Tuesday 31 December 2013



Are you like that businessman who said, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Instead, he ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." (James 4:13, 15 NIV).

■Have you made a resolution for 2014?
■How do you intend to fulfil it?
■How did you make the resolution last year?
■How much of it did you carry out?
     Year in year out, many have been making unfulfilled resolutions and they continue to make them with the "hope" or is it expectation that one day they will succeed. They treat their lives as if it were pool-betting. A life of chance, of no certainty, this is therefore the reason why these people do not accept the Saviour. They eat drink and make merry, believing that that is all there is to life; please note that life is more than food and body more than clothing (Luke 12:23) you have to be rich in God here in order to make heaven.

Are you like that rich fool? (Luke 12:16-22). He was a successful farmer but was not rich towards God. He believed that his hands were responsible for all his successes, like many do today, they then labour for others to eat.
      Many leaders of the corrupt countries of the world continue to be like this rich fool; they store their loots in foreign lands with pseudo names and when they believe they have plenty laid up for many years, God will now take the life, and all the loot is lost (Luke 12:19, 20).

Resolutions ought to lead to a better relationship with God. Let the words of the hymn below guide your 2014 resolutions

Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow with ceaseless praise.

Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

Extract from DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Rev Deji Basorun  -(December 31, 2013)

Monday 30 December 2013

Ayo- AKINJOLE is 40

Emerging Leader for GenerationNext

Pastor Kunle Ayo-Akinjole is 40 today.  He was the Anchor Man that saw to the reconstitution of New Life Baptist Association of Lagos Central Baptist Conference. He is currently,  Pastor,  First Baptist Church,  Era-Odan, Lagos.

I join his father in the Lord,  Rev Moses O.Lawal (rtd), his ministry friend,  Rev. Jacob A. Enitinwa to say congratulations on your 40th. As your days so shall your strength increase with wisdom.

We are proud of you.

Rev Dr Babarinde
Conference President


Monday, December 30

John 5:2-17


Jesus said to them, "My father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working." John 5:17, NIV

      Our God is a relentless worker. By words and deeds, His unbreakable track record of activities pre-dates creation (Genesis 1:3; Hebrews 1:3). The flurry of activities in our world is an evidence of God's continual business. Take for instance the barrage of requests that are being sent to God every moment and to which He is graciously dispatching answers to. All through Christ's ministry on earth, He was busy preaching, teaching, healing, visiting homes, towns and villages. He left indelible marks wherever He went. No humankind, force or time could debar Him.

      The man who had been incapacitated by the pool of Bethsaida for thirty-eight years was one of the beneficiaries of Christ's work on earth. God is still looking for people on whom He would work. The duration of your suffering notwithstanding, when He speaks, you shall experience a change for His glory. Again, because Christ is at work you cannot afford to be lazy. So get busy for the Master.

Read Bible Through Passage: Micah 14; Rev. 21:15-27 



5 Words Toward a Stronger Esprit de Corps "By Dan Reiland 

The hallways often reveal more than the boardroom. What you hear in the hallways is often a better indicator of the spirit of your team than what is said in the boardroom. I'm not suggesting that your team isn't honest in your meetings. But they are more relaxed in the hallways, in the break room, or anywhere a cup of coffee is shared where you work. 
How is your team doing? ■Are they happy?
■Are they energetic?
■Are they productive?
■Do they face adversity well?
■Do they get along?
       Your answers give insight to the level of Esprit de Corps.Esprit de corps is a cool word. Not just because it's French and I can't spell it without looking it up. But because it says so much! It embraces the idea of a sense of unity and of common interests. It carries the notion of common responsibilities of a group committed to a goal together. It's about a team of people connected not just to a goal but real relationship with each other.
       Esprit de corps is closely connected to the idea of morale. A team's ability to maintain high morale reveals commitment to a deep belief and mission, even in the face of difficulty or hardship. 
We often think of money when it comes to generosity, and that is part of it. But a spirit of generosity reaches much farther than finances alone. It's a way of living. It's about time, faith, love, and kindness and more.
      Generous people think differently than those who are takers by nature. Generous people think larger, believe bigger and possess a positive attitude.     
         Generous people love to give, but they also see it strategically. Generosity is not all about goose bumps and emotion, but making wise investments into people's lives with intentionality. When you lead your team with generosity you lead with a spirit of giving more than taking. Some leaders are takers, they want more from you than they pour into you. That diminishes morale.
    I remember one leader saying to me, "But I pay them! I expect them to show up and get their work done!" He did not have a spirit of generosity! It's reasonable for him to expect his staff to show up and work, but he had a demanding spirit rather than a developing spirit. 
   2. Trust
  I have been part of the team at 12Stone® Church for twelve years. I have served as Executive Pastor under Senior Pastor Kevin Myers. From day one Kevin has trusted me fully. That is critical, without it I can't lead.
       Trust is different than respect. Respect must be earned, but trust needs to be extended as a gift from the beginning and removed only if it is broken. Trust is essential to a positive sense of esprit de corps. If you don't trust your team, it's as if you are holding back the oxygen they need to lead. They just can't breath! It's as if you put them on a short leash and tied them up to their desk, they can move, but not much! If you find it difficult to trust people, I encourage you to reflect on why.
■Have you trained and developed your team?
■Have you been hurt by someone?
■Do you have control issues?
■Are you a perfectionist?
■What would it take for you to trust?
■Without trust, empowerment cannot exist, let alone thrive. 

