Tuesday 24 October 2017



Nigeria's president, Muhammadu Buhari recently flew out to Istanbul for the D-8 meeting. I wonder how many Nigerians understand the meaning of D-8? In the Nigerian media, you see something like "Developing 8" and yes, it's also known as "Developing 8" but what "Developing 8"?

These days, they don't like to call it what it is. It is actually an organization of 8 Developing Muslim, yes, Muslim nations. Very specific. Currently, countries that make up D-8 are  Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey. Do you get the drift yet? Nigeria named amongst hardcore Islamic nations! And if you think this is some kind of regular, harmless bilateral or diplomatic relations, read below the history of the D-8. 


"The idea of co-operation among major Muslim developing countries was mooted by Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan, the then Prime Minister of Turkey, during a Seminar on "Cooperation in Development" which was held in Istanbul in October 1996. The group envisioned co-operation among countries stretching from South East Asia to Africa. Representatives from Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria and Pakistan attended the Seminar. This conference was the first step towards the establishment of D-8 and it was only after a series of preparatory meetings that D-8 was set up officially and began its activities with the Istanbul Declaration issued at the end of the summit of Heads of State and Government held in Istanbul on 15 June 1997"

Recently, i gave a detailed analysis on how Nigeria was represented at the All Islamic Games in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN got a wind of it and raised alarm but they were arrogantly ignored because the did is done! 

Isn't that how Sukuk, the Islamic Bond was recently introduced in Nigeria and the Nigerian Government has since dumped billions of Nigerian Naira into the venture. But wait! What is Sukuk by the way? Sukuk is a Legal Instrument, Deed or Cheque - simply an Arabic name for Financial Certificates or some type of loans agreement. SUKUK is also regarded as, watch this, "Sharia-Compliant Bond!" The Fiqh Academy of the OIC legitimized the use of Sukuk in February of 1988. It is meant for full blown Sharia - Compliant Islamic Nations or Regions. Sukuk uses billions of Nigeria's collective wealth to issue Interest - Free loans to, i guess you know who...Again, the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN raised alarm, and like that of the Islamic Games, it fell on deaf arrogant ears! Why, because Nigerian Christians are TOAST!

Remember also that Nigeria is a full member of the Islamic Military Alliance, IMA, the Islamic world's impression of NATO. And Nigeria is also a full member of the OIC, Organization of Islamic Countries/Conferences.

Little wonder Nigeria recently pulled out of 90 International organizations to which it belonged. Ninety! We still don't have the list of those organizations. Obviously, D-8 isn't one of them. 

So, can you just give me one reason why you still believe the lie that Nigeria is a secular state. And you won't support Restructuring?

Wednesday 11 October 2017


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The act of faith, diligence and vision are necessary for excellent performance 

1. Kill your excuses and procrastination.

2. Destroy every form of distraction.

3. Avoid associating with negative minds. This is simply because they have problem with every solution.

4. Hang out with people who are more knowledgeable than you are.

5. Build mutual relationships with those who are already where you want to be.

6. Always feed your focus.

7. Be patient and consistent in what you do.
8. Add value to people's lives.

9. Have a written goal and clearly define your purpose.

10. Visualize where you want to be and be ready to pay the price to get there.

Wednesday 27 September 2017


On a day like this, words fail us to express our overwhelming joy in the celebration of a MAN of Vision, a 
●MINISTER with Unction,
●MISSIONARY with Passion,
●MANAGER with Wisdom and
●MENTOR with many Sons as he clocks another year today. 

Join us as we celebrate our Father in the Lord and Conference President, our amiable Pastor and trusted Friend, REV. DR. OYEBAMIJI KEHINDE BABARINDE. 

We pray that you will experience accelerated progress with abundant testimonies of victory. God will continually enrich you with wisdom for leadership, 
●authority to subdue the kingdom of darkness and 
●audacity to confront issues with divine solutions in Jesus name.

Happy Birthday sir. 

Pastor & Mrs Deji -Toyin Jegede

Sunday 23 July 2017

CAN Commends FG on the Reinstatement of Christian Religious Studies and Islamic Studies as Separate Subjects


The leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is using this medium to register our sincere and deep appreciation to the Federal Government for reversing the controversial, unlawful, and ungodly merger of the Christian Religious Studies and the Islamic Religious Studies as a subject by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC).

The merger of the two subjects had been rejected long before the emergence of this government because it was done without the consent of all stakeholders including CAN and all efforts made to reverse the ungodly policy were fruitless until now.

The reverse of the policy shows that we have a listening and sensitive government who is ready to reverse itself or any unacceptable policy when the need arises.

