Friday 31 January 2014


Friday, January 31

They profess that they know God but in works deny Him…. Titus 1:16, NRSV

A pastor boarded a commercial vehicle and the conductor deliberately by-passed him while collecting fare from passengers. When the pastor reached his destination, he brought out his fare and gave it to the conductor. He did not know that the conductor was a member of his church.

The following Sunday, the conductor came to the church and shared the testimony with the congregation that the pastor is a man of integrity, who does not only preach the Word of God, but also lives it.

Our actions speak louder than our voice. A little demonstration of Christian character is much more effective than several days of preaching and teaching. I know of a woman, from a Muslim background, who got converted just because someone demonstrated Christian virtue to her.

As believers, God expects more than mere profession of faith from us; He wants to see us live like Christ, practically witnessing the Gospel daily. The world also wants to perceive the aroma of Christ in our lives.

We are hypocrites when we profess to be Christians and fail to live it out. By this, we disappoint God and fail humanity. You either draw people to Christ or push them away by your actions. You will surely be rewarded for either.

As you go out let others see Jesus through your demonstration of patience, faithfulness, love, tolerance, gentleness, purity, generosity and other Christian virtues.

• Birthday Blessing: You will arise and show compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her… Psalm 102:13

Read Bible Through Passage:  Exodus 22, 23; Matthew 22:1-22

The authenticity of your Christianity will be proved by your lifestyle. – Unknown

Thursday 30 January 2014


Thursday, January 30
Deuteronomy 4:1-10

You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it… Deuteronomy 4:2, NRSV

The experiences and situations of life often cause people to either add or take away from God’s Word.
Most times, when they do that, it is to have a basis for their actions or inactions. But the truth is that the Word of God is complete and can never be compromised for anyone’s experience.

Someone said, “You can use philosophy or psychology to illustrate the Word of God, but the Word of God is neither philosophy nor psychology.” In fact, the Word of God is far greater than any discipline or field of study.

The severe consequence of either adding to the Word of God or removing from it is clearly stated in Revelation 22:18-19.

Therefore, each believer is mandated to comply with God’s Word. The good thing about this is that God is not a taskmaster. His instructions are a function of His divine and sincere love for us. They are given for our good.

So, there is no justification for manipulating His Word. Everything you are going through has its solution in the Word. As you devote yourself to studying His Word, you will find answers to all the questions of your heart.

Not only that, you will also find peace, joy and rest. Let your life be in agreement with His Word, then you will not have the need to doctor (add or remove from) God’s Word.

• Birthday Blessing: …But I will see you again and you will rejoice and no-one will take away your joy. John 16:22

Read Bible Through Passage:  Exodus 20, 21; Matthew 21:28-46

As the image on the seal is stamped upon the wax, so the thoughts of the heart are printed upon the actions. - Stephen Charnock


Our Father in the Lord!!!!!

Rev. Dr. Julius Ajao Adeniji is 60years old today January 30. He holds a B.Th degree from NBTS, Ogbomoso and crowned his academic carrier with a Ph.D in Counseling Psychology at the University of Lagos.  He is married with Mrs Mary Adeniji,  an Educationist and they're blessed with children.
        Dr Adeniji was Resident Chaplain for College Chapel,  Iwo; Pastor, Providence Baptist Church, Alalade Compound; and Visioner and Pastor,  Triumphant Baptist Church, Holy Ghost Compound, Akowojo. Currently, he is the Conference President, Lagos West Baptist Conference. In addition, he has a training outfit Merilius Consulting.

       It is on record that he has served as Association Moderator,  Association Consultant,  Alumin Chairman of the NBTS and Member of the Governing Board of the NBTS. He is currently a Member of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
   Please be informed that purposely to thank God for his life and ministry that worship will hold on February 2. at Ben Auto Events Place, Santos Layout, Dopemu, Lagos. It is behind Providence Baptist Church, Balogun Alalade Compound. Dr. Ademola Ishola will preach; and our President, Rev. Dr. Supo Ayokunle will offer prophetic prayer. You are specialy invited.

On behalf of the Chairman,  Rev Sunday A.Fagbemi , the Moderators of the cooperating Associations and indeed the entire members and staff of Lagos Central Baptist Conference we wish you our Father in the Lord happy birthday and God's blessings for the years ahead.

Rev.Dr O.Kehinde Babarinde

Sunday 26 January 2014


Sunday, January 26
Luke 16:19-31

Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' Luke 16:29, NIV

At the appointed time, both Lazarus (the beggar) and the rich man died (v. 22; Ecclesiastes 3:2, Hebrews 9:27). This proves the fact that death is no respecter of anyone.

Whereas, after death, Lazarus entered into life (comfort), the rich man ended in hell (agony) (v. 25) because:
(a) he trusted in worldly riches, such that he could not accommodate God in his thought (Luke 12:16-21);
(b) he had no concern for the poor (v. 19-21);
(c) he did not yield to the Lord's warnings (v. 27-31).

God would punish whoever violates His warnings. Sometimes, the punishment could be eternal. Some of us who are fortunate to be born into comfortable families or who suddenly find ourselves in comfort seldom think of the hereafter. We think only of our enjoyment, not minding people who are suffering around us.

Note that once we die, our eternal positions will depend on how we spend our lives on earth.

Therefore, if your lot is comfort today, care for the poor around you so that you will not end in agony.
In case your portion now is pain, be of good cheer, comfort is awaiting you in heaven, if you continue steadfastly to live for God.

