Monday 20 January 2014


Seek Daily NBC

Tuesday, January 21

Job 34: 17-30


They caused the cry of the poor to come before him, so that he heard the cry of the needy. Job 34: 28, NIV

God has never ignored the cry of the poor and the afflicted. Each time they cry unto Him, He hears and comes to their aid. He executes judgment on the high and mighty whenever they take undue advantage of  the poor. Note that even before the poor and the afflicted cry unto Him for judgment, God has already seen it (v. 21-23).

The implication of this is that whoever cheats the poor and afflicts people in any way will not go scot-free. Thus, those who occupy exalted positions should tread cautiously; for God can, through any means, remove wicked people from power and
then replace them.

The main issue today is that God loathes oppression. The rich who oppress the less privileged in the society are offending God. No matter how long it takes, God shall execute judgment on  them. This is to underscore the fact that all men are equal before Him.

Are you poor and being afflicted?  Cry no more. Your tears are 'liquid prayers' and Your Maker has heard them all. He will soon come to help you. Are you afflicting people? Stop it now; else you will court the anger of God. Always remember that God is the Defender of the less privileged.

• Birthday Blessing: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 49, 50; Matthew

Times of affliction are usually gaining times for God's  people. -Joseph Alleine


I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
(Ecclesiastes 9:11 KJV)


When you look will determine what you will see. Where you live will inform environmental experience-Kehinde Babarinde



Monday, January 20

Deuteronomy 15:7-11


…Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward… the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11, NIV

By providence, there will always be poor people in the land (v. 11). This does not imply that God wants people to be poor. In fact, He is the One who gives the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Since He is the Source of all true wealth, He commands those whom He has blessed to be open-handed towards their brothers; the poor and the needy. The poor are people in need and who do not have any ability to meet it. The needy are not necessarily poor, but are in need at a given time.

Your wealth is accursed if it is not extended to such people. Why must we maintain an open hand to people, especially the poor? It is because we never actually own anything. All that we have is given to us by God (1 Corinthians 4:7). The Word of God also made it clear that giving is a sure route to greater blessings (Acts 20:35).

The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 was so tight-fisted that he refused to assist poor Lazarus! He lost his soul eternally. You don't have to end up like him. Make helping the needy a lifestyle.

• Birthday Blessing: The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. Isaiah 25:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 47, 48; Matthew 14:1-21

Man takes great pains to heap up riches and they are like heaps of manure in the furrows of the field, good for nothing unless they be spread – Matthew Henry.

Sunday 19 January 2014


      Judging by the current affairs in the world at large, with particular reference to the socio-economic and religious situations, one can safely asserts that many families have either gone through or are currently going through an experience of illusion. Illusion may be simply defined as an idea or conception or belief that is both false and deceptive.

Again, illusion has to do with something that is false in appearance. We may also use the following words and expressions like "delusion", "deception", "fantasy", "daydream", and "figment of one's imagination" to drive home the meaning of this word. It should be noted that the experience of illusion may either be self-inflicted or brought upon a person or a family by virtue of association or affiliation, either social or religious.
The effects of illusion on an individual or a family include but not limited to the following: anxiety, false expectation, unrealistic goal setting, false self esteem, and so on and so forth. What is of interest to us in this short discourse is how to deal with illusion especially in the context of a Christian home. Below are five major steps to take in dealing with family illusions.

1. Be Sensitive.
The idea of sensitivity in this context connotes the idea of awareness. It is quite unfortunate to note that many people today do not really know themselves. As a result, they are easily deluded. A good biblical example is Apostle Peter who vowed to go to any length with Jesus Christ, but ran away in the face of persecution (see Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75).

2. Be Sincere.
Another virtue needed to deal with illusion is sincerity. People/families often live deceptively these days because they are not sincere and so are not able to confront their situations. One of the sons of the prophet (Elisha) was sincere about his situation; he decided not to be deceptive with himself and others. He confessed that the ax-head that fell into the river was borrowed (see 2 Kings 6:1-7).

3. Be Specific.
One major reason why many daydream these days is simply because of lack of precision. To avoid daydreaming, we must be specific with regards to what we actually want in life. Apostle Paul was specific. He said "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Being specific means being focused.

4. Be Satisfied.
The idea of satisfaction here means contentment. Only those who are satisfied with Jesus Christ are not tossed here and there by the figments of their imaginations. Apostle Paul said, "I have leant the secret of being content in any and every situation" (Philippians 4:12).

5. Be Spiritual.
Often times we are carried away by our self-created fantasies as a result of our carnal and unbridled ambitions (see James 1:13-15). To overcome this, we must be spiritual. To be spiritual simply means to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:16). 


Rev. 'Sola Idowu Ph.D
Living is Christ
Philippians 1:21
Pastor, New Life Baptist Church, Owode, Ajah
Moderator, Shalom Baptist Association.
1st Vice Chairman, Lagos Central Baptist Conference.


From Eddybanks

You asked us to wear coat under hot sun, we did!

You said we should speak your language, we obediently dump ours!

You asked us to tie a rope round our necks like goats, we obeyed!

You said our ladies should wear dead people's hair instead of the natural ones God gave to them, they obeyed!

You said we should marry just one woman in the midst of plenty damsels, we reluctantly obeyed!

You said our decent gals should wear catapults instead of the conventional pants, they obeyed!

You asked us to use rubber in order to control our birth rate , we obey even when it denied us sweetness of sex!

Now you want our men to sleep with fellow men AND women with fellow women so that God would visit us like Sodom and Gomora?

Oyinbo, we say tufiakwa! Na by force to be your friend? we no go gree with you this time. As Nigerians we say NO to gay relationships. If you no be gay and lesbian, pass it to your contacts. Good afternoon



Sunday, January 19
Luke 14:7-18; 22-24


…so that when your host comes… you will be honoured in the presence of all your fellow guests. Luke 14:10, NIV

Honour and disgrace are in complete contrasts.  Everyone desires to be honoured but no one likes disgrace. But, honour is earned. Imagine being invited to a dinner with your state governor or your country president. What a great honour indeed! But what if God, Creator of all great men, leaders and the whole earth invites you to dinner!

God desires to dine with you, but only on one condition - you must be His child. He loves and cares for His own. Are you one? If you are not, make this day honourable; yield to His invitation and give your life to Jesus.

Those who honoured the invitation received honour, while those who excused and turned down the invitation were disgraced. As cogent as their excuses seem, the convener considered them untenable. God does not honour anyone who turns down His invitation to salvation.

Friend, how many times have you turned God down for studies, jobs, relationships, challenges, and what-have-you? You had better honour Him now before it is too late. Jesus invites you because "…still there is room" (Luke 14:22) to be saved and honoured. If you miss this opportunity, you may be eternally disgraced.

• Birthday Blessing: …you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. Psalm 3:3

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 45, 46; Matthew 13:44-58

Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can. – D.L. Moody