CAN also appreciates the timely intervention of the National Assembly in the saga that quickly doused the tension that was generated by the policy.

However, we ask the Federal Government to do the following: 
1. Direct the NERDC to organise a seminar on the New Curriculum with a view to addressing all the grey areas in it especially topics that can promote rebellion in our children.
2. Mandate all state governments to recruit adequate teachers for the CRK especially in the North where most of the states have no teachers for the subject.
3. Ask the Federal Ministry of Education to review all the textbooks that are currently being used as some of them are encouraging ungodly practices like masturbation.

We appreciate all well meaning Nigerians, the media and the civil society for their roles while the controversy lasted.

We pray for divine guidance and wisdom for our political leaders as they lead the country.

You are pleased requested to disseminate this information to the public.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Pastor Adebayo Oladeji
Special Assistant (Media & Communications) to his eminence, the CAN President, Rev Samson Olasupo A. Ayokunle, Ph.D

Thursday 29 June 2017




"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves"- Harriet Tubman

How can anyone describe Nigeria as a free nation when Sheik Othman Dan Fodio, the hero of the core Muslim north, the father of the Fulani Caliphate and the first Mahdi of Nigeria once said,

"Allah has bestowed on me and my people the historic duty to spread the holy faith of the Prophet throughout the Caliphate and convert these pagans. If they refuse to accept Allah and his Prophet we will wash the earth, the forests, the mountains, the rivers and the streams with their pagan blood. Ours is a holy and righteous calling. We are doing the work of Allah". 

How can anyone describe Nigeria as a free nation when Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Saurdana of Sokoto, the Premier of the Northern Region and the second Mahdi of Nigeria once said, 

"The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the north as willing tools and the south as conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future".

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when General Muhammadu Buhari, the indisputable King of the north, the avenging sword of the Caliphate, the almighty President of the Federal Republic, the unquestionable leader of the African Mujahadeen and the third and last Mahdi of Nigeria once said,

"It is my intention to spread sharia to every part of Nigeria" and that "why should Christians bother when Muslims chop off the hands of Muslims in the name of sharia" and that "Muslims should only vote for Muslims" and finally that "an attack on Boko Haram is an attack on the north".

What portion do those of us that are southerners and Middle Belters have in this so-called "free country" and why have we been consistently denied the right to decide whether we wish to remain in it by having a referendum? 

Were we born to be slaves whilst others were born to rule? God forbid it. My Christian faith teaches me that I am the head and not the tail.

It teaches me that it is a sore sight and a great evil under the sun to see the sons of slaves riding on horseback whilst the sons of the King walk around on bare feet. 

It teaches me that we are the head and not the tail and that light is meant to overcome darkness and not that darkness overcomes the light. 

The truth is that whichever way you look at it Nigeria is not free and Nigeria is not one nation.

We are in bondage and servitude to the sons and daughters of Futa Jalon and we are badly divided. That is the subject of this essay.

Permit me to share some bitter truths here.

I repeat, Nigeria is not a nation. As a matter of fact she was NEVER a nation. She is and has always been a monumental fraud and a manifestation of colonial Britain's doublespeak and deceit.

In 1947 she was rightly described as a "mere geographical expression" by Chief Obafemi Awolowo but since then she has degenerated even further. 

Today she is is no longer a "mere geographical expression" but instead a fully-fledged and dysfunctional vassal state and a colony of timid slaves that is owned lock, stock and barrel by the all-powerful, all-seeing and all-knowing Fulani hegemonists.

Yet in their pitiful delusion and blissful ignorance some still claim that we are a free modern nation-state where all are equal. 

My questions for those  that actually believe this nonsensical assertion and that espouse this erroneous notion are as follows:

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when Christian Religious Knowldge (CRK) is removed from the curriculum and Islamic Arabic Studies (IAS) is made compulsary?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when Christians are banned BY LAW from buying land to build churches in most parts of the core north?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when every single security and intelligence agency in the nation except for the Navy is headed by a northern Muslim? 

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when there are NO Christian commanders (i.e. those that have operational control over troop deployments) in charge of STRATEGIC commands in the Nigerian Army today? 

How can anyone decribe Nigeria as being free when ALL the STRATEGIC commands in the Nigerian Army are in the hands of Muslims?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when ALL the units under the Education Ministry are headed by northern Muslims and the Minister of Education himself is a Muslim.

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the words Christ, Church, Christianity or Christian are not mentioned ONCE in the constitution and when the word sharia is mentioned 73 times, Grand Khadi 54 times, Islam 29 times and Muslims 10 times.