• Birthday Blessing: Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken. Psalm 125:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus  10:11,12; Matthew 18

As the way to Canaan lay through a howling wilderness and desert, so the path to heaven lies through much affliction. - Thomas Manton

Saturday 25 January 2014


Saturday, January 25
Luke 16:10-17

So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? Luke 16:11, NIV

There is this anonymous saying that some people are poor because God knows that they cannot manage riches. Actually, if the statistics of rich people are taken, only few of them will pass the test of godliness.

As Jesus noted, there is a difference between worldly wealth and "true riches" (v. 11). Worldly wealth includes things like cars, houses, clothes, and trinkets. They give false security to those who have them.
But true riches are those things that abound in all godliness, such as love, peace, kindness, joy, faith, and perseverance. They are treasures with eternal values.

Unfortunately, many of us are labouring hard to get worldly wealth while undermining the true riches. The truth is, true riches come only from God and are a product of trustworthiness, honesty, faithfulness, commitment and reliability.

So, if you lack these qualities, God cannot entrust you with true riches. If you are enslaved by worldly wealth such that it tosses you about, God will not give you true riches (v. 15b; 1 Timothy 6:10).

What value do you place on worldly wealth (Matthew 4:19)? Living by the Word of God is costly but valuable for all time (v. 16-17). So, be trustworthy!

• Birthday Blessing: Peace I leave with you… Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Read Bible Through Passage:  Exodus 8, 9; Matthew 17

The law tells me how crooked I am. Grace comes along and straightens me out. - D.L. Moody

Thursday 23 January 2014



Thursday, January 23

Luke 19:1-10


"But Zacchaeus…said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor…"Luke 19:8, NIV

Zacchaeus' story always fascinates me.
It illustrates some salient points: he had a strong desire to see Jesus at all costs and he made all efforts towards achieving this. Barring all limitations, he sought after the Lord and fulfilled his desire (Jeremiah 29:13). In the process, he did the unusual to draw the attention of Jesus (Luke 19:5); he climbed a tree.
His encounter with Jesus was a turning point in his life such that he could no longer harbour sin.

Christ's unreserved acceptance of him humbled and spurred in him a life of compassion towards the poor and those he had cheated. Thus, He proved his new life by restitution (v. 8).

While it is good to give to the poor, it is best to do so in response to the Lord, and His will. Every motive of our service to God will be x-rayed before a reward will be awarded. It is good to root all our good deeds in the will of God.

One of the changes our new life in Christ should bring is a compassionate attitude towards the poor. Instead of cheating them, we make efforts to better their lives, making life worth living for them.

So, you are enjoined to give to that poor neighbour of yours, today.

• Birthday Blessing: The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. Exodus 14:13
Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 4, 5; Matthew 15:29-39

Live near to God, and all things will appear little to you in comparison with eternal realities. – Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Wednesday 22 January 2014



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

John 12:1-8


"Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." John 12: 7-8, NIV

Three types of giving are mentioned in today's text. The first is typified by Martha, who invited Jesus for a dinner (v. 2); The second by Mary, who anointed Jesus' feet with a costly perfume worth a year's wage, and also cleaned it with her hair (v. 3). The third type was proposed by Judas Iscariot, who suggested that the money spent in buying the perfume could be used to help the poor. The three were great, except for the various intentions behind each.

Martha may just want to impress Jesus, while Judas, though appearing to be concerned with the plight of the poor, was actually out to "help himself from the proceeds" (v. 6). But, Mary gave to appreciate God's mercy, and demonstrate her submissiveness (v. 3; Luke 7: 37-38).

People give with different motives. That is why God always checks our intentions before He rewards our acts of giving (1 Corinthians 4:5).

Mary's giving was not only costly, it was also accompanied by selfless service (using her hair to wipe Jesus' feet - v. 3). With what intention do you give to people, in the church or even to your family members? Do you give to show off or to show Jesus' love to others? Is your giving sacrificial and selfless , as unto the Lord?

Remember, the Corinthians gave themselves first to God and then to His people. Do likewise, then you can get your reward.

• Birthday Blessing: Since you are precious and honoured in my sight I will give men in exchange for your life- Isaiah 43:4

Read Bible Through Passage: Exodus 1, 2, 3; Matthew 15:1-28

The highest form of selfishness is that of the man who is content to go to heaven alone.  - J.C. Ryle

Monday 20 January 2014


Seek Daily NBC

Tuesday, January 21

Job 34: 17-30


They caused the cry of the poor to come before him, so that he heard the cry of the needy. Job 34: 28, NIV

God has never ignored the cry of the poor and the afflicted. Each time they cry unto Him, He hears and comes to their aid. He executes judgment on the high and mighty whenever they take undue advantage of  the poor. Note that even before the poor and the afflicted cry unto Him for judgment, God has already seen it (v. 21-23).

The implication of this is that whoever cheats the poor and afflicts people in any way will not go scot-free. Thus, those who occupy exalted positions should tread cautiously; for God can, through any means, remove wicked people from power and
then replace them.

The main issue today is that God loathes oppression. The rich who oppress the less privileged in the society are offending God. No matter how long it takes, God shall execute judgment on  them. This is to underscore the fact that all men are equal before Him.

Are you poor and being afflicted?  Cry no more. Your tears are 'liquid prayers' and Your Maker has heard them all. He will soon come to help you. Are you afflicting people? Stop it now; else you will court the anger of God. Always remember that God is the Defender of the less privileged.