3. Empowerment
Trust is where empowerment begins. The first component of empowerment is to trust with responsibility. Connecting this principle with a spirit of generosity allows us to see that empowering isn't dumping work on someone, it is trusting them with the responsibility of accomplishing something that is important.  No one wants to be micro-managed. "Small" leaders attempt to keep power and control, they "meddle" and some even have a heavy hand on everything.
        Empowering leaders set people free. It's not about letting people do whatever they want. Empowerment is the right mix of freedom and guidance. It involves communication, goals, and training. These things allow us to free people up so they can grow, excel and achieve more!
    4. Alignment
     Your team loves the trust and freedom that comes with empowerment, but they also love, need and want boundaries. People hate chaos, and they know that if everyone "does their own thing," nothing of significant impact will be accomplished. High morale is experienced teams that work together and head in the same direction.
      A sense of productive esprit de corps comes to a team that enjoys being with each other and wins together. Independence breaks down alignment. In contrast, organization and agreement of goals builds alignment. I love track and field in the Olympics, and I really enjoy the relay races. Can you imagine if each of the four runners on the team ran whenever they wanted, in whatever direction they wanted and never handed the baton off to the right person? Alignment is essential! 

    5. Caring
The impact of simply caring is staggering. At times I think it's becoming a lost art. Please don't misunderstand. I believe that church leaders care. They really do, but sometimes the demands of a busy schedule can result in an inability to keep up with everything. You have a finite amount of energy, in fact, you run out of energy to demonstrate that you care. You are so busy making things happen, (and getting things done), that your relational bandwidth runs thin. 
      The good news is that the remedy is often simple, and as long as it's from the heart you are good to go! It might be a hand written note of encouragement, a public expression of appreciation for a job well done, a quick phone call, or a cup of coffee with someone just to see how they are doing. It could be as simple as a thank you card with a Starbucks gift card inside. It's usually just not that complicated. We just need to do it! I pray these thoughts encourage, guide and inspire you and your team to a greater sense of esprit de corps!

Saturday 28 December 2013


Saturday 28th.December @10AM New.Generation BC, IBIYE@Badagry.

We wish him well as Lagos Central Baptist Conference as he retires but remain relevant for the kingdom project



Saturday, December 28
Isaiah 42:1-7


"… I will keep you and I will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles." Isaiah 42:6, NIV

Light occur about 438 times in the Bible with various concepts. From Genesis 1:3 through Revelation 22:5, it portrays arrays of contrasts. It dispels darkness, symbolises righteousness, gives illumination, stands personified; first, Israel as a nation was called to be light to the Gentiles, then in Jesus as an ultimate Light of the world (John 1:4-5, 8-9; 8:12) and now, the church also, as the light of the world (Matthew 5:14; 1 John 1:9).

Today's passage points to Jesus, the servant of the Lord, author of the New Covenant as an embodiment of light to all nations (v. 6).
Christ as the Light has a divine mandate to:
(a) open blind eyes (physical and spiritual);
(b) deliver the captives;
(c) release the oppressed
(d) shine/beam the light of the Gospel to those in darkness (v. 7).

By extension, every redeemed child of God carries the light of God. You therefore have the mandate to shine in this dark world of sin starting from your little corner.

Prayer Point: Pray that you will indeed be a light to the darkness of this world.




To many people, January is always a long month. To them, days in January is 62 not 31, it is always the most difficult month of the year for many. This is because January involves financial difficulties which are not experienced in any other month of the year. 

Note that you need not suffer in January; you can live in surplus throughout the year, January inclusive. The truth is, you can live in January as in any other month; you can live without being broke, if you understand what it takes to "tie down" your money. I will show you some of them here:

1. Plan your life. What do you really want for yourself, what do you really want in the New Year? Plan now, much money without planning will make you spend endlessly and run into debt. Plan your life and live better. 

2. Have a budget. Know the income available, know what you want to buy, categorized them into NEED and WANT or LUXURY, SHOW-OFF, NECESSITY. Go for only necessity, save money you would have spent on luxury and show-off. 

3. Spend Less. By all means, spend lesser than you would have spent. 

4. No show-off. Are you buying that clothes to show your 'enemy' in the village that you have arrived? Are you buying that car, wristwatch, television, handset, etc just to show people the level of your wealth? Anything you buy just to impress or hurt others is not for you, it is a show-off. 

5. Pre-festival Purchases. Buy everything you need far away from festival from time. My wife used to buy our children "Christmas clothes" in September, rice, beans and other ingredients in October and November, gifts that we want to give out to our loved ones also in November. With this, we are able to avoid high prices of "rush-time" purchases. 

6. Buy Later. There are things you can decide to buy later, avoid buying things during "rush hours". 

7. Remember January. As you are writing that cheque, paying that bill, withdrawing from that ATM, always remember J-A-N-U-A-R-Y

8. No Unnecessary Traveling. Must you travel at Christmas period? Why not before that period or after? You know transportation is always costly during the festival and will always involve unnecessary spending. 

9. Plan for school fees. Plan for the payment of children's school fees, some wise parent pay before the end of December as soon as they collect their December salary. With this, they won't spend the money during Christmas. 

