Monday 23 September 2013


You can make it.
Let me give you an analogy. In some ways, a resolution is just like the canvas of a tent, while the goals are just like the poles and stakes. You cant expect to raise a tent without the poles and stakes to support it. Likewise, you cant expect to fulfill on a resolution without having goals to support them.Using the tent analogy, those that are truly successful in raising a tent have probably also reviewed a list of instructions that told them in what order to complete certain tasks. In all our resolutions and goals example, this would be the action plan. This action plan is the road map that will tell you what needs to be completed and when to do it in order to accomplish your goals and fulfill your resolutions.Use this five-step technique and you can beat the odds and accomplish the success you deserve!1. Analyze what you need to get accomplished. Think about what is most important to you. Look at where you are today and select where it is you need to go.2. Identify your key objectives. Rank them, and limit yourself to not more than 3 goals. (5 if only you must)3. Generate an action plan. This is where you say, Here is what I plan to do and here is how I plan to do it. This must be written using very SMART goals, which should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Ex. Resolution: I will lose weight this year. SMART Objective: I will walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week beginning on February one.4. Prioritize your plan. This is where you say, Here  is the order that I plan to do them in. Use the 20/80 rule and focus on the 20% of the tasks that will produce 80% of the results.5. Implement your plan. This is where you say, Here is how I will put my plan in to practice. Then do it! This ought to include a regular review and celebration technique. Every week is best but no less than every month.


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