• Birthday Blessing: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 49, 50; Matthew

Times of affliction are usually gaining times for God's  people. -Joseph Alleine


I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
(Ecclesiastes 9:11 KJV)


When you look will determine what you will see. Where you live will inform environmental experience-Kehinde Babarinde



Monday, January 20

Deuteronomy 15:7-11


…Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward… the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11, NIV

By providence, there will always be poor people in the land (v. 11). This does not imply that God wants people to be poor. In fact, He is the One who gives the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Since He is the Source of all true wealth, He commands those whom He has blessed to be open-handed towards their brothers; the poor and the needy. The poor are people in need and who do not have any ability to meet it. The needy are not necessarily poor, but are in need at a given time.

Your wealth is accursed if it is not extended to such people. Why must we maintain an open hand to people, especially the poor? It is because we never actually own anything. All that we have is given to us by God (1 Corinthians 4:7). The Word of God also made it clear that giving is a sure route to greater blessings (Acts 20:35).

The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 was so tight-fisted that he refused to assist poor Lazarus! He lost his soul eternally. You don't have to end up like him. Make helping the needy a lifestyle.

• Birthday Blessing: The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. Isaiah 25:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 47, 48; Matthew 14:1-21

Man takes great pains to heap up riches and they are like heaps of manure in the furrows of the field, good for nothing unless they be spread – Matthew Henry.

Sunday 19 January 2014


      Judging by the current affairs in the world at large, with particular reference to the socio-economic and religious situations, one can safely asserts that many families have either gone through or are currently going through an experience of illusion. Illusion may be simply defined as an idea or conception or belief that is both false and deceptive.

Again, illusion has to do with something that is false in appearance. We may also use the following words and expressions like "delusion", "deception", "fantasy", "daydream", and "figment of one's imagination" to drive home the meaning of this word. It should be noted that the experience of illusion may either be self-inflicted or brought upon a person or a family by virtue of association or affiliation, either social or religious.
The effects of illusion on an individual or a family include but not limited to the following: anxiety, false expectation, unrealistic goal setting, false self esteem, and so on and so forth. What is of interest to us in this short discourse is how to deal with illusion especially in the context of a Christian home. Below are five major steps to take in dealing with family illusions.

1. Be Sensitive.
The idea of sensitivity in this context connotes the idea of awareness. It is quite unfortunate to note that many people today do not really know themselves. As a result, they are easily deluded. A good biblical example is Apostle Peter who vowed to go to any length with Jesus Christ, but ran away in the face of persecution (see Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75).

2. Be Sincere.
Another virtue needed to deal with illusion is sincerity. People/families often live deceptively these days because they are not sincere and so are not able to confront their situations. One of the sons of the prophet (Elisha) was sincere about his situation; he decided not to be deceptive with himself and others. He confessed that the ax-head that fell into the river was borrowed (see 2 Kings 6:1-7).

3. Be Specific.
One major reason why many daydream these days is simply because of lack of precision. To avoid daydreaming, we must be specific with regards to what we actually want in life. Apostle Paul was specific. He said "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Being specific means being focused.

4. Be Satisfied.
The idea of satisfaction here means contentment. Only those who are satisfied with Jesus Christ are not tossed here and there by the figments of their imaginations. Apostle Paul said, "I have leant the secret of being content in any and every situation" (Philippians 4:12).

5. Be Spiritual.
Often times we are carried away by our self-created fantasies as a result of our carnal and unbridled ambitions (see James 1:13-15). To overcome this, we must be spiritual. To be spiritual simply means to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:16). 


Rev. 'Sola Idowu Ph.D
Living is Christ
Philippians 1:21
Pastor, New Life Baptist Church, Owode, Ajah
Moderator, Shalom Baptist Association.
1st Vice Chairman, Lagos Central Baptist Conference.


From Eddybanks

You asked us to wear coat under hot sun, we did!

You said we should speak your language, we obediently dump ours!

You asked us to tie a rope round our necks like goats, we obeyed!

You said our ladies should wear dead people's hair instead of the natural ones God gave to them, they obeyed!

You said we should marry just one woman in the midst of plenty damsels, we reluctantly obeyed!

You said our decent gals should wear catapults instead of the conventional pants, they obeyed!

You asked us to use rubber in order to control our birth rate , we obey even when it denied us sweetness of sex!

Now you want our men to sleep with fellow men AND women with fellow women so that God would visit us like Sodom and Gomora?

Oyinbo, we say tufiakwa! Na by force to be your friend? we no go gree with you this time. As Nigerians we say NO to gay relationships. If you no be gay and lesbian, pass it to your contacts. Good afternoon



Sunday, January 19
Luke 14:7-18; 22-24


…so that when your host comes… you will be honoured in the presence of all your fellow guests. Luke 14:10, NIV

Honour and disgrace are in complete contrasts.  Everyone desires to be honoured but no one likes disgrace. But, honour is earned. Imagine being invited to a dinner with your state governor or your country president. What a great honour indeed! But what if God, Creator of all great men, leaders and the whole earth invites you to dinner!

God desires to dine with you, but only on one condition - you must be His child. He loves and cares for His own. Are you one? If you are not, make this day honourable; yield to His invitation and give your life to Jesus.

Those who honoured the invitation received honour, while those who excused and turned down the invitation were disgraced. As cogent as their excuses seem, the convener considered them untenable. God does not honour anyone who turns down His invitation to salvation.