10. Use bank. Don't bring all your money home, keep it in the bank. Avoid the temptation of withdrawing everything; it is like spending your blood if you do. 

11. Control ATM. Who is in charge? You or your ATM? Some people enjoy the card and love the machine; I can't remember using my ATM Card this year, I don't allow it to control me; no, I am in charge; it is just a card. Base your spending on your pocket, don't rely on ATM, if you can't control it, give it to a trusted friend or mentor during this period. 

12. By all means, spend below your means. Never spend above your means, not even within your means. Spend below your means. Yes, spend lesser than you can afford, that is wisdom, that is the foundation of surplus and mother of wealth. Be wise!I wish you happy New Year in advance and Prosperous 2014 

Thursday 26 December 2013


Friday, December 27

Isaiah 49:8-13


"…Burst into song oh mountain! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones." Isaiah 49:13, NIV
      God again reveals His compassionate character to His people, who, as a Father, having chastised his son, will again draw him to Himself in love. God demonstrated to Israel that though He is into a perpetual covenant of love with them, yet He will not overlook their errors. At the same time, He demonstrated to them that He would not be angry with them forever. By God's judgement, no sinner will go unpunished but no repentant sinner shall continue to serve punishment.
      Beloved, you must know that every experience you go through in life is for a reason. In fact all God is doing for you now is an act of shepherding to cleanse and purify you from sin so as to enable you attain that glorious paradise where nothing shall be lacking. You must therefore, see your present state as a necessary path He wants you to take especially, if at one time or the other, you have been disobedient. Are you going through troubles and trails? Be comforted that it is because He loves you.

Read Bible Through Passage: Zech. 4, 5, 6, 7; Rev. 19



Thursday, December 26

Isaiah 40:1-5


"Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her, that her hard service has been completed…." Isaiah 40:2, NIV

     Isaiah spoke as the mouthpiece of God to allay the sorrow of Israel as she faced double captivity and times of affliction (v. 2).
      Israel had suffered greatly from neighbouring nations that God permitted to capture and enslave them. However, when they have completed the service for their sins the LORD remembered them and promised them a time of respite. They were to receive double grace for their affliction; this is indeed a great consolation for a hopeless people!
     As the church awaits the second coming of Christ, we are encumbered with so many trials, challenges, persecutions, outright show of wickedness, even deaths. But in it all Jesus is saying, "Cheer up, I have overcome the world."
        Perhaps you have suffered greatly for a sin you have committed in the past, be not dismayed because the LORD who permitted the afflictions is saying to you, "Comfort, comfort."
     The LORD shall clear your path from every thorn and thistle and your misery shall be over with 2013.

Read Bible Through Passage: Zechariah 1, 2, 3; Rev. 18

Wednesday 25 December 2013


GOD CONTINUES TO GIVE (Luke 2:15-17, 20)

    When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
   The angels that announced the first Christmas rejoiced and praised God to the hearing of the shepherds.
       The shepherds were like the Berean Christians who will always check their scriptures to be sure what they heard was true. The shepherds verified the news that was given to them  about Christmas. It was only when they were sure that they spread the news. You cannot tell people with confidence what you are not sure of, except you are a pathological liar.
        After ascertaining the truth of the news, they did not go about drinking, or eating, the most important thing to them was to give the same good news to others and to thank and praise God for His show of love of giving unto man such great gift of a Saviour.
       It is indeed a season of giving, for God gave His only Son to man, What will you give this season?
■ The owner of the inn created a space for Jesus, What will you give this season?
■ The angels gave the news to the shepherd,  What will you give this season?
■The shepherds gave the news to others and gave God glory and praise. What will you give this season?
■The wise men gave three gift items. What will you give this season?
You need to give your life and time to your God and his Church

Merry Christmas
God bless you.

Kingdom Project Partner

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde


Joy to the world! The Lord is come: 
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room, 
And heaven and nature sing.

Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns:let men their songs employ,
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains 
Repeat the sounding joy.

He rules the earth with truth and grace, 
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousnes
And wonders of His love.

On behalf of Lagos Central Baptist Conference and my family,  I wish everyone Merry Christmas.

Rev. Dr. O.Kehinde Babarinde
"Be at peace with all men"
08159991300; 08033559709
Twitter- @okbabarinde
FB- Kehinde Babarinde
blog  -  lagoscentralbaptist.blogspot.com

Tuesday 24 December 2013


Tuesday, December 24

Leviticus 12:1-5


On the Eight day, the boy is to be circumcised.Leviticus 12:3, NIV

      Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the male genital, a custom that began with Abraham as a sign of the covenant between God and him. By rule, every male child must be circumcised on the eight day (v. 3). The spiritual significance is found in Deuteronomy 10:16, where the "foreskin of the heart" is to be circumcised. This is a pointer to a hardened heart as against that of commitment and obedience to the Lord.

      Although the physical strictness cannot be downplayed, the spiritual interpretation is very vital. The Jews placed value on circumcision as the basis for salvation but Paul debunked it, emphasising rather on grace and faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8). Today, so many people pride themselves in the external activities they do in the name of the Lord. Re-examine yourself today. Are the things you do born out of love for God or a desire to make a name? Is it service prone or relationship driven? Friend, what matters most is a genuine relationship with Christ, only then can the life of Christ ooze out of our lives daily. 

