His Word. Everything you are going through has its solution in the Word. As you devote yourself to studying His Word, you will find answers to all the questions of your heart.

Not only that, you will also find peace, joy and rest. Let your life be in agreement with His Word, then you will not have the need to doctor (add or remove from) God’s Word.

• Birthday Blessing: …But I will see you again and you will rejoice and no-one will take away your joy. John 16:22

Read Bible Through Passage:  Exodus 20, 21; Matthew 21:28-46

As the image on the seal is stamped upon the wax, so the thoughts of the heart are printed upon the actions. - Stephen Charnock


Our Father in the Lord!!!!!

Rev. Dr. Julius Ajao Adeniji is 60years old today January 30. He holds a B.Th degree from NBTS, Ogbomoso and crowned his academic carrier with a Ph.D in Counseling Psychology at the University of Lagos.  He is married with Mrs Mary Adeniji,  an Educationist and they're blessed with children.
        Dr Adeniji was Resident Chaplain for College Chapel,  Iwo; Pastor, Providence Baptist Church, Alalade Compound; and Visioner and Pastor,  Triumphant Baptist Church, Holy Ghost Compound, Akowojo. Currently, he is the Conference President, Lagos West Baptist Conference. In addition, he has a training outfit Merilius Consulting.

       It is on record that he has served as Association Moderator,  Association Consultant,  Alumin Chairman of the NBTS and Member of the Governing Board of the NBTS. He is currently a Member of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
   Please be informed that purposely to thank God for his life and ministry that worship will hold on February 2. at Ben Auto Events Place, Santos Layout, Dopemu, Lagos. It is behind Providence Baptist Church, Balogun Alalade Compound. Dr. Ademola Ishola will preach; and our President, Rev. Dr. Supo Ayokunle will offer prophetic prayer. You are specialy invited.

On behalf of the Chairman,  Rev Sunday A.Fagbemi , the Moderators of the cooperating Associations and indeed the entire members and staff of Lagos Central Baptist Conference we wish you our Father in the Lord happy birthday and God's blessings for the years ahead.

Rev.Dr O.Kehinde Babarinde

Sunday 26 January 2014


Sunday, January 26
Luke 16:19-31

Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' Luke 16:29, NIV

At the appointed time, both Lazarus (the beggar) and the rich man died (v. 22; Ecclesiastes 3:2, Hebrews 9:27). This proves the fact that death is no respecter of anyone.

Whereas, after death, Lazarus entered into life (comfort), the rich man ended in hell (agony) (v. 25) because:
(a) he trusted in worldly riches, such that he could not accommodate God in his thought (Luke 12:16-21);
(b) he had no concern for the poor (v. 19-21);
(c) he did not yield to the Lord's warnings (v. 27-31).

God would punish whoever violates His warnings. Sometimes, the punishment could be eternal. Some of us who are fortunate to be born into comfortable families or who suddenly find ourselves in comfort seldom think of the hereafter. We think only of our enjoyment, not minding people who are suffering around us.

Note that once we die, our eternal positions will depend on how we spend our lives on earth.

Therefore, if your lot is comfort today, care for the poor around you so that you will not end in agony.
In case your portion now is pain, be of good cheer, comfort is awaiting you in heaven, if you continue steadfastly to live for God.

• Birthday Blessing: Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken. Psalm 125:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus  10:11,12; Matthew 18

As the way to Canaan lay through a howling wilderness and desert, so the path to heaven lies through much affliction. - Thomas Manton