Friend, how many times have you turned God down for studies, jobs, relationships, challenges, and what-have-you? You had better honour Him now before it is too late. Jesus invites you because "…still there is room" (Luke 14:22) to be saved and honoured. If you miss this opportunity, you may be eternally disgraced.

• Birthday Blessing: …you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. Psalm 3:3

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 45, 46; Matthew 13:44-58

Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can. – D.L. Moody



Sunday, January 19

Luke 14:7-18; 22-24


…so that when your host comes… you will be honoured in the presence of all your fellow guests. Luke 14:10, NIV

Honour and disgrace are in complete contrasts.  Everyone desires to be honoured but no one likes disgrace. But, honour is earned.

Imagine being invited to a dinner with your state governor or your country president. What a great honour indeed! But what if God, Creator of all great men, leaders and the whole earth invites you to dinner! God desires to dine with you, but only on one condition - you must be His child. He loves and cares for His own. Are you one? If you are not, make this day honourable; yield to His invitation and give your life to Jesus.

Those who honoured the invitation received honour, while those who excused and turned down the invitation were disgraced. As cogent as their excuses seem, the convener considered them untenable. God does not honour anyone who turns down His invitation to salvation.

Friend, how many times have you turned God down for studies, jobs, relationships, challenges, and what-have-you? You had better honour Him now before it is too late. Jesus invites you because "…still there is room" (Luke 14:22) to be saved and honoured.

If you miss this opportunity, you may be eternally disgraced.

• Birthday Blessing: …you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. Psalm 3:3
Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 45, 46; Matthew 13:44-58

Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can. – D.L. Moody

Thursday 16 January 2014


We are trusting God to raise workers whose families have godly values.


Let all the Churches in Lagos Central Baptist Conference prepare for a refreshing time.


84, Apapa RoadEbute MettaLagos

9am to 2pm


We are trusting God to raise workers whose families have godly values.


Let all the Churches in Lagos Central Baptist Conference prepare for a refreshing time.

Ijero Baptist Church

84, Apapa Road
Ebute Metta

9am to 2pm



Thursday, January 16

Psalm 147:1-11


The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. Psalm 147:2, NKJV

The first 'outcasts' were Adam and Eve who traded their inheritance for a fruit. Consequently, they and their children became fugitives.

However, it pleased God, in His great mercy and love, to gather them again, after they have acknowledged their wrongs and repented. Truly, no good father will make his child suffer hunger for whatever offence.

Similarly, God has been gracious unto us. He hopes that someday, we would realise our wrongs and come back to Him. That is why, even while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. No true child of God feels good after sinning because he knows that sin impairs his relationship with God. Sin has torment and makes a Christian unproductive.

If you cannot connect to the throne of grace, you cannot obtain mercy and find help in time of need. You must find your way back to God and He will turn your captivity and have compassion on you (Deuteronomy 30:1-3); He will therefore restore you. How you need that now!

Please, don't remain an outcast. Go back to your Father; He is waiting to have you back. Confess your sins and beg for pardon right now.

• Birthday Blessing: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 38, 39, 40; Matthew 12:22-50

God is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved - Anonymous

Tuesday 14 January 2014



January 14

James 4:7-12


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.  James 4:10, KJV

The Tehran royal palace has the most beautiful entrance of all palaces in the world today. The ceilings, sidewalls and columns of the palace were covered with diamond. In the course of planning the building, the architect sent an order to Paris for mirrors to cover the entrance wall.

However, while transporting the mirrors, they fell out and smashed. The men were about to throw them all away when one of them suggested that they should see what the broken pieces would look like when fitted together.

The result is an enormous distortion in reflection that sparkles as diamond and dazzles like rainbow colours. This is an example of being broken to be more beautiful. God can do even greater wonders with our lives when we are broken before Him.

Today, James is urging us to humble ourselves before God. In His Kingdom, the only prerequisite to lifting is humility. Brokenness is a virtue in humility. Some Christians are in afflictions because they are only converted but not broken.

Finding it difficult to say 'I'm sorry' has destroyed so many lives. Your ability to apologise is not a sign of weakness but a virtue of maturity.

•Birthday Blessing:I will give you a full life span. Exodus 23:26

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 33, 34, 35; Matthew 11

Repentance begins in the humiliation of the heart, and ends in the reformation of the life - John Mason

Monday 13 January 2014



Monday, January 13

Isaiah 14:12-20


For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven.… Isaiah 14:13, KJV

      In every man is a 'king' that wants to rule and be in charge always. But the knowledge of the Gospel makes a better and lasting 'king' out of those who submit to Christ's leadership. That is why the Psalmist says true exaltation comes only from God (Psalm 75:6-7).
  One of the greatest sins against grace is self-exaltation. Lucifer was one of the most valuable angels of God who ranked above other cherubs in heaven. His demotion began the day he thought of raising his throne above that of God (Isaiah 14:12-20). Though rain comes from the top, yet it ends on the earth. Thus self-exaltation brings disgrace.
      When Nebuchadnezzar failed to recognise the grace that brought him to authority, he was demoted. Practically, he became an animal, eating grass for seven years until he acknowledged that the Most High rules in the affairs of men; and submitted to His Lordship (Daniel 4:30-37).
    God's grace for increase and exaltation is only for the meek and self-exaltation leads to eternal damnation. Are you proud or self-conceited? Examine yourself and change your heart lest you are humbled!