Read Bible Through Passage: Zephaniah 1, 2, 3; Rev. 16 


One of the major themes often neglected in the story of the birth of Jesus is the purity of  Mary and the sanctity of Joseph's bed. We are challenged to encourage our daughters to live in purity and our sons to accept sexual abstinence as godly and commendable.

The Reverend Marty O'Rourke, in an article entitled "Escaping Sexual Sin Before it's Too Late," gave the following recommendations when to flee from sexual temptation."When do you need to flee?·

When you find yourself thinking about a "friend, co-worker, ministry partner, counselee" and how much you enjoy being with this person -- FLEE!·

When you look forward to spending more time with this person and you make sure you look especially nice if you know you might see your "friend" that day -- FLEE!·

If you begin to fantasize about being with this person or knowingly start touching your "friend" in "innocent " ways -- FLEE!·

When you become more secretive about your interaction with your "friend" because people like your spouse might "misunderstand" your friendship -- FLEE!·

If you receive cards, e-mails or presents from this person that you would not want your spouse to see -- FLEE!·

When you find yourself comparing your spouse in an unfavorable way to your "friend"-- FLEE!·

If you start confiding in your "friend" about your marital problems -- FLEE!

Anytime we feel we must keep something secret, this would indicate that sin is crouching at our door.

If you are experiencing sexual attraction to someone - or experiencing some other kind of temptation over a few days - go to your spouse or someone you can trust in the Body of Christ. Bring the secret out into the light of day and ask for prayer and accountability." 

We each face temptations, but only Jesus can truly satisfy us. Today in prayer, pray that the Lord would lead you away from all temptation so that you may walk with Him. "If you're losing the battle against a persistent bad habit, an addiction, or a temptation, and you're stuck in a repeating cycle of good intention-failure-guilt, you will not get better on your own.

You need the help of other people. Rick Warren said "Some temptations are only overcome with the help of a partner who prays for you, encourages you, and holds you accountable." -  God's Word: "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." – Matthew 6:13 

Let us pray for forgiveness of our past and the grace  not yield to temptation

(This reflection came from Devotional. Com by Peter Kennedy)

Monday 23 December 2013



The Scripture contains records of foretelling of the birth of Jesus Christ. Many generations expected the coming of the Messiah. Prophet Isaiah spoke about the coming of the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6-7 " For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

   Indeed Jesus' birth was a joyful news to the whole world. The news of his birth is not an old tale. The reign of Jesus Christ is always fresh in the heart of believers who truly love and serve him. People from different tribes, cultures,and countries are responding to the good news that his birth brought to the whole world.
       The proclamation of his birth is not limited to a season, it is eternal. Jesus' birth caused us to experience redemption. We are redeemed from darkness unto his marvelous light. Isaiah stated that "the people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned" ( Isaiah 9 : 2)
     There is no doubt Jesus is redeeming Souls on a daily basis. His birth is efficacious at all times. No matter how great one's sin may be, Jesus has the power to cleanse. It is stated in the Bible that he was given the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)
       Jesus is lmmanuel. Our saviour has never left us alone. Though we are living in a dark world. Jesus is always present. He is the Light that shines in the darkness. " In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." ( John 1:4-5 KJV)

When anyone receives him, he will never walk in the darkness again.  He will shine forever.

Rev Mrs Kemi Babarinde
HOD, Religious Education
Baptist College of Theology,  Lagos.


Monday, December 23
Luke 2: 21-24


"Now when the days of her purification according to the laws of Moses were completed, they brought him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord." Luke 2: 22, NKJV

Jesus' parents observed all the biblical injunctions required for purification of Hebrew women after birth and presentation of newborn babies to the temple even with Christ. They were not overwhelmed by pride of the heavenly glory that surrounded them and their baby to disregard the laws.
Parents today must learn lessons from Jesus' parents by showing traits of sincerity and steadfastness to God's purpose of parenting.

With the sad state of moral decadence and worldliness in our society today, parents must re-commit themselves to scriptural laws by:
(i) Being exemplary in life and character (Matthew 5:16).
(ii) Teaching their children the wholistic injunctions of God (Deuteronomy 6:6-9).
(iii) Sacrificing their time and resources in training their children (Proverbs 22:6).
(iv) Putting premium in moulding children into godly standard for a better society (Malachi 2:15).

Sunday 22 December 2013


Luke 1: 5ff.

Everyone has a past,  an history- the story that can be told. Some aspects are pleasant,  others may not. Our past cannot be rewind and changed.  None of them can be erased. Alas! a miracle can overshadow the negative experiences. How?
      God spoke through Prophet Isaiah, "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.( Isaiah 43:18-19). God proves.that he cannot forget his own people. The story of the first Christmas contains the episode of God remembering to meet a need.

God will usually not arise to no occasion nor meet his people without a point of need. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1). The story of Christmas presents a family that had a need.

  Luke wrote that "there was in the days of Herod, the king of Judæa, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.  And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years." (Luke 1:5-8). The story ended in and with joy, God gave them a son.

