Sunday 5 January 2014


LASG rejects Hijab in public schools

Lagos State Government says pupils in its public schools are only allowed to wear conventional uniforms to the school.

It added that usage of other appendages, including Hijab, a head scarf for Muslim women, would not be allowed.

The Commissioner for Education Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye, said this on Tuesday at a press briefing in Ikeja, adding that usage of Hijab and other religious materials in public schools was against government's policy.

She said, "I summoned a stakeholder's meeting that was chaired by the Commissioner for Home Affairs and Culture, Alhaji Oyinlomo Danmole. The Muslim students were represented at the meeting, Lawyers were represented. We discussed the issue at length and we reached certain agreement.

"We agreed that students could only use their Hijab when they want to go for prayers, when they want to read Qur'an, and when they are going for Jumat prayer on Fridays.

"It was agreed that no student should wear Hijab on her uniform. Doing so will cause confusion and break down of the law.

"Whoever wish that his daughter should be wearing Hijab while going to school and within the school should send such child to a private Muslim school,"

The commissioner, who said the government was committed to overhauling the education sector, added that the administration had spent over N7bn in upgrading the Lagos State University.

Oladunjoye added that the government would continue to provide qualitative education "by all means".

She said various educational development programmes like Eko Project, Support Our Schools Initiative, and specialised development programmes for teachers and administrators in 20 specialised areas, were parts of government programmed to boost education.

She said, "For theteachers and administrators, we are boosting their capacities in areas such as subject mastery, leadership, classroom management, assessment and evaluation, ICT, Basic Accounting and many others."

Source: Punch

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Saturday 4 January 2014




Saturday, January 4
Jeremiah 17:19-27


Do not…work on the Sabbath, but keep the Sabbath day holy... Jeremiah 17:22, NIV

Do not work on the Sabbath and be blessed is the message in today's text. Apparently, blessing does not come from the intensity of toil we subject our bodies to. Blessing is a product of obedience to divine instruction to "…hallow the Sabbath day, to do no work therein" (v. 24 - KJV).
     The instruction was that all human labours should be done within the six days of the week. The seventh day should be dedicated to the worship of God and bodily rest. By our obedience, we provoke and compel God to:

   (a) bring people of eminence to grace our land and bless us
   (b) enter into a covenant of being eternally present with us
     (c) cause people on our land to gather for His worship and praise.

      Disobedience can bring poverty and kindle God's anger against us. The instruction to keep the Sabbath holy is for our good, even today. God does not want us to keep working till we drop dead. He desires that humans labour hard albeit with wisdom.
      The Old Testament Sabbath day is the equivalent of today's Sunday because Jesus arose from the dead on a Sunday. When we do what the Lord says, we will receive what He promised. Therefore, hallow the Sabbath and be blessed. Because God had made Sunday a holy day, accept it and enjoy the blessings therein.

• Birthday Blessing: "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Romans 10:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 9, 10, 11; Matthew 4

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday 3 January 2014



Friday, January 3

Leviticus 23:1-8


…On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall do no work on that day. Leviticus 23:8, AMP

Apart from being a day of rest and remembrance, the Sabbath is also a holy convocation. Among the Hebrews, the expression "holy convocation" means "appointed time."
       The Sabbath was a symbol of the covenant that existed between Israel and God. As a sign of the divine agreement, therefore, the people were to do no work. One of the three celebrated feasts that were rounded off on a Sabbath was the Passover; a day to celebrate Israel's freedom from the oppression of Egypt.

     It is the most important of the celebrations in Israel till date. Convocation suggests graduation from school into a life of freedom and fulfilment. By implication, God is saying that in 2014, He will set you free from all bondage.
      Are you in the final year of high school  or tertiary institution? Then, get ready to enter into a time of unlimited freedom. However, in your Sabbath (time of rest, joy and celebration) remember God. Let your rest be meaningful and God glorifying. Remember, you would not have been here if God had not been with you.

• Birthday Blessing:For I know the plans I have for you…to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah29:11 

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 6, 7, 8; Matthew 3

God requires satisfaction because He is holy, but He makes satisfaction because He is love. – Augustus H. Strong

Thursday 2 January 2014



Thursday, January 2

Deuteronomy 5:11-15


Remember that you were slaves in Egypt…therefore… observe the Sabbath day. Deuteronomy 5:15, NIV

The Sabbath, as a unique day/year, did not just come about. God commanded it to be remembered as a memorial of His past deeds among His people. This is to keep the people's faith, trust and focus on Him.
      Two wonderful things that God did to perfect their release from bondage: the death of the Egyptians' firstborn and the drowning of Pharaoh and his armies in the Red Sea were strong reminders whenever they renege on keeping the Sabbath.
        The remembrance of God's doings in our lives should provoke us to worship Him all the time. If you would sit back and think, you would see reasons why you should make every day a Sabbath for the Lord.
      God deserves to be reverenced for those miraculous deeds in your life, family and church. A forgetful heart is a thankless heart. So, think, remember and give thanks. Also, do not toy with your quiet time this year. It is an opportunity to think of the goodness of God in your life. This is the best way to spend your Sabbath.

• Birthday Blessing:  Be strong and courageous…the LORD your God will be with you... Joshua 1:9

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 3, 4, 5; Matthew 2

No man ever said, at the end of the days, 'I have read my Bible too much, I have thought of God too much, I have prayed too much, I have been too careful with my soul.' - J. C. Ryle

Tuesday 31 December 2013



Are you like that businessman who said, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Instead, he ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." (James 4:13, 15 NIV).

■Have you made a resolution for 2014?
■How do you intend to fulfil it?
■How did you make the resolution last year?
■How much of it did you carry out?
     Year in year out, many have been making unfulfilled resolutions and they continue to make them with the "hope" or is it expectation that one day they will succeed. They treat their lives as if it were pool-betting. A life of chance, of no certainty, this is therefore the reason why these people do not accept the Saviour. They eat drink and make merry, believing that that is all there is to life; please note that life is more than food and body more than clothing (Luke 12:23) you have to be rich in God here in order to make heaven.

Are you like that rich fool? (Luke 12:16-22). He was a successful farmer but was not rich towards God. He believed that his hands were responsible for all his successes, like many do today, they then labour for others to eat.
      Many leaders of the corrupt countries of the world continue to be like this rich fool; they store their loots in foreign lands with pseudo names and when they believe they have plenty laid up for many years, God will now take the life, and all the loot is lost (Luke 12:19, 20).

Resolutions ought to lead to a better relationship with God. Let the words of the hymn below guide your 2014 resolutions

Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow with ceaseless praise.

Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

Extract from DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Rev Deji Basorun  -(December 31, 2013)

Monday 30 December 2013

Ayo- AKINJOLE is 40

Emerging Leader for GenerationNext

Pastor Kunle Ayo-Akinjole is 40 today.  He was the Anchor Man that saw to the reconstitution of New Life Baptist Association of Lagos Central Baptist Conference. He is currently,  Pastor,  First Baptist Church,  Era-Odan, Lagos.

I join his father in the Lord,  Rev Moses O.Lawal (rtd), his ministry friend,  Rev. Jacob A. Enitinwa to say congratulations on your 40th. As your days so shall your strength increase with wisdom.

We are proud of you.

Rev Dr Babarinde
Conference President