•Birthday Blessing: You will arise and have compassion on Zion. Psalm 102:13  

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 31, 32; Matthew 10:24-25

God will not go with that man who marches in his own strength. -Anonymous


      With indescribable heavy heart,  I heard the announcement of the sudden home call of Prince 'Wole Gbadegesin whom I have personal relationship with for over 22years.
    I recall with joy that you gave me a brand New Racer Daewoo Car to use for my wedding for two weeks that a new wife must enjoy something new. Your wisdom is unique,  liberal and social. Many people will miss you.

Prince Gbadegesin was the MD/CEO Perpetual Finace Ltd till his death. He was a Zonal Controller with NIDB at a time, Board Member,  Trans International Bank and Chairman,  Great Nigerian Insurance to mention a few.

He is survived by children and his wife  Moni Esther Gbadegesin. Mrs Gbadegesin an Educationist  is representing Lagos Central Baptist Conference in Education Management Board of the 3nos Mission Schools.

The remains will be buried at OTU in Oyo state today.

May God stand by Sister Moni and renew her faith in Jesus Christ with that of the Children.

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde
Conference President

Saturday 11 January 2014


Sunday, January 12

Luke 6:37-42


Do not judge, and you will not be judged…Luke 6:37, NIV

Humans are often quick to pass judgment. In fact, sometimes, they do not bother to find out facts about allegations before pronouncing the alleged guilty. Courts of law are not left out of this. Many have been wrongly condemned by people who are guilty of similar offences themselves because their own secrets have not been revealed yet. A former speaker of the House of Representatives in this country was alleged of embezzling and squandering public money. Few years later, the ring leader of the group that championed her impeachment was alleged and found guilty of similar crime. He, however, remains a member of the house perhaps because he has strong political backings. What an irony!
       Today, the Lord is telling us to keep a rein on our mouth when somebody is being condemned. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt; even when found guilty, we should restore rather than condemn people.
     When we need to rebuke people for wrongdoing, let us do it to correct rather than condemn them. Remember you are a sinner saved by grace and until you cross to the other side of this earthly divide, you never can tell.       

• Birthday Blessing:The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you... Deuteronomy 31:8.

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 29, 30; Matthew 10:1-23

It is very hard to behold our own gifts without pride, and the gifts of others without envy.  -Vavasor Powell


Can you imaging waking up in the morning lying on your bed, asking yourself; "what are some of the secrets to success in life?" I discovered that ordinary things can communicate extraordinary insights.  The answer is right there in your very room.

The fan said,"be cool",

The roof said, "aim high", YOUR HELP COMES FROM THE LORD

The window said, "see the world." GOD IS AWESOME

The clock said, "every minute is precious." MAXIMIZE every OPPORTUNITY

The mirror said, "reflect before you act". See Yourself as WONDERFULLY & FEARFULLY made

The calender said, "be up to date". REDEEM THE TIME

The floor said "kneel down and pray". GOD  ANSWERS PRAYERS

The toilet said "flush the waste" GET RID OF ANGER

The Bible  on the room table laughed and said, "read me for direction". I am your LAMP and LIGHT

The door said "you can open me and close me." GOD WILL KEEP YOUR GOING OUT AND YOUR COMING IN

Do your best to see God using everything to communicate with you. Take nothing for granted. Ps.139:1-16

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde
Conference President
"Be at peace with all men"
Twitter- @okbabarinde
FB- Kehinde Babarinde
blog  -

Friday 10 January 2014


We condole with Rev. Dr. & Mrs Emmanuel Awotunde. Please,  pray and plan to attend.


    We are being held accountable by the judge of our actions. It is our conscience. It remains with each of us even when shadow vanishes on sighting darkness. When we are groping in a thick darkness, our past activities and actions are being scrutinized by our conscience.
    The world will be a better place if the position of the prophets are kept and we adhere to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will have:
■True Worship
■True Fellowship
■True Friendship

    The MOTIVE and the MOUTH must be in agreement. In Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. (Isaiah 29:13 NIV)

     From personal observations,  I have counseled myself never to underestimate the mind. No one may or can truly interpret pretense or precision except subjectively-the interpreter's own feelings. What's is done may not represent motive. Life is about who we speak to and what we hear.

      Truthfulness is the hallmark of biblical righteousness that epitomizes Jesus Christ. We are challenged to be truthful. Truth is the key to reliability.

     Our Lord during his ministry on earth got to a point that he had to voice out and tell people listening to him that he is not ignorant.  He said in "Matthew 15:8. This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." He knew human thoughts.

       The time has come for us to be truthful in our speech, just in our dealings, faithfu to our commitments and be honest with all people and at all time.

  Every believer in Christ must refuse to be political praise singers. We must not engage in the activities of sycophants to populist leaders. Let us be truthful. We must be people who are "providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. (2 Corinthians 8:21)

Thursday 9 January 2014


Thursday, January 9

1 Peter 2:11-17


Live such good lives among the pagans…1 Peter 2:12, NIV

Living as God's servant in a world highly populated by unbelievers, partial 'believers' and people of diverse faiths is a huge task. It requires living a blameless and open life to both friends and foes. God's servants should be models to various categories of people:

(a) Pagans; though they are always accusing believers, may be proven wrong by your actions and as such glorify God.
(b) Instituted authorities, meant to punish wrongs, should find you blameless and as such commend you.
(c) Foolish men who talk ignorantly should be silenced by your good deeds.
(d) Believers (fellow servants of God) should be encouraged by your life.