We are tempted by human nature to feel neglected and forsaken. The God we serve will remember his word, his promises and his people. God asked, 
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." (Isaiah 49:15 KJV). An example is this, "And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb."(Genesis 30:22)

The story of the birth of Jesus will be incomplete without a mention of the manifestation of long..awaited miracle- the birth of John the Baptist. Are there long awaited miracles, waiting wombs and age-long reproach?  God will meet you.divinely.

Merry Christmas.

Rev Dr Kehinde Babarinde
Conference President


Sunday, December 22
Luke 2:1-17

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people." Luke 2:10, NIV

Have you noticed that every person that knew about the birth of Jesus was specially told? Joseph and Mary knew Jesus through angel Gabriel; Simeon, Anna, Elizabeth and Zechariah through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; the wise men through the star that led them; the shepherds through angelic visitation; John the Baptist through the instructions and descriptions of God Almighty; the apostles knew Jesus by God's leading, He chose them and revealed Himself to them. This is the season of singing and fellowshipping in the spirit of Christmas.

Two lessons from today's passage are:

(a) We cannot claim to know Christ if He has not been revealed to us by God.

(b) The dying world is waiting for you and me to introduce Christ to them.

After the shepherds received the message, they spread it. Having received Christ let us go and make Him known today.

Prayer Point: Pray that Jesus Christ will be revealed to many people through you this Christmas season.

Saturday 21 December 2013



Saturday, December 21

Galatians 4:1-7


"But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law." Galatians 4:4, NIV

       Slavery is more of the state of the mind than a physical state. It is a perpetual state of ignorance and fear. In time past, slave masters would allow one or two slaves to attempt escape and when caught, such would be treated brutally and murdered in full view of the other slaves to serve as a deterrent to them.
      They are thus enslaved physically and psychologically; and, once the mind is captured, the strongest muscles would offer very little or no resistance.
Before the coming of Christ Jesus, we were slaves – body, soul and spirit – to the wisdom of this world. Every attempt of humankind to set him/herself free kept failing. Satan and sin held us bound and we could not shake them off no matter how much we tried.
     However, God sent His Son into our lives and afterwards He sent His Spirit into our hearts, as a guarantee of greater things. God did these so that we should no longer be slaves to sin and Satan. With Jesus, no one can enslave you again!

Prayer Point: Pray for total freedom from every form of slavery in which you may be.


      Jesus Christ is simply the Son of God, Saviour of the world, God Himself, one who came to reconcile man to God and ONE who came to restore the lost glory, dominion and power back to man.
       Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is also something that is deep within and does not leave quickly and it's the second fruit of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22)
      Who are the kingdom people - it is not just an appellation rather it is a designation. They are people elected and appointed for the purpose of the kingdom business.
      The birth of Jesus Christ (Lk 1:14) and His ascension (Lk 1:52) brought about great joy to the world (People). It can be experienced by those who have given their lives to Him as their Lord and Saviour


■THEY - Have FAITH in Him 
■BELIEVE in His word
■Have  RELATIONSHIP with Him
■ LABOUR to be on MISSION for Him
■EXPECTING His second coming

Do you desire his joy in its fullness?  Do that which have been suggested above. God bless you.

Rev 'Tosin Olatunji
ModeratorNew Creature Baptist Association

Friday 20 December 2013

LUKE 2:10-11, 4:17-19, 1 COR 15; 19, 57

The word "Kingdom" laterally means "A country ruled over by a king or queen. Therefore, kingdom people are citizens of a country ruled over by Jesus Christ as their king. Kingdom people become members of Christ kingdom by accepting and confessing him (Christ) as their personal Lord and Saviour. They agreed and determined to live their lives according to his pattern and doctrines. (John 1:12; 3:16; Acts 16:31, 1 Pet. 2:9)
         According to the complete Christian Dictionary, the word joy is defined as "A feeling of delight happiness, gladness, a source of pleasure." In other word, a person or a thing that causes us to feel, very happy is a source of our joy. A child can cause his parents to feel happy, marriage can cause a couple to feel happy and promotion to a higher position can cause an individual to feel happy. Winning in a competition can bring happiness into our lives. Likewise Jesus Christ is the cause and reason for kingdom people happiness and gladness that ultimately culminate in  joy at this season and other seasons of the year. This is experienced through the following:

1. The announcement of his birth was a good news (Luke 2:10-11)

2. His mission and ministry were about gospel, healing, deliverance and liberty to the people of the kingdom. Luke 4:17-19, Isaiah 60:1-2, John 3:24)

3. He was anointed by the Holy Spirit to do good to kingdom people- Act 4:38

4. His death and resurrection are the foundations of our hope and victory over death. We consequently become people of his kingdom (2 Cor. 15:19, 57)

Jesus Christ is the joy of kingdom people by his coming to this world through the announcement of his birth, his life and ministries, his death and resurrection; all are the reasons why kingdom people musr be joyful and glad at this season and other seasons of the year. Merry Christmas.

Rev. Gbemileke A. Olonade
Pastor of First Baptist Church,Kuje Amuwo

Thursday 19 December 2013


Thursday, December 19
Micah 5:1-5

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,… out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel ...." Micah 5:2, NIV

At the time Israel was going through a rough period due to the siege laid against her by the enemies they thought their deliverance would come from one of the powerful tribes in Israel. God in His wisdom however decided to choose an insignificant city - the  smallest of them all to bring about their deliverance. Even the means by which God decided to save the world, (confession of Jesus Christ, the son of an ordinary carpenter) does it not look foolish to the wise?

