Tuesday 28 July 2015


Tuesday, July 28

Isaiah 48:12-19


"I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you…." Isaiah 48: 18, NIV

Teaching is considered to be one of the most effective methods of transferring knowledge and skills to the learner. Among the qualities of a good teacher is the ability to learn new things, as well as efficiency at passing it across to the learner(s) through the most appropriate methods.

Amazingly, in spite of the principles and dynamics of teaching, there is still the problem of the falling standard of education. The reasons are simple: most teachers are deficient in grace. Again, some teachers are themselves struggling with some difficult issues of life, while majority does not understand the real needs and abilities of their learners.

Today's passage clearly reveals God as the best teacher. In contrast to all human teachers, God has good content, and He uses the appropriate methods. He also has the infinite requisite knowledge about the abilities, backgrounds, as well as the inhibiting social factors that are faced by the individuals (the learners).

Therefore, you will do well to submit to God's instructions, because they are best for you. If you are a teacher, you need to learn the art of teaching from Him.    

Birthday Blessing:  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…. Proverbs 3:5-6

Read Bible Through Passage: Job 17, 18, 19, 20; Acts 24

He who rejects the teaching of the Lord will receive the troubles of the devil. - Femi Okunlola
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Saturday 25 July 2015


Sunday, July 26

Micah 7:14-20

… You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. Micah 7:18c, NIV

The God we serve is merciful. Israel was to come under God's judgment due to her many sins as stated by prophet Micah.However, in the closing verses of the last chapter of the book of Micah, the Lord is revealed as showing clemency to His people. 

Specifically, the Lord promised to shepherd His people and show them His wonders (Micah 7:14-15); punish the nations that have oppressed His people (Micah 7:16-17); pardon the sins and transgressions of His people and show them His mercy (verses 18, 20).

The fact is that all of us are alive today because of the mercy of God. Otherwise, many of us would have become history. This challenges us never to run away from God whenever we miss the mark. We have the assurance as written in the scripture that we have the Lord Jesus Christ as our advocate before the Father (1 John 2:1).

Christ is always pleading on our behalf before God the Father. What are those sins that are making you to run away from God? You don't need to run away from Him but run to Him. He will show you His great mercy today.

Birthday Blessing: For the revelation awaits an appointed time… and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

Read Bible Through Passage: Job 10, 11, 12, 13; Acts 22

God does not give up. He works to turn sorrow into joy and the tragedy of unfaithfulness into the triumph of love. - James Montgomery 

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Friday 17 July 2015

How to Become a Great Manipulator By Robby McAlpine

I will freely admit, right up front, that this is difficult to write about, because when I see spiritual manipulation taking place, it really steams my shorts. I will try my best to be civil.

My preference is to focus on the techniques that are so regularly used to shape — or, more accurately, to manipulate — people's opinions, beliefs, and paradigms. I believe this is more productive in the long term, rather than devolving into finger-pointing accusations at specific individuals or groups.

Therefore, I now present the following, tongue firmly in cheek…
perchance, you have a desire to become better skilled in the art of manipulating people into accepting your own personal heresies, here's a few insider tips:
(clears throat)

First and foremost, it's vitally important to begin well: this is best achieved by mocking anyone who values theology, before introducing any of your questionable teachings.

It's basically a preemptive strike: If you're going to introduce a biblically-questionable concept, remember that the ones best equipped to recognize, react, and refute it are those who value theology (and perhaps have theological training). Therefore, it only makes sense to discredit them in the eyes, ears, hearts and minds of your audience, first.

This is best done by using humor, caricatures, and apocryphal anecdotal horror stories about heartless theological thuggery (throw in a reference to the overlords in The Hunger Games for the desired emotional impact — this will also establish your 'culturally relevant' credentials). At the same time, be careful to style yourself as "just a regular guy trying to follow Jesus".

Another powerful and effective tactic is the Straw Man Argument:
Create a caricature of people's beliefs that you disagree with and then "prove" why only knuckle-dragging neanderthals with the collective IQ of algae would believe like they do. Be sure to infer that pastors and theologians fit this caricature (make that clear). Use humor to disguise the misrepresentations and character assassination — if you can get them laughing, they're with you.

Appealing to the emotions also works like a charm:
1.You can get the audience "in your corner" by inviting them to feel empathy for you; once they identify with you sympathetically, herd mentality will police discourage anyone from voicing concerns.
2.By appealing to the emotions (tell lots of tear-jerking stories, at regular intervals), you can effectively get people to stop thinking, which will create the ideal passive environment.

You can also deepen this level of sympathetic identification with testimonials about how misunderstood and attacked you've been, and how this has really wounded you. Very effective as a preemptive strike: anyone who would dare to later voice a concern with your teaching will be seen as "attacking", and will be lynched by the sympathetic sheeple herd.

Keep your voice carefully modulated and use a relaxed words-per-minute pace. This gains trust and reinforces your "average guy" credibility. Disguise your more obviously unbiblical ideas by saying them way too fast. Move to your next point quickly (or divert attention with a heart-warming story).

This is especially important when using out-of-context Bible verses. Quote these verses (or the fragments that you like) in rapid-fire succession, and quickly move on, before anyone has time to notice (or — God forbid — look them up).

Above all, remember to sprinkle your presentation — casually but repeatedly — with comments containing loaded language (i.e. institutional church, pharisees, control, hierarchy, dead religion, hypocrites, etc.) so that people will quickly agree with you, out of fear of being labeled in the same way.

Finally, emphasize your personal journey into humility, grace, and love, love, love (as opposed to anyone who disagrees with you, who are obviously arrogant, power-hungry haters).
(NOTE: These are just the techniques. Feel free to create your own false teachings to apply them to. You can't expect me to do everything for you.)

Robby McAlpine is a veteran pastor, missionary, musician, and author. And by "veteran," of course, we mean he's had many experiences — the good, the bad, and the ugly — and lived to tell about it. Robby and Wendy have been married for 30 years and have three awesome children.
Robby holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Providence University College, and a Masters of Theological Studies from Tyndale Seminary. He is a regular contributor at ThinkTheology.org, ChurchLeaders.com, and WorshipLinks.us.
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How to Become a Great Manipulator - ChurchPlants


Tuesday 14 July 2015


Rev Dr Sola Idowu immediate Past 1st Vice Chairman of Lagos Central Baptist Conference deserves to be celebrated. May you always be distinguished by integrity, recognised by performance and followed because God's Call upon you is without repentance. Happpyyy Birthday. Rom 4:21. Glorious days ahead