The world is in dire need of people who will set standards of moral values today. We believers are in a better position to meet this need because of our faith in Christ whose Spirit indwells us. We should help the world retrace its steps back to God by our exemplary living.
     We can do this by our sobriety, humility, patience, truthfulness and love. Anything outside of these is unacceptable to God and cannot endear sinners to Him.

Examine yourself; are you a servant of God or the devil's right-hand man? 2014 is a year to decide for Christ.

• Birthday Blessing:None of my words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign LORD.  Ezekiel 12:28

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 23, 24; Matthew 8

The business of our lives is not to please ourselves but to please God. - Matthew Henry


        I had the privilege to partake in this year's HOLY PILGRIMAGE TO ISRAEL  and my experience among the pilgrims to the holy land exhibited the typical attitude of many Nigerian Christians in respect to prayers. We consider Christianity as utilitarian, something that can get us whatever we want or desire. 
      It has been observed that our prayers are more directed at getting something from God rather than an avenue to commune with God, hear Him speak to us about His plans and programs, and enjoy His fellowship among other things.
      Whenever some Nigerian Christian has the opportunity to pray, he feels that God is under obligation to hear him speak first and only, rather than God speak to Him. We thunder at God , pray all manners of prayers and even dare to give Him time limits under which He must perform. But one thing we fail to do is to listen to God speak to us. We fail to realize that prayer is essentially communication, a dialogue between two individuals who talk to one another. Prayer for many of us has become a one way communication, wand we are the only one talking. 
       I had the opportunity to share in a morning devotion with the pilgrims in my group after I observed the way and manner in which they threw themselves on the floor at every holy site during the pilgrimage. No doubt, we had all come to the holy land with our different expectations and grayer needs. There are those in dire need of one miracle or the other. Others are in need of major breakthroughs or turn around in their lives. Yet others I spoke to came for healing for themselves or loved ones.
           Many brought photographs of loved ones who had particular ailments or needs and they believed the pilgrimage will work instant miracles once they touch these hallowed grounds. I made them to realize that more than they getting their prayer answered, God may have deliberately included them on the pilgrimage list in order to get their attention.
        Back at home, we are so preoccupied with daily grinds that we find it difficult to hear God speak to us. 
        Our churches and clergymen make matters worse by filling every day of the week with church programs and activities that there is hardly anytime for personal interaction and fellowship with God. 
     The art of quiet devotion and mediation seems to be missing in our Christian walk.  As a result, we become so dependent on what the man of God says rather than cultivating fellowship with God and hear Him speak to us directly as a Father to His child. God desires to speak and it is important that we listen to God, because a word dropped into our spirit by God may make all the difference and be the solution to all of our needs. 
        Citing the book of Habakuk 2:1-3, the prophet in desiring that God speak to him and His particular situation said, ' I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.' Habakuk had complained to God about  the injustice, corruption and wickedness in His country.        

       God responded that He will send the Babylonians to chastise the Israelites. Habakuk in response, could not understand why God would send a more terrible nation to punish Israel. He continued in His dialogue with God and resolved to hear God speak again to him concerning his concerns And God did.   

   It is desirable that we pray, but it is imperative that we hear God speak to us in our prayers. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says..

Rev. Christopher Aigbadumah, Phd.Moderator,  New Height Baptist Association; andSnr Pastor,  Living Souls Baptist Church,  Agabara.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

BELIEVER'S FAMILY: Facing God's Testing by Dr Aigbaduma

       At the popular Alaba International market in the Lagos suburb, there is a section reputable for trading in used imported merchandise popularly called in our local parlance "Tokunbo". In this section you can get almost get anything that you want ranging from household utensils to basic electronic equipments and computers.
         Traders in these scrap items will tell you that they are categorized into 'tested' and 'untested'.  They can vouch for the 'tested' items and guarantee their performance, at least for the immediate time, because they have been worked upon and necessary repairs have been done. Right there they can plug it into the mains, and make you see that it works.
   This cannot be said however of the 'untested', which are barely offloaded from the container and have not been worked upon. Consequently, anyone who care to purchase the untested does so at his or her risk as performance cannot be guaranteed.
        This same principle applies in God's kingdom. There are those who have been tested by God over the years and are guaranteed to perform or deliver.
■They have developed strong and reliable character through their testing and walk with God.
■They are humble and do not arrogate to themselves the power of their successes or achievements.
■They are quick to let everyone know that 'not I but God.'
     One evidence of testing is faithfulness in service to God.There are those who though are high sounding and are about everywhere, are 'untested' and will fail God when it matters most.
       They are described by Apostle Paul as novice (1 Timothy 3:5) or neophyte because they have not gone through the testing that qualifies a man or woman of God.
     All had theirs through the wilderness experience and they triumphed later years in leadership. It is true and has been established over  the ages that God never uses a man or woman that has not been tested or worked upon.
         The purpose of testing is like the fire furnace that removes the dross from the gold and makes it shine forth as genuine. Our testing removes the dross of self, ego or pride, world, materialism etc., that prevents the glory of God shining forth through our lives.
       ''The trial  of your faith being much precious than of gold that perisheth, though tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ.'. (1 Peter 1:7).

Are you tested and pliable or untested and obstinate in God's hand?



Wednesday, January 8

Romans 6:16-23


Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are…? Romans 6:16, KJV

   Practically, no one is autonomous. We are all subjects to either God or the devil. The one you obey is the one to whom you pay allegiance.