The message for you is that though you may be insignificant and unimportant today in the estimation of your family members and friends, tomorrow shall be different. This is because you are the only person in your family who will bring the long awaited glorious change. You are one person before God who can never have a perfect replacement. You are also a fulfilment of prophecy. There are no coincidences in our lives for all things are ordered by God according to His plan and purpose, just walk in obedience to His Word.

Prayer Point: Lord, let my uniqueness be manifested in its due time as you designed it.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Jesus Christ: The Joy of the Kingdom People

      Christmas is here again! It is time to remember He who died that we may live. He left His glory to identify with our weaknesses. He would have come in Kingly glory, but He chose the manger. Indeed he chose the poor Joseph and Mary aschannels of appearance. Luke 2:6-7 affirmed that "Mary brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid himin a manger; because there was no room in the inn". What an irony for him to become poor so that through his poverty, we may experience prosperity.
   This Jesus Christ, indisputably born of the Virgin Mary, the fulfilment of human redemption, is the joy of the kingdom People. We are Kingdom people.

    Our Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. We servean eternal King who cannot be conquered. "...of his Kingdom, there shall be no end". The King of our Kingdom fears no foe for throughJ esus Christ, man's redemption from the chief foe was accomplished.Jesus Christ is our joy because he lived a blameless life. The Prince of this world could not fault him.
       Jesus Christ is our joy becausethrough him we obtain peace. The King of our kingdom is called thePrince of Peace. He is our joy because he is coming back again.
Friends, Jesus Christ can be your joy too if you embrace him today

Rev.Timothy 'Bukunmi Popoola,
Minister of Missions & Church Development
Lagos Central Baptist Conference


The Family Life Division
Christian Education Department
Lagos Central Baptist Conference



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Tuesday, December 17

Numbers 6:22-27


"So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them." Numbers 6:27, NIV

     God wanted to inscribe His name on the Israelites and bless them, but He would not do it directly by Himself. God called on His servant, intermediary and representative: Moses, who would in turn give the message to Aaron and his sons.
    God did not say, "I will put my name on the Israelites" instead He said, "They (Aaron and his sons) will put my name on the Israelites, and I [God] will bless them" (v. 27). The implication of this is that God is in constant partnership with His called-out servants to bless humanity.
    So when next the pastor of your church or a proven man of God pronounces blessings upon you in the name of the Lord, you better say a loud amen. This is because when the name of the LORD is pronounced to bless anyone, that person is blessed and no one can curse him/her.
      You may not feel thrilled or shaken when the name of the Almighty is pronounced on you but rejoice because you are indeed blessed.
     Thus today: May the LORD bless you and take care of you; May the LORD be kind and gracious to you; May the LORD look on you with favour and give you peace. Amen.

Monday 16 December 2013


(JOHN 3:16)
Love of God to mankind is demonstrated through the giving of His one and the only son, Jesus Christ. The text shows to us:

1. The Extent of God's Love:
"For God so love..." God's love for you can't be quantified. It is great love.

2. The Universality of God's Love:
"..Love the world." God's love transcends racism, ethnicity, class, and sex (male or female). God loves you for who you are. He wants you to come to Him the way you are.

3. The Object of God's Love:
"..That he gave is one and only Son." Jesus is the climax of all the gifts of God. No gift can be compared to Him. Accept Him into your life and you will enjoy abundant life (Jn. 10:10).

4. The Subject of God's Love.
"..That whoever believes in him." You are important in God's heart. You are the subject of His love. He gave Jesus because of you.

5. The Effect of God's Love: "..Should not perish but have eternal life." A life with Jesus is a peaceful life even in the midst of storms of life. Use this period of CHRISTMAS to accept, appreciate and appropriate God's love into your life.

Revd. Dr. Victor Bamidele Akerele
Snr. Pastor,
First Baptist Church, Festac Town,
Lagos, Nigeria
Chairman, LCBC Pastors' Fellowship

Saturday 14 December 2013



"Joy to the World the Lord is Come"

The word "joy" has been defined as "feelings of great happiness or pleasure, especially of an elevated or spiritual kind." One of the obvious things from this definition is that the feeling or experience of joy goes beyond natural or ordinary phenomenon. This is what differentiates joy from happiness. In actual fact, joy is the highest form of happiness. While the latter is often occasioned by mundane things, the latter requires more than that, especially for it to be sustained.

It is gratifying to note that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is not only interested in blessing us with happiness, but He is much interested in filling our hearts with joy – the highest form of happiness. In fact, His birth ushered in good news of great joy (see Luke 2:10). The joy that our Lord gives to the Kingdom People is unique. This is clearly evident from the accounts of His birth as recorded in the Gospels. Let us briefly consider five features of the joy that our Lord gives us – the Kingdom People – most especially, as we look forward to celebrating His birth this month.

*Overwhelming Joy. The joy that Jesus Christ gives to us is capable of overwhelming every form of impossibility in our lives and families. This was made known to the Virgin Mary. After Mary had asked how it could be possible for her to conceive without meeting a man, Angel Gabriel told her that the overshadowing power of the Holy Spirit will come upon her and turn impossibility to possibility (see Luke 1:35). When we are visited by the power of God, we receive the joy that overwhelms every negative and contradicting issue in our lives and families.