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when, since Buhari came to power, any mention of Jesus or God is censored out of Nigerian films by the Nigerian Censors Board whilst the word Allah is mentioned freely.

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when there is an obvious and relentless attempt to islamise the country. 

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when there was an attempt by President Buhari to quietly pass a law that will give large tracts of land to Fulani herdsmen in every state of the Federation so that they can infiltrate, settle down in, breed with and eventually overwhelm and take over all the communities in which they were given that land.

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the Federal Government refuses to arrest the elderly Professor Ango Abdullahi and the rebellious, recalitrant, blood-baying and bloodthirsty Arewa youths and lock them ALL up for their implicit threat to commit genocide against the Igbo if they don't leave the north by 1st October?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the Arewa Youths can send an open letter to the Acting President describing the entire Igbo race as ingrates who have "not learnt their lessons from the past" and who "ought to be thrown out of the north" and "out of Nigeria?"

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the the Northern Youth Leaders Forum (NYLF) can tell the Federal Government that "Nigeria will boil", that there will be "a crisis that will spiral beyond control if the Arewa youths are arrested" and that "the Presidency will not be allowed to go to the south under any circumstances in 2019?"

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when well-armed Fulani militants and herdsmen commit genocide against whole communities  and yet not one of them has been arrested?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when cows (yes cows!) drive children out of their classrooms in Edo state and drive worshippers out of their churches in Benue state.

How can Nigeria be described as being free when Miyetti Allah appear to be above the law?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when we are about to enter a season of carnage, chaos and anomie and when the Federal Government have shown no desire or inclination to deliver our people from those who believe that they own Nigeria and who wish to drink our blood and eat our flesh?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when those in power today together with the entire Hausa-Fuani ruling class have consistently said no to restructuring? 

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the cabal that know that Buhari's health will not allow him to come back to rule wish to use the slaughter of the Igbo as a reason and a scapegoat to cause CRISIS in the country and truncuate our democracy rather than allow a Southern Christian President to continue in power? 

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the leaders of the ruling APC are considered as being above the law and continuously commit all manner of crimes and acts of corruption with impunity whilst dissenters, oppostion figures and the perceived enemies of the government are subjected to horrendous persecution, media trials and the brazen violation of their human rights and civil liberties?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the welfare of cows and the interest of cattle-rearers are more important than that of hard-working and productive patriots and innocent young school children?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when, since Buhari came to power, it is very difficult for a northern Christian to get admission into Ahmadu Bello University, the leading institution of higher learning in northern Nigeria?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free  when there is a strange Arabic insignia and unintelligible Arabic words apparantly depicting Othman Dan Fodio's battle cry inscribed on the coat of arms of the Nigerian Army.

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when english is replaced with hausa in Nigerian army parades?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when President Muhammadu Buhari openly expresses his disdain for the Igbo and encourages the hate-speech and threats that they are being subjected to today?

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when Acting President Yemi Osinbajo will allege that there is corruption in the Church but dare not allege that there is corruption in the mosques? 

How can anyone describe Nigeria as being free when the Acting President condemns what he describes as "hate speech" yet he refuses to arrest and detain those who not only kill Christians, southerners and Middle Belters but who also incite their murderous footsoldiers against them every day?

I could go on and on. 

What those that continuosly threaten others with violence and carnage fail to appreciate is as follows: for every mujahadeen there is a crusader. For every tyrant there is a deliverer. For every oppressor there is a freedom fighter. For every globalist there is a nationalist. 

For every integrationist there is a separatist. For every lily-livered and chicken-hearted coward there is a courageous and valiant hero and for every Goliath there is a David.

Yet despite our collective and pitiful servitude there is a silver lining on this very dark cloud. 

The demand for restructuring or, failing that, self-determination and full-blown independence is now very strong amongst the progressive forces and the long-oppressed ethnic nationalities in the land. 

This, coupled with the demand by the leaders of the three southern zones that the Arewa youths must withdraw their threat to the Igbo, is commendable and historic. 

They have also issued a timely warning that an attack on the Igbo would be deemed as an attack on the entire south. This gives us hope.

This indicates to us that the tree of liberty will soon be watered by the blood of the patriots and tyrants as it once was in the history of each and every one of the great western democracies.  

This proves that we are finally ready to pay the terrible price for our collective freedom and to make the necessary sacrifices. 

Simply put, the yoke and affliction of slavery and bondage shall soon be broken and Nigeria shall soon be free.

The first Nigerian civil war was about keeping Nigeria one. The second will be about winning our freedom.