     Apostle Paul tells us today what obedience to either God or the devil means. He also gives a counsel that should not be ignored by any right thinking person. The truth is, you may not know who you are enslaved to until you take a critical and inward look into your life.
If you indulge in sin with impunity, then you are enslaved to the devil. You must pray to get out of that state. Admit your faults, confess them and run to the Lord.

    A life enslaved to God is a life bound to doing things as God wills. It is a life sold out to righteous living; doing what is pleasing to God, beneficial to humanity and makes you (the doer) happy and fulfilled.

Remember, whoever you are enslaved to determines your lot both now and in the future. He even determines your place in eternity. The devil's appeal may seem sweet now but it is ever poisonous; do not be enticed. God's appeal may be unappealing at present, but it leaves you with no regret either now or later.

• Birthday Blessing: The Lord will keep you from all harm…both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7-8.

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 20, 21, 22; Matthew 7

Tuesday 7 January 2014


       Covenant is a contract or agreement between two parties. In the Old Testament the Hebrew word berith is always thus translated. Berith is derived from a root which means "to cut," and hence a covenant is a "cutting," with reference to the cutting or dividing of animals into two parts, and the contracting parties passing between them, in making a covenant. God also made covenant with some people (Gen. 15; Jer. 34:18, 19).
    The Lord made a covenant with Abram and changed name Abraham (Genesis 12:4,5; Genesis 17:1-5). The Lord proposed to make of him a great nation and to perpetuate the covenant through his offspring (Genesis 17:6,7).

     This year, the Lagos Central Baptist Conference is concerned about homes as the bedrock of a local Church. As Kingdom people this is  our year of glorious visitation of God to every BELIEVER'S FAMILY. Each home will enjoy DOUBLE PERFECTION through various open doors. Indeed, better days are ahead
       The above encompasses the Abraham's covenant blessings given by God when he said " And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Gen.12:2-3)

Abraham blessings are mine/2x
I am blessed in the morning, afternoon and evening, 
Abraham blessings are mine

Indeed, better days are ahead



Tuesday, January 7

Proverbs 11:3-11


The integrity of the upright shall guide them... Proverbs 11:3, KJV

Integrity is defined as "moral soundness, probity; otherwise known as honesty, wholeness, and completeness; the quality or state of being unimpaired." All these words describe a person who is committed to being above reproach all the time.
    Attaining this level is possible by the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. A man of integrity cannot fall into wilful error because he subjects all his decisions to spiritual scrutiny before taking them.
   John Maxwell says "integrity is not a given factor in anyone's life; it is a result of self-discipline, inner trust and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations." Integrity is very similar to uprightness and it gives the picture of the heart.
    If your heart is whole, your attitude, action, feelings and all will be perfect all the time. A righteous man stands to enjoy great benefits such as; (a) guidance (b) deliverance (c) direction from the Lord.

A faith-filled life is a potent field for integrity. Until you have faith in God, you will struggle like mere men. Give room for the Lord to work out His best in you and make you whole and blameless in all your ways.

• Birthday Blessing: The root of the righteous shall not be moved. Proverbs 12:3

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 18, 19; Matthew 6

Measure your growth in grace by your sensitiveness to sin. - Oswald Chambers

Monday 6 January 2014



Monday, January 6

Psalm 7:7-17


…Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness…. Psalm 7:8b, KJV

If our conscience condemns us not, we shall have a glorious rest. David, having examined his heart, discovered no hidden sin. So, with confidence he asked God to judge him. Not everybody can be confident enough to say this. Before humans, anybody can pretend to be a saint and swear even in falsehood, but with God before whom nothing is hidden, no judgment can be perverted.

With God judgment is according to performance and He cannot be bought over. Place yourself on God's performance scale today and note your level. Can you confidently plead "not guilty" to the devil's charges against you? Be informed that God as the righteous Judge will not judge you unjustly; He is not partial.

      As humans, attaining righteousness could be difficult but the death of Jesus Christ has made it easy for us. Jesus has become our righteousness and through the Holy Spirit, helps us to live rightly. So you can boldly ask your Father (God) to judge you according to Jesus' righteousness in you. And if He discharges and acquits you, no one can convict you.

Birthday Blessing: He will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee; fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 15, 16, 17; Matthew 5:31-48

Once the will of God to me was a sigh; now it is a song. -Frances Ridley Havergal

Sunday 5 January 2014



Sunday, January 5

Luke 6:1-11


And he said unto them, that the son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. Luke 6:5, KJV

From the Pharisees' point of view, Jesus committed two offences on two different Sabbaths. On one of the said Sabbaths, Christ's disciples plucked the ears of corn to eat because they were hungry. On the other Sabbath, He healed a man whose right hand was withered. Christ responded to the Pharisees' complaints by revealing the truth of His Lordship as well as His authority over the Sabbath as a member of the God-head.

Christ as the Son of God is Himself God and the One to whom the Sabbath is dedicated. He is a member of the trinity that created the Sabbath. And so His decision to use the Sabbath, especially in doing good, sets precedence on how to spend the Sabbath.

Brethren, while we are not supposed to labour on the Sabbath, we are not expected to ignore people who need our help, any day. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and we are His children; whatever good work we do on His behalf only gladdens His heart and as such makes the day holy. Do not restrain from doing good any day rather let every day be an opportunity to touch lives in positive ways.

Birthday Blessing: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…and watch over you." Psalm 32:8
Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 12, 13, 14; Matthew 5:1-30

If I were fruitless, it mattered not who commended me; but if I were fruitful, I cared not who did condemn.–John Bunyan


LASG rejects Hijab in public schools

Lagos State Government says pupils in its public schools are only allowed to wear conventional uniforms to the school.

It added that usage of other appendages, including Hijab, a head scarf for Muslim women, would not be allowed.

The Commissioner for Education Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye, said this on Tuesday at a press briefing in Ikeja, adding that usage of Hijab and other religious materials in public schools was against government's policy.

She said, "I summoned a stakeholder's meeting that was chaired by the Commissioner for Home Affairs and Culture, Alhaji Oyinlomo Danmole. The Muslim students were represented at the meeting, Lawyers were represented. We discussed the issue at length and we reached certain agreement.

"We agreed that students could only use their Hijab when they want to go for prayers, when they want to read Qur'an, and when they are going for Jumat prayer on Fridays.

"It was agreed that no student should wear Hijab on her uniform. Doing so will cause confusion and break down of the law.

"Whoever wish that his daughter should be wearing Hijab while going to school and within the school should send such child to a private Muslim school,"

The commissioner, who said the government was committed to overhauling the education sector, added that the administration had spent over N7bn in upgrading the Lagos State University.

Oladunjoye added that the government would continue to provide qualitative education "by all means".

She said various educational development programmes like Eko Project, Support Our Schools Initiative, and specialised development programmes for teachers and administrators in 20 specialised areas, were parts of government programmed to boost education.

She said, "For theteachers and administrators, we are boosting their capacities in areas such as subject mastery, leadership, classroom management, assessment and evaluation, ICT, Basic Accounting and many others."

Source: Punch

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Saturday 4 January 2014




Saturday, January 4
Jeremiah 17:19-27


Do not…work on the Sabbath, but keep the Sabbath day holy... Jeremiah 17:22, NIV

Do not work on the Sabbath and be blessed is the message in today's text. Apparently, blessing does not come from the intensity of toil we subject our bodies to. Blessing is a product of obedience to divine instruction to "…hallow the Sabbath day, to do no work therein" (v. 24 - KJV).
     The instruction was that all human labours should be done within the six days of the week. The seventh day should be dedicated to the worship of God and bodily rest. By our obedience, we provoke and compel God to:

   (a) bring people of eminence to grace our land and bless us
   (b) enter into a covenant of being eternally present with us
     (c) cause people on our land to gather for His worship and praise.

      Disobedience can bring poverty and kindle God's anger against us. The instruction to keep the Sabbath holy is for our good, even today. God does not want us to keep working till we drop dead. He desires that humans labour hard albeit with wisdom.
      The Old Testament Sabbath day is the equivalent of today's Sunday because Jesus arose from the dead on a Sunday. When we do what the Lord says, we will receive what He promised. Therefore, hallow the Sabbath and be blessed. Because God had made Sunday a holy day, accept it and enjoy the blessings therein.

• Birthday Blessing: "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Romans 10:11

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 9, 10, 11; Matthew 4

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday 3 January 2014



Friday, January 3

Leviticus 23:1-8


…On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall do no work on that day. Leviticus 23:8, AMP

Apart from being a day of rest and remembrance, the Sabbath is also a holy convocation. Among the Hebrews, the expression "holy convocation" means "appointed time."
       The Sabbath was a symbol of the covenant that existed between Israel and God. As a sign of the divine agreement, therefore, the people were to do no work. One of the three celebrated feasts that were rounded off on a Sabbath was the Passover; a day to celebrate Israel's freedom from the oppression of Egypt.

     It is the most important of the celebrations in Israel till date. Convocation suggests graduation from school into a life of freedom and fulfilment. By implication, God is saying that in 2014, He will set you free from all bondage.
      Are you in the final year of high school  or tertiary institution? Then, get ready to enter into a time of unlimited freedom. However, in your Sabbath (time of rest, joy and celebration) remember God. Let your rest be meaningful and God glorifying. Remember, you would not have been here if God had not been with you.

• Birthday Blessing:For I know the plans I have for you…to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah29:11 

Read Bible Through Passage:Genesis 6, 7, 8; Matthew 3

God requires satisfaction because He is holy, but He makes satisfaction because He is love. – Augustus H. Strong

Thursday 2 January 2014



Thursday, January 2

Deuteronomy 5:11-15


Remember that you were slaves in Egypt…therefore… observe the Sabbath day. Deuteronomy 5:15, NIV

The Sabbath, as a unique day/year, did not just come about. God commanded it to be remembered as a memorial of His past deeds among His people. This is to keep the people's faith, trust and focus on Him.
      Two wonderful things that God did to perfect their release from bondage: the death of the Egyptians' firstborn and the drowning of Pharaoh and his armies in the Red Sea were strong reminders whenever they renege on keeping the Sabbath.
        The remembrance of God's doings in our lives should provoke us to worship Him all the time. If you would sit back and think, you would see reasons why you should make every day a Sabbath for the Lord.
      God deserves to be reverenced for those miraculous deeds in your life, family and church. A forgetful heart is a thankless heart. So, think, remember and give thanks. Also, do not toy with your quiet time this year. It is an opportunity to think of the goodness of God in your life. This is the best way to spend your Sabbath.

• Birthday Blessing:  Be strong and courageous…the LORD your God will be with you... Joshua 1:9

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 3, 4, 5; Matthew 2

No man ever said, at the end of the days, 'I have read my Bible too much, I have thought of God too much, I have prayed too much, I have been too careful with my soul.' - J. C. Ryle