*Restoring Joy. It is likely that Zechariah and Elizabeth had given up the hope of having their own biological children. However, when they were visited by the good news of great joy, their hope of becoming parents were rekindled (see Luke 1:57-66). As we experience this joy afresh this season, all lost hopes will be restored in Jesus' name.

*Locating Joy. The shepherds were located out in the fields with the good news of great joy (see Luke 2:8ff). The joy that the Lord gives locates the Kingdom People. Relax; your joy is on the way.

*Fulfilling Joy. Simeon and Anna had their share of joy as they encountered Jesus Christ in the Temple the day He was first presented. Their dreams of seeing the Messiah were fulfilled (see Luke 2:25ff, 36ff).

*Lasting Joy. From the song of Mary in Luke 1:46-55, we are made to understand that the joy that the Lord gives is a lasting one – it extends from generation to generation. The joy from the Lord cannot be short-lived.

CONCLUSION: - Kingdom People! Brace up and position yourselves to receive the joy of the Lord. It is the joy that is overwhelming, restoring, locating, fulfilling, and lasting. Shalom.

Rev. Sola Idowu. PhD
1st Vice Chairman,  Lagos Central Baptist Conference
Living is Christ
Phil. 1:21.


What do you say to this?Dearly Beloved,If ever I am asked, "Dele Aina, do you have any regrets in life?" I would answer, "YES! Chiefly, because I never met Nelson Mandela." Africa, indeed, the world has lost the greatest black man that ever lived. I was tempted to call him, 'the second greatest black man that ever lived, following closely behind my dad'. But then I thought, when daddy reads this, he'd call me & say, "Didn't I teach you to be truthful & objective always?"

     So, let's give it to Mandela. Greatest dad? That's my dad! But, the greatest black man? That's Nelson Mandela! He shall remain, for ages to come, the most celebrated, the most respected, the most honoured black man, ever!I have studied the life of Mandela extensively.

      He was not born with a silver spoon. He had it rough & tough all through his lifetime. In spite of all his challenges, he loved & sacrificed. He loved his enemies, & sacrificed for his people. All African leaders should take a leadership course centered on the life of Nelson Mandela. Indeed, anybody in any form of leadership should take time to adequately study, adopt & apply the lifestyle & leadership qualities of Mandela.

      Mandela never owned a house in Dubai, UK, or USA. He never owned a private jet, never was extravagant or ostentatious as many African leaders (secular & spiritual) are today.

     Mandela admitted to have voraciously read the Bible while in incarceration. While I can't say assuredly if he ever confessed JESUS CHRIST as his Lord & savior, I make bold to state that I saw more JESUS in him than I've seen in most spiritual leaders globally.

         Mandela was focused, forgiving, forthright, & fearless. He fought a cause he believed for 27 years in prison, refusing to accept personal freedom if his people were still being oppressed.

    He came out of prison to become the first black president of South Africa, & exited after his first term. As president, he pursued truth, forgiveness & reconciliation; not vengeance, looting, & grandstanding. In all his health challenges, he was never flow outside of South Africa for treatments abroad. What was good enough for his people was good enough for him.

   Mandela was a LEADER! Let the looters, bleeders, & blunders pretending to be leaders all over Africa, & worldwide, learn from this great man. His was a Long Walk to Freedom, not a short cut to stardom, success & stupendous wealth, being bandied about in many places nowadays. LORD, have mercy!Nelson Mandela was my mentor, my leader, my good example. He was everything a good leader should be. He was all I hope & plan to be. I love this man. I love everything he epitomized. Every man, high & low, should aspire & strive to be like Mandela.

From today, when you meet anybody in leadership (spiritual & secular), ask them, "Are you like Mandela?" Whether they answer yes or no, add quickly, "Please, be like MANDELA!"

Let the children of presidents, governors, senators, honourables/dishonourables, LGA chairmen, & clergy, ask their fathers regularly, "Daddy, are you like Mandela?

Please, be like MANDELA!"Apart from his double divorces, Mandela was almost a perfect man. But then, who has never made mistakes in life?

I believe Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is in heaven with GOD. If you disagree with me, go there now & find out! There are two men the world will never forget:JESUS THE CHRIST, & Nelson Mandela. In case you're not interested, I'm gunning for the third!

Friend, be like MANDELA!

Dele Aina @ Just Jesus Foundation 

(The doctrinal views expressed are that of the author)



Saturday, December 14

Luke 7:18-27


But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. Luke 7:26, NIV

God is committed to making His wisdom come in small or 'earthly' insignificant packages. King David was raised as a last resort in his family; Abraham Lincoln was born to a poor family and he lost several elections before becoming one of America's greatest presidents; Ben Carson, the best pediatric neurosurgeon on earth, grew up as a dullard with a single parent; Benson Idahosa, one of Africa's greatest preachers of the Gospel, was once dumped on a refuse heap. They are all heavenly treasures in earthen vessels!

John was not an ordinary man, but a man who was the fulfilment of several prophecies; filled with the Holy Spirit from birth, he baptised the Messiah who testified about him. In fact, Jesus spoke several times about him revealing what a sign John was (Matthew 11:2-19). Similarly, each of us is God's sign from heaven. No wonder He made us each obviously unique, our strengths and weaknesses irrespective.

