Sunday 29 June 2014


Sunday, June 29
1 Corinthians 1:10-17

...That you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you.... 1 Corinthians 1:10, KJV

Today's devotion is a call to harmony within the body of Christ and an emphasis on the need to do away with all that can bring discord. God has positioned specific individuals within the church to serve as agents through whom His blessings are communicated to His people.

Many times, our human natures are demonstrated when we show loyalty to one of these and relegate the other. We take sides with the vessels God uses and overlook the Source of the grace itself.

While God is not against our giving appropriate honour to credible leaders, we must be careful not to allow dividing spirit gain a foothold in God's assembly. When the unity of the church is tampered with, the free move of God may not be guaranteed.

Paul rebuked attitudes like this among the Corinthians. This is reflecting among us today. Christ must be exalted and rated over and above all in the church so that the glory would be His alone.

Have you observed any kind of division in your place of worship? Release yourself today as an instrument to bring the desired peace into the body of Christ.

• Birthday Blessing: "From this day on I will bless you" - Haggai 2:19

Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chronicles 11, 12,13; Acts 5:17-42

Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Thursday 26 June 2014


Thursday, June 26
1 Corinthians 12:12-20

For as the body is one and has many members... 1 Corinthians 12:12-20

Paul, in this writing to the Corinthians employed the unity of the operations of the body to establish a spiritual reality about the interdependent nature of the church of God. Though there are many members but the body remains one. This is the reality of our faith in Christ.

Though different in personality, but we are saved by the same grace. Like the human body, although they are many, yet they all unite in one harmonious whole.

The unity of the body of Christ is best portrayed as many members having similar pursuits in favour of the kingdom of God. As such, no distraction must be allowed to divert the view of the church from her commission in spite of the obvious difference.

From today's inspiration, it is advised that each believer take the stand of a crusader for the unity of the body in pursuits and purpose. From this, we would get the desired result to change the world for Christ.

Begin to pray to love the unlovable today. Also, you must follow up your prayers with actions. Give gifts to the unlovable; visit them and fellowship with them in truth. As you do so, you would ignite the fire of unity once again.

• Birthday Blessing: "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." - Isaiah 40:1

Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chronicles 4,5; Acts 4:1-22

The business of our lives is not to please ourselves but to please God. – Matthew Henry

Wednesday 25 June 2014



Wednesday, June 25

Ephesians 4:1-6


...Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3, NIV

We have the responsibility of maintaining the Spirit's unity. The unity of the Godhead is proven above any doubt in the Scriptures. The desire of Christ is for the Church to demonstrate this unity in her relationship as a testimony to the world that the Father sent Christ (John 17:21).

When Paul admonished the Ephesian Christians to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, he was emphasising the need for them all to be in perfect agreement; a kind of agreement that is bonded by the Spirit.
There is no doubt that the Church at Ephesus was composed of converted Jews and Gentiles. Because of their different backgrounds, there might be frequent causes of frictions. Indeed, the Jews, though converted, might be envious that the Gentiles were to share the same privileges with them, without sharing in the yoke and burden of the Mosaic Law. Churches today harbour great sentiments towards one another.

We must unite to restore the move of the Spirit in our midst. Let the miracle begin from you. Put aside all differences and allow the bond of peace through the Spirit.

• Birthday Blessing: "Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accom-plished" – Luke 1:45

Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chronicles 1, 2, 3; Acts 3

I have never known the Spirit of God to work where the LORD's people were divided. – D. L. Moody

Tuesday 24 June 2014


Tuesday, June 24
1 Corinthians 12:4-11

All these are the works of one and same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.  1 Corinthians 12:11, NIV

The Scriptures affirms that the Spirit of God is one. The fact that the church shares spiritual things in common is supposed to guarantee our collective unity in spite of the obvious differences.

There are many people in the church demonstrating different gifts according to the will of the Spirit. Interestingly, no matter how public or private any of the gifts may be, each of them is powered by the same Spirit.

The church as a centre approved by God should be a place where His power is experienced by all who approach Him. All spiritual gifts are powered by the Holy Spirit to extend the testimony of the church about God and the promised kingdom.

For an effective ministry, you must daily rely on the Spirit to instruct and guide you so that the results would bring glory to God's name. Pray for the renewal of your gift(s) and Spirit today.

• Birthday Blessing: "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing" - Zephaniah 3:17.

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Chronicles 29; Acts 2:25-47

Jealousy is a feeling of anger or unhappiness that comes up as a result of an inward feeling that you wish you had something that somebody has or showing interest in someone else's possessions. – Anonymous

Saturday 21 June 2014


Saturday, June 21
Hebrews 10:19-24

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23, NIV

The truth of the Gospel is the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the only Saviour. Any confession other than this is an aberration. The hope professed by the Christians of old was the resurrection of the body and everlasting life. These people looked forward to a future with God and this influenced their living.

For hope to be hope, it must be kept alive by a believing heart. You have a duty to protect your confession of hope until it materialises in physical terms, delivering the dividends to you.

Hope disappears when there is no fertile ground for it to blossom. Hope must be nourished daily in prayers and reaffirmations. You are what you confess and your life is driven mostly by the confessions you make.

This is why what you hope for must reflect in your speech and life in general before they become actualised. Keep on confessing it and pray through till the desire translates to testimony.

• Birthday Blessing: "…Do not be discouraged…the battle in not yours but God's." - 2 Chronicles 20:15

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Chronicles 23, 24; John 21

A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough for the next six months. We must draw upon God's boundless store of grace from day-to-day, as we need it. – D.L. Moody

Thursday 19 June 2014



Thursday, June 19

Romans 8:18-25


For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is not hope at all. Romans 8:24, NIV

Paul literally undermined the effects of the suffering he underwent as an apostle of Christ Jesus when compared with the glory ahead (vv. 18). He viewed the "sons of God" as the needed response to the groaning of the entire creation and challenged them to manifest the glory of God in them (vs. 19-21).

The demonstration of hope in the face of harsh and unpleasing conditions is our way of making practical the reality of our faith. It is also a means God uses to grow His children.

When we overlook the odds and embrace the glory, it is faith made practical. No one has a grip of what he/she hopes for, if we do, it is no more hope; but the Scriptures affirms salvation in and through hope (v. 24).The hope of reference from the text is the redemption of the soul. The delay in accomplishing the goals may be horrifying. The Word of God for you today is that there is hope.

Embrace faith, and make your claim on the strength available through the Spirit. It would be your turn to sing soon.

• Birthday Blessing: "The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights" -  Habakkuk 3:19

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Chronicles 18, 19, 20; John 19:31-42

Man fidgets at the face of every little upset leading to failure. But knowing the Word and the purpose of God, he became a victor. – Anonymous
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Wednesday 18 June 2014



Wednesday, June 18

Psalm 33:13-22


We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20, NIV
Objectively speaking, there are enough things in this world to distract believers from the God of their salvation. When our lives are buffeted by the odds around, all we seek is solution.

From today's text, the symbol of the multitude of army for the king; strength for the mighty man and horse for safety are references to seeming solutions to the challenges we face and the things from which we seek rescue (vv. 16-17). It is, however, unfortunate that these are not sufficient in themselves to bring solution to our unending challenges.

This is why the psalmist suggests a total reliance on God for lasting solutions to the issues of life (v. 20). For those who fear and hope in His mercies, He would bring salvation to them, no matter the nature of their problems.

Are you troubled? Renew your hope and love in God today. Expect your breakthrough in ways beyond your imagination. Always bear this in mind: God's steadfast love over you cannot cease, come what may.

• Birthday Blessing: "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…You will have plenty to eat…never again will my people be ashamed" - Joel 2:26-27.

Read Bible Through Passage: 1 Chronicles 16, 17; John 19:1-30

God may not give answer to some of our prayer requests because He is training us to have absolute trust in Him at all times. Christians are to be at their best when under pressure of life. – Unknown
Endeavour to rebroadcast this devotional message to others on your contact list. Have a wonderful day