If you live for Jesus on earth today, just as He testified about John several times, He will not fail to testify about you before God, the holy angels, and before all men.

Friday 13 December 2013



Friday, December 13

Matthew 3:13-17


But Jesus answered him, "Let it be so for now. For in this way we shall do all that God requires." So John agreed. Matthew 3:15, GNB

       What do Genesis 1:3 and Matthew 3:15 have in common? Genesis 1:3 was the first time God's voice was recorded in the Bible "Let there be …." (v. 3) and Matthew 3:15 was the first time the voice of Jesus was recorded in the New Testament when He said, "Let it be …." After they both spoke, there was no argument on what they said, it was simply done–'and light appeared,' after God spoke; and in Jesus' case, 'John agreed.'

         Though Jesus was the Messiah, He still lived in complete obedience to God's Word through the Prophets and the law by humbling Himself to be baptised by John. When Jesus did this, God showed Him great honour by allowing the Holy Spirit to come on Him like a dove and giving a testimony from heaven about His being His dear Son.
        If we also will humble ourselves in obedience to the authorities He has placed over us in whatever tasks we shall attract God's seal and we will carry and reflect His nature as Jesus did.



         I had the privilege to partake in this year's HOLY PILGRIMAGE TO ISRAEL  and my experience among the pilgrims to the holy land exhibited the typical attitude of many Nigerian Christians in respect to prayers. We consider Christianity as utilitarian, something that can get us whatever we want or desire.

     It has been observed that our prayers are more directed at getting something from God rather than an avenue to commune with God, hear Him speak to us about His plans and programs, and enjoy His fellowship among other things.

      Whenever some Nigerian Christian has the opportunity to pray, he feels that God is under obligation to hear him speak first and only, rather than God speak to Him. We thunder at God , pray all manners of prayers and even dare to give Him time limits under which He must perform. But one thing we fail to do is to listen to God speak to us. We fail to realize that prayer is essentially communication, a dialogue between two individuals who talk to one another. Prayer for many of us has become a one way communication, wand we are the only one talking.
        I had the opportunity to share in a morning devotion with the pilgrims in my group after I observed the way and manner in which they threw themselves on the floor at every holy site during the pilgrimage. No doubt, we had all come to the holy land with our different expectations and grayer needs. There are those in dire need of one miracle or the other. Others are in need of major breakthroughs or turn around in their lives. Yet others I spoke to came for healing for themselves or loved ones.  
          Many brought photographs of loved ones who had particular ailments or needs and they believed the pilgrimage will work instant miracles once they touch these hallowed grounds. I made them to realize that more than they getting their prayer answered, God may have deliberately included them on the pilgrimage list in order to get their attention.
       Back at home, we are so preoccupied with daily grinds that we find it difficult to hear God speak to us.

         Our churches and clergymen make matters worse by filling every day of the week with church programs and activities that there is hardly anytime for personal interaction and fellowship with God.
      The art of quiet devotion and mediation seems to be missing in our Christian walk.  As a result, we become so dependent on what the man of God says rather than cultivating fellowship with God and hear Him speak to us directly as a Father to His child. God desires to speak and it is important that we listen to God, because a word dropped into our spirit by God may make all the difference and be the solution to all of our needs.
         Citing the book of Habakuk 2:1-3, the prophet in desiring that God speak to him and His particular situation said, ' I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.' Habakuk had complained to God about  the injustice, corruption and wickedness in His country.
        God responded that He will send the Babylonians to chastise the Israelites. Habakuk in response, could not understand why God would send a more terrible nation to punish Israel. He continued in His dialogue with God and resolved to hear God speak again to him concerning his concerns And God did.
      It is desirable that we pray, but it is imperative that we hear God speak to us in our prayers. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says..

Rev. Christopher Aigbadumah, Phd.
Moderator,  New Height Baptist Association; and
Snr Pastor,  Living Souls Baptist Church,  Agabara.

Thursday 12 December 2013

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     12  -   12   -2013
Thursday, December 12/2013

Luke 3:15-20


So John said to all of them, I baptize you with water, but someone is coming who is much greater than I am… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16, GNB

        Don Moen sang a song in his album, 'I Believe There Is More', which actually is the album title track. Also in his album 'Mercy Seat', he sang in the track 'I Just Want To Know You More' saying, "And yet I know there is more; I hear You calling me to place where I've never been before; where Your love is flowing deeper than the sea …." Psalms 42, 61, 63 and 84 are also examples of a desire to hold on to all that God has in store.

      John the Baptist, knowing men were about to put a crown on him had to turn their hearts to long for more than he could offer. He showed a different attitude compared to the priests and Pharisees. The people were hungry for the Messiah and just an inkling of John's anointing made them think he was the Christ. John, in clear terms, made them realise that the best he could offer was the baptism of water; and, the Christ would come with something far greater than they had seen–the Holy Spirit and fire.

       There is more to your Christian life that the promise of the Holy Spirit will achieve in your life. Ask the Father right away (read Luke 11:9-13).

Prayer Point: Lord, reveal unto me more of You in my Christian life.

Prayers: cplagoscentral@gmail.com

Saturday 